Environmental Science, Grade 11 Workplace SVN 3ECourse Outline
Course Details
The Ontario Curriculum: Science 2008Victoria Park Collegiate Institute, TDSB
Revised:Fall 2011Grade 11 Applied Science, SVN3E1, 1 credit
Resources: Prerequisites: Science, Grade 9, Academic or Applied or Grade 9 or 10 locally developed science course
Science Assistant Curriculum Leaders: K.Thorne, S. Reichling
Overall Goals
Curriculum Expectations
Scientific Investigation and Career Exploration:
Throughout this course, students will:
A1. demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the four areas ofskills (initiating and planning, performing and recording, analysing and interpreting, andcommunicating);
A2. identify and describe careers related to the fields of science under study, and describe contributions ofscientists, including Canadians, to those fields.
Human Impact on the Environment
By the end of this course, students will:
B1. analyse selected current environmental problems in terms of the role human activities have played in creating or perpetuating them , and propose possible solutions to one such problem;
B2. investigate air, soil, and water quality in natural and disturbed environments, using appropriate technology;
B3. demonstrate an understanding of some of the ways in which human activities affect the environment and how the impact of those activities is measured and monitored.
Human Health and the Environment
By the end of this course, students will:
C1. analyse the effects on human health of environmental contaminants and a significant environmental phenomenon;
C2. investigate how different environmental factors can affect people's health and their lifestyle choices;
C3. demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which environmental factors can affect human health and how their impact can be reduced.
Energy Conservation
By the end of this course, students will:
D1. evaluate initiatives and technological innovations related to energy consumption and conservation, and assess their impact on personal lifestyles, social attitudes, and the environment;
D2. investigate various methods of conserving energy and improving energy efficiency;
D3. demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of energy production, with reference to both renewable and non-renewable sources, and of various methods of energy conservation.
Natural Resource Science and Management
By the end of this course, students will:
E1. assess the environmental impact of the harvesting and/or extraction of resources, including ways of reducing this impact, and analyse threats to the sustainability of natural resources;
E2. investigate methods scientists use to classify and monitor natural resources, and conduct investigations using those methods;
E3. demonstrate an understanding of the sustainable use of resources and its relationship to the biodiversity and sustainability of ecosystems.
The Safe and Environmentally Responsible Workplace
By the end of this course, students will:
F1. assess workplace situations with respect to safety and environmental issues, and propose a course of action to address unsafe working conditions;
F2. investigate a variety of safe and environmentally responsible workplace practices;
F3. demonstrate an understanding of general workplace safety procedures and environmentally responsible practices.
Course Description
This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge of and skills relating to environmental science that will help them succeed in work and life after secondary school. Students will explore a range of topics, including the impact of human activities on the environment; human health and the environment; energy conservation; resource science and management; and safety and environmental responsibility in the workplace. Emphasis is placed on relevant, practical applications and current topics in environmental science, with attention to the refinement of students’ literacy and mathematical literacy skills as well as the development of their scientific and environmental literacy.
Prerequisite: Science, Grade 9, Academic or Appliedor Grade 9 or 10 locally developed science course
Course Content: Human Impact on the Environment20 hours*
Human Health and the Environment20 hours*
Energy Conservation20 hours*
Natural Resource Science and Management30 hours*
The Safe and Environmentally Responsible Workplace 20 hours*
*Times listed are approximate. Order of instruction may vary.
Learning Skills
Students will be assessed on the following Six Learning Skills with the use of a checklist;
Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative and Self-Regulation
Teaching/Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
A range of instructional strategies will be used to address student needs. Some of these strategies include direct instruction, interactive instruction, experiential learning and independent study. Students are given opportunities to learn and be assessed before evaluations. Summative evaluation for this course is based on a culminating activity and/or a final written exam.
Achievement Chart
Knowledge and Understanding – K & U (30%)
Evaluation may include quizzes, homework checks, tests, problem sets, assignments, facts, terms, concepts, applications, etc.
Communication – C (25%)
Evaluation may be based on laboratory reports, written reports, essays, oral presentations, in-class questions and answers, terminology, student-teacher conferences, etc.
Thinking and Investigation - T& I (25%)
Evaluation may include application of scientific inquiry, applications of technical skills, use of tools and equipment, open ended test questions, concept maps, formulating questions, etc.
Application – A (20%)
Evaluation may include research papers, projects, debates, interviews, analyzing issues, assessing impacts and proposing courses of action, understanding connections among Science, Technology, Society and the Environment, etc.
70% Grade on Course Work**
Human Impact on the Environment
Task / Achievement Chart Focus / Time of AssessmentK&U / T&I / C / A
Project: Analysis of a Disturbed Environment / x / x / x
Investigation: Air, soil and water quality testing / x / x / x
Unit Assessment / x / x / x / x
Human Health and the Environment
Task / Achievement Chart Focus / Time of AssessmentK&U / T&I / C / A
Project: Effect of An Environmental Contaminant on Human Health / x / x / x / x
Investigation: Case Study on Human Health / x / x / x
Unit Assessment / x / x / x / x
Energy Conservation
Task / Achievement Chart Focus / Time of AssessmentK&U / T&I / C / A
Project: Energy Consumption Innovations / x / x / x / x
Investigation: Improving Energy Efficiency / x / x / x
Unit Assessment / x / x / x / x
Natural Resource Science and Management
Task / Achievement Chart Focus / Time of AssessmentK&U / T&I / C / A
Project: Sustaining Natural Resources / x / x / x / x
Investigation: Monitoring Natural Resources / x / x / x
Unit Assessment / x / x / x / x
The Safe and Environmentally Responsible Workplace
Task / Achievement Chart Focus / Time of AssessmentK&U / T&I / C / A
Report: Proposal for an Unsafe Workplace / x / x
Unit Assessment / x / x / x / x
*** Specific assignments may be changed to meet needs of individual students ***
30% Grade Based on Course-Culminating Activities
All students will write one or more evaluations at the end of the course. These evaluations could include laboratory assessments, research projects/presentations and examinations.
Term Grades for Provincial Reports throughout the Year
The grade for each term/reporting period is based on the evaluations that have been conducted to that point in the course, and will be preliminary and tentative. They will be based on the most consistent level of achievement to that time, but some of the overall expectations, strands, end units, will not have been addressed. The students’ grades may change when all work is evaluated by the end of the course.
Midterm reports will be sent home with the students approximately half way through the semester.
The Research Process:
For every research-based assignment, students will be expected to use the TDSB student research guide, Research @ Your Library with the 4 stage model of the research process incorporated into these assignments either in part or in whole. Students will receive instruction and be assessed / evaluated on various aspects of the research process by either their teacher or one of the teacher-librarians. These lessons may include, but are not limited to the development of research questions, note-taking, adherence to a specific documentation style, facility with a variety of resources, etc.
Accommodations refer to the teaching strategies, supports, and/or services that are required in order for a student to access the curriculum and demonstrate learning. Students who have anIEP are entitled to the accommodations specified in their plans.
First of all … KNOW that we want you to succeed.
The science office is in room 221. You are encouraged to make an appointment with your teacher if you would like extra help, or if you wish to see/discuss your marks. Do not hesitate to ask for help.
Parents/guardians may contact the teacher at any time with comments and/or concerns at
416 – 395 – 3310 ext. 20095. Parents/guardians may also schedule an interview during Parent/Teacher interview time.
The teacher will contact parents/guardians as necessary.