What has changed in RDA training since the making of this course (2012 March)
Also, what errors have been discovered in the training material?
General topics
- PCC Task Group on Acceptable Headings now has a policy in place. Currently this will impact you as you finish this course: NAR’s with the 667 indicating that human intervention is needed to upgrade the record to RDA will be eligible for you to upgrade. Please see Changes to the LC/NACO Authority File: What LC-PCC RDA Catalogers need to know (PDF : 9p. 220 KB) (Aug. 1, 2012)
- A change in normalization is in process. Time of implementation is not known. The hyphen will now be recognized as a character. This allows for the -1959 and 1959- to be recognized as different additions to a name. (2012 July)
- The Library of Congress Policy Statements are now called the LC-PCC Policy Statements, with clear delineations between LC policy and PCC policy where there is a difference. So you will now follow the LC-PCC PS’s in the same way you followed the LCRI’s. (2012 June)
MARC 21 Authority Format
- Both OCLC and SkyRiver nodes have the capability of using ALL the new MARC fields in the authority records at this point. Also OCLC Connexion added the new RDA workforms, so you can create an authority record and automatically have the codes for RDA in place. Within your own library, of course, you will need to check your own ILS vendor to find out if they have made those upgrades.As always, please check DCM Z1 for authorized data elements for the 046 and the 37X fields, or consult MARC 21 encoding to accommodate new RDA elements 046 and 3XX in NARs and SARs [Word: 139 KB; 8 p.] (2012 May)
- Error: The 372 field is presented as being exclusive to personal names. This is incorrect, as there is a Field of Activity attribute for Corporate Body names as well (RDA 11.10) and the MARC 21 Authority Format instructs that the 372 field is available for use with both Personal names and Corporate Body names. (2012 May)
- When recording a website as your source of information for all the new fields, you can now record the title of the website/webpage in the $v and the specific URL in the $u subfield. (2012 August)
- 377 $l subfield has been implemented by MARC.
- 378 field has been implemented