Lesson Guide
Pest Management
Segment Time /
- 30 minutes to 2 hours (full length)
- If you need to make the program shorter, you can go through slides (add) more thoroughly, and make a list of the key points on the rest of the slides, touching on each briefly
- If you need to make it even shorter, go through slides (add – add)
Purpose / To provide action steps to reduce pests in the home
Audience / General consumer audience
Learning Objectives / Participants will accomplish the following:
- Knowledge: List the connections between health, well-being, and the home environment
- b: Identify home pest management techniques
- Application: List integrated pest management actions
Lesson Materials /
- Pest Management Lesson Guide
- PowerPoint with speaker notes
- Handouts of choice
- Name tags/tent cards for each student
- Pre/Post Tests and Evaluation form for each student
- Sign-in sheet, pens/pencils for participants
- Evaluation sheet
Participant Materials /
- Pest Management Pre and Post Test
- Pest Management Evaluation
- Pens/pencils/paper
- Copy of PowerPoint slides
Equipment /
- Laptop
- LCD Projector
- Speakers for computer (if showing videos)
- Extension cord and power strip
- Microphone (if you are inviting a guest speaker or have a large group)
- White board or flip chart and markers
- Internet connection to show videos
Training Resources (select most appropriate materials for your audience) /
- Help Yourself to a Healthy Home; focus on pesticide safety chapter
- US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Healthy homes and lead hazard control:
- HUD integrated pest management:
- EPApesticides:
- National Pesticide Information Center
- CDC hantavirus-
- The National Center for Healthy Housing: IPM for Multi-Family Housing is a great resource; review and be certain that it’s appropriate for your audience
Selected Factsheets / eXtension
State Extension Publications: Consider publications related to these pests or other regional pests of concern.
Sample publications:
- Cockroaches: Nebraska “Cockroaches”
- Ants: North Carolina “House Ants”
- Rodents: Alabama “Controlling Rats and Mice Around your Home”
- Bed bugs: North Dakota “Taking the Bite out of Bed Bugs”
- Minnesota – Bed bugs: Hiring a pest management professional
- Part of the Northeastern IPM Center: Stop Pests in Housing - Urban Entomology
Selected Videos /
- Ant colony – in depth (1 + hrs)
- Fire ants – eXtension -
- Rodents – Nebraska Mice Control -
- Bed bugs - How to look for and avoid bed bugs in hotel – Maine Extension
- Bed bugs – visuals only of bed bugs moving across a mattress and in the lab:
- Stop Pests Video (English) -
- Stop Pests Video (Spanish) -
- IPM Baltimore City – IPM
- Healthy Housing Tips – Cleaning etc. Home Tune-up:
- University of Florida Entomology: Education and Communication to Treatment – various discusses baits, baits station etc.:
Suggested “show and tell” demonstration tools
(Select most appropriate materials for your audience) /
- Cockroach baits and traps
- Caulking—acrylic and silicone
- Sticky traps and baits
- Copper scrubber
- Mouse/rat traps
- Boric acid
- Sealed storage containers and garbage bags
- Pesticide containers or pesticide labels from internet
- MSDS sheets
- A quarter, a dime, a ruler
Preparing for this Lesson
Pest Management
Preparing for this Session / This lesson assumes that an Extension educator will be the facilitator. If an alternate facilitator or co-facilitator is used, be certain they have reviewed the material and are clear that Extension is tasked with presenting non-biased material.Before the meeting:
- Several weeks in advance:
- Determine appropriate meeting location and time for the program.
- Contact an Extension educator or other guest speaker at least a month in advance (optional)—if using, use Guest Speaker form.
- Send out notices for meeting.
- Order handouts/reference materials if not making copies.
- At least one week before training:
- Read the lesson guide and PowerPoint materials. Add speaker notes if necessary.
- Review handouts/reference materials and supplemental material carefully.
- Make copies of handouts for this session.
- Review the optional activities and assemble show and tell activity/demonstration tools. Visit a retail store and purchase demonstration supplies as needed. See Suggested Materials and Supplies for Demonstrations and Activities.
- Day before Training
- Assemble snacks/beverages: water, sodas, crackers, fruit, plates, napkins, etc.
Presenting the LessonPest Management
Segment / Time (minutes) / Activity / Materials
Pre-Test / 10 / Administer pre-test. You may number to keep anonymous
Collect tests before beginning lesson or handing out any materials / Pre-Test
Introduction and Objectives / 5 / Ask: Have you ever had---
Review Objectives of training / PowerPoint slides 1-4
Publication: Help Yourself to a Healthy Home
Questions to ask about your home? / 10 / Questions to Ask about your home?
