
Math 140 Intermediate Algebra - Spring 2016 - Term A

Policies and Procedures


email: . When sending an email, the subject should be the course name: Intermediate Algebra

Role of Computers in this Class:

  • email will be used for two-way communications.
  • Supplemental material, instructions, announcements, questions, etc. will be distributed via email.
  • Certain webpages will be required study. URLs will be provided at the appropriate time.
  • MyMathLab is available to enhance your learning. No credit is associated with MyMathLab work.

Class: Math 140: This is a 3 credit hour course. The class is in session for six and one-half hours per week. It is expected that you study the course material an additional 13 hours per week. Ideally you should attend class six and one-half hours per week, study the material 20 - 25 hours per week, and work problems an additional 6–8 hours per week. For most of you that means a total of 6 + 25 + 8 = 39 hours per week dedicated to this one course. It is a full-time job!

Class Meeting Time: This class meets from 11:30 AM until 2:45 PM on Tuesday and Thursday.

Office Hours: If you desire a conference with me, please make an appointment. For a brief discussion, simply stop at my desk before or after class. I will be available for walk-in assistance in the normal classroom on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45 PM to 3:15 PM.

TESTS:There will be six major tests whose total value will be 800 points. Each of these tests will be comprehensive in the sense that they will test all material covered in the course prior to that test.
The first three tests will each be worth 100 points, the fourth and fifth test will each be worth 150 points and the sixth test will be worth 200 points.

Your grade for the course is based on the above cited activities and will be determined according to the following scale.

  • 90 - 100% (and at least 80% on the final exam) A
  • 80 - 89% (and at least 70% on the final exam) B
  • 70 - 79% (and at least 60% on the final exam) C
  • 60 - 69% (and at least 50% on the final exam) D
  • Less than 60% (or less than 50% on the final exam) F

Failure to take two or more of the major comprehensive tests will result in a failing grade in the course.
Failure to take the Final Exam will result in a failing grade in the course.

The comprehensive tests will be on these dates:

Test 1: One hour during class on Thursday 28 January, 2016 / Test 2:One hour during class on Thursday 4 February, 2016
Test 3: One hour during class on Thursday 11 February, 2016 / Test 4: One and one-half hours during class on Thursday 18 February, 2016
Test 5: One and one-half hours during class on Thursday 25 February, 2016 / Test 6/Final Exam:Two hours during class on Thursday 3 March, 2016

The last day of class for this course is Thursday 3 March, 2016. The comprehensive Final Exam (Test 6) will be administered in the normal classroom during the last class period.
No exceptions are permitted.

Failure to take a Text:If unusual circumstances prohibit you from taking a major test (other than the Final Exam) on the scheduled date, you must (prior to the scheduled test time) obtain permission from Dr. Wegener to take the test at another time determined by Dr. Wegener. Such permission is granted only in very demanding or unusual circumstances. Under no circumstances will a make-up test be granted for more than one test. Under no circumstances will a make-up test be granted for the Final Exam.

Calculators: No Cell phones or any other device capable of communication may be used in class, on quizzes, or on tests. Graphing calculators with no communication capability will be used but will not be required for tests and quizzes.

Computers: No computers, laptops, ipods, ipads, pdas, cellphones, etc. may be operated during class time.

Academic Integrity: Any form of cheating will result in a failing grade for the course. No hats, caps, or hoods are permitted during tests. You are expected to read, abide by and uphold the STLCC Academic Integrity Statement available in the Policies and Procedures section of the DrDelMath website.

Withdrawal: A grade of "W" will be issued only if you initiate and complete the course withdrawal process before the final date (26 FEB) for such withdrawal. Failure to attend classes will result in a grade of "F" if you do not complete the withdrawal process.

Special Accommodations: The college has a department called the ACCESS OFFICE to guide, counsel, and assist students who need special accommodations. If you receive services through the Access Office and/or need special arrangements, please speak to me about those special needs during the first day of classes.

Attendance: You are expected to attend every class during the semester. Keep in mind that each class period is the equivalent of three classes in a normal semester. You are expected to arrive prior to the scheduled start time for the class and you are expected to remain in class until class is dismissed. If your attendance record is poor, it is unreasonable to expect significant help from your instructor. During your time in class, you are expected to be courteous and respectful of your fellow students.

Delano P. Wegener, Ph.D.

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