An Overview of Documents currently on the Marketing Support

Healing Yourself and Others Directory: The new Healing Yourself and Other by Mastering Energy & Information book. This directory includes the cover, a pdf of the book and the word document for translation.

NES Autism Case Study Final.pdf: An example of a case study on Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

NES Autism Voucher Final.pdf: An example of a Voucher for a family with an Autistic child to receive three free Infoceuticals (This is only an example and does not mean that NES will cover the cost of providing 3 free Infoceuticals to everyone – each Distributor can use this but the cosy must be borne by them unless prior permission is sought and granted)

NES Consumer Leaflet Final.pdf: An example of a Consumer Leaflet (please do not issue this on the presumption that NES will cover the cost of three free Infoceuticals – this was used for a couple of NES exhibitions)

NES HEALTH LOGO directory: directory with NES Health logos

NES Health Overview Directory

NES Health Overview Brochure.pdf: A new brochure with an overview of NES Health including NES ProVision, NEs Infoceuticals and NEStrition

NES Health Overview Brochure Copy.doc: Copy for brochure for translation

Introduction to the Human Biofield Article pdf: Science article on the HBF

NES ProVision LOGO Directory: Directory with NES ProVision logos

NES Therapy LOGO Directory: directory with NES Therapy Logos

NEStrition LOGO Directory: Directory with a range of NEStrition logos

The Unturned Stone Directory:pdf of the Unturned Stone Book

NEStrition Directory

NEStrition Final Brochure.pdf

NEStrition Final Brochure Text Translations.doc: NEStrition copy for the brochure.

Article: An Introduction to the Human Biofield in pdf format. Word format available on request

Banners Directory

Your Future Banner.pdf: Artwork for a pop-up banner stand. In the UK we pay around £99 for something like this. We can get them produced here and shipped to you but you may also find a local supplier of these banners. I Will get a photo of our banners uploaded then you can see what they are.

Your Shout Banner.pdf: Artwork for a second pop-up banner stand. In the UK we pay around £99 for something like this. We can get them produced here and shipped to you but you may also find a local supplier of these banners. I Will get a photo of our banners uploaded then you can see what they are.

Posters Directory

Your Future Poster.pdf: Artwork for a poster

Your Future Poster.pdf: Artwork for a second poster

ProVision Directory

Screenshots of the NES ProVision software.

New Marketing Materials July 2010: directory including:

Client Newsletter: pdf of the Conscious Wellbeing Client Newsletter.

InfoceuticalTrifold: pdf of the InfoceuticalTrifold document

NEStritionTrifold: pdf of the NEStritionTrifold document

Your Call Poster: pdf of poster

Your Health in Your Hands Poster: pdf of poster