Discuss the home and pests? What do you know about them? How did they get in? / PowerPoint slides 4-9
Three pest examples. / 15 - 30 minutes / Discuss: 3 pest Examples
Potentially you could just present information on just one pest – the primarily pest in your area
Some areas do not have rodent issues for example / PowerPoint slides 10 -8
Demonstration tools:
Glue traps
Mouse traps
Caulk gun
Door sweep
Cleaning supplies
Show: YouTube video—describes IPM Program in Baltimore
How did the cockroach get into your home? Where do the cockroaches live? How do the cockroaches reproduce? What do the cockroaches eat?
Where do they drink?
How did the ant get into your home? Where do the ants live? How do the ants reproduce? What do the ants eat?
Where do they drink?
Rodents – Mice vs. Rats
Hantavirus Info
How did the rodents get into your home? Where do the rodents live? How do the rodents reproduce? What do the rodents eat?
Where do they drink?
Bed Bugs –
Of particular interest for some – but could stand alone or be taken out
Bed bugs, Bed bugs: Staying Calm, Bed bugs how do they get into your home, Bed bugs how to they reproduce; Bed bugs how to manage for them / PowerPoint slide 9 -16
PowerPoint slide 17-23
PowerPoint Slide 24
PowerPoint Slides 25 -26
PowerPoint slide 27-35
PowerPoint 36-41
In many programs people want to know about travel- the Maine Extension one is good
What is Integrated Pest Management / PowerPoint slides 42
Prior question about “how are you managing or controlling the pests?
All are IPM methods / PowerPoint slide 43
2-5 minutes / Blocking Entry into the house – an IPM method / PowerPoint slide 44
2-5 minutes / Key Factor is the minimize access to food and water / PowerPoint slide 45
5 – 10 minutes / Trapping – varies with pest species / PowerPoint slide 46-49
Various types of traps from sticky trap for cockroaches, to mice traps, photos of rodent traps
A quarter, a dime, a ruler
5 / Pesticides / PowerPoint slide 50
Pesticide Containers or labels, MSDS Sheets
5 / Contact: Insecticide vs. Bait / PowerPoint slide 51
Using Bait Stations / PowerPoint Slide 52
5 / Correctly using pesticides / PowerPoint slide 53 - 56
5 / Action steps / PowerPoint slide 57
1 / Keep a clean home / PowerPoint slide 58
1 / Keep pests out of your home / PowerPoint slide 59 - 62
2 / Use pesticides safely / PowerPoint Slide 63-64
1 / Review Action Steps Again / PowerPoint Slide 65
1 / For more information / PowerPoint slide 66 - 67
The University of Florida videos are great - -they are geared more for PMP – but visually allows the consumer to see IPM methods
Post-test / 10 / Administer post-test / Post-test
Review test / 5 / Go over each question and call on individuals in the audience.
Evaluation / 5 / Administer evaluation / Evaluation form
Lesson developed by Donna Shanklin, Alabama Cooperative Extension System,
Auburn University, April 2014
Sample news release or radio spot
Pest Management
Everyone needs a healthy home. However, did you know that some of the most serious health and safety problems may start at home? In the U.S., most people spend over 90% of their time indoors. There are steps and resources that can help us keep our homes healthy. Pest management options are more than the use of pesticides and knowing these options may help you to reduce you and your family’s exposure to pests and pesticides.
(Agency name) is sponsoring a program at (time) on (date) at (location). This program covers pest management in the indoor environment. The program will address pest identification and management. Additional helpful resources will be given. For more information or to register for the program call or email (agency name) at (phone number) or (email address).
Guest Speaker Confirmation Form:
Pest Management
Speaker:Today’s Date:
Presentation Date & Time:
Location Directions:
# Of Expected Participants:
General Audience:
Background: / The pest management workshop you are speaking at provides consumers with information on pest management. Your experiences with pest management may help people to understand one or more of the following: pest identification and pest management. Please share information that will help those with pest problems or those wanting to learn about pest management options prior to having pests.
Thank you language:
Other info: / Please let the workshop coordinator know of any audiovisual equipment or other needs you might have at least 2 business days prior to the presentation.
Home safety workshop coordinator contact info:
Thank you for agreeing to share your expertise on pest management