Abridged Minutes of the SELRAP executive meeting of 23rd Aug. 2016

Membership - 490.

Press and media report

·  Press (JW) - there are ongoing issues getting press attention. Other outlets need developing.

·  Facebook (WE) - the new SELRAP Facebook page is up and running, with 18 likes at present.

·  Twitter - will soon be linked to the Facebook page.

·  General email - a general e-mail account needs to be set up (done - DW).

·  Wikipedia - needs updating (WE).

Financial Report.

·  There is £5,000 in the "GRIP3 fund" and a useful working balance on top.

·  Sponsorship is to be sought from various bodies.

Reports from recent meetings.

·  Jun. 15th - Rail North

o  A useful meeting with Rail North David Hoggarth & Jim Bamford of RN at WYCA.

o  The main advice, received from David Hoggarth, was that SELRAP definitely needs a sponsor to take the scheme forward. Ideally this will be one or more county council (s).

o  Rail North is a consortium of all 29 local authorities

o  Rail North can only promote schemes that are supported by a sponsor.

o  We need to get the Skipton to Colne studies into the forthcoming RN Northern Powerhouse/ NR Northern Network Study. The scope of these studies will be firmed up later this year, to start in 2017.

·  Jul. 5th - Ministerial Meeting at DfT Westminster

o  We had a very successful ministerial level meeting at DfT in Westminster Ministers and DfT; Andrew Jones, Andrew Stephenson, Colin Poole (apologises Julian Smith)

o  Again the advice was that SELRAP definitely needs a sponsor to take the scheme forward – ideally one or more county council (s).

o  We also were give advice, by the Minister, that SELRAP must engage the Lancashire LEP.

o  Colin Poole of DfT confirmed it is OK for SELRAP to directly approach TfN’s chief executive David Brown (see below).

Future Meetings

·  Sep. 15th - Transport for the North

o  A follow-up meeting arranged after the DfT meeting in July, to take place in Manchester.

o  Present will be David Brown (chief executive of TfN) and Jim Bamford (Rail North).

o  Agenda for this meeting is still to be confirmed

·  TBA - Lancashire County Council and Lancashire LEP

o  The objective will be to solicit support from LCC as sponsor for the project, with the LEP providing possible backing.

o  Edwin Booth (chair of the Lancashire LEP) has recommended that we also involve the Local Growth Fund.

·  TBA - LCC Socio–Economic Study

o  The brief for this study has been seen and previously circulated.

o  It was agreed that we will contact the LCC to find out what is happening.

·  Oct. 4th – Drax

o  Drax are happy to meet us again. We may further explore the freight implications.

·  Possible meetings being explored.

o  Other Ministerial and MP Level meetings

o  WYCA and Leeds LEP etc

o  Arriva TOC


·  The leaflet design is to be modified, and another 5000 printed.

·  The next At a Glance is to wait until we have some more positive news, and therefore will probably be in the autumn/winter.

·  Earby Model Railways Society are putting on a display of “new Earby Station Model”. SELRAP will help and also put on a display.

·  David Penney has acknowledged our incorporation into the “Great North Plan”

·  Peter Bryson has been invited to the “Rail Breakfast Northern Networking" event on behalf of SELRAP.

·  Action will be taken to contact MPs via constituents that are members of SELRAP (Paul Haywood and David Byrne).

·  The “Northern England” map of MP’s is out of date on the website (now corrected).

·  Trawden Agricultural show - attended by John West and Derek Jennings, who distributed leaflets and newsletters.

·  Special Event – Guest Speakers Christian Wolmar and Nigel Harris - November 14th.

o  Arranged and speakers confirmed.

o  This will take place in the main room at Herriot's.

o  Open to members and public, with a maximum of 100.

o  Invitations will go out by email (post where required) with an RSVP to avoid exceeding capacity.

o  As this is still an open meeting, there will still be a cut down version of the normal content.

o  Although Earby lost this open meeting because of the expected numbers, meetings will be re-scheduled to ensure that Earby does not lose out.