PortageCentralHigh School Athletic Hall of Fame

Nomination Form

Name of Nominee

Street Address City Zip

Phone (home) (work)

Category: (please circle)AthleteCoachDistinguished Service

(Athlete) year of graduation: Years of coaching or service:

Nominee Information:

Educational background:

High School Year of Graduation

Years Attended Portage Central

College Year of Graduation

Advanced Degree Work

Nominee’s resume: (Please list records, awards, achievements. Attach extra sheet if necessary. This resume should include significant accomplishments, honors received, letters earned and highlights, both during and after high school as applicable. Also attach letters of recommendation if desired and any photographs. You are encouraged to include newspaper, magazine and yearbook articles along with coach's statements ofverification and support. Please give as much information as possible in this area.)

Nominated by

Street Address

City State Zip

Phone (home) (work)

Email Address______

PortageCentralHigh School Athletic Hall of Fame

Nomination Criteria

  1. The nominee must during and or following his/her career, have exemplified the pride and spirit that is Portage Central Athletics.
  2. If an athlete, he/she must be a Portage Central (formerly Portage or Portage Agricultural) High School graduate and have been out of high school for ten years.
  3. If a coach, he/she must have coached in the PortageCentralHigh School system. He/she may be coaching at the present time, although not in the same coaching role for which they are being nominated.
  4. If a distinguished service nominee, the person must have made significant contributions to the PortageCentralHigh School athletic program.

Please send your nominations to:

Joe Wallace

Athletic Director

PortageCentralHigh School

8135 South Westnedge Avenue

Portage, MI 49002

We Need Your Help - More Funds Needed For Hall Of Fame

The creation and development of such an energetic project plus the maintenance of it has not been without difficulty, particularly in the funding of the undertaking. We have been able to collect some contributions from different sources within the school and from donors in our community. However, there is still a definite need for more funds to defray the expenses of this entire endeavor. If you are able to contribute any finances individually or as a group, you are encouraged to send your check of any amount to members of the Hall of Fame Committee or send to:

Joe Wallace

Athletic Director

PortageCentralHigh School

8135 South Westnedge Avenue

Portage, MI 49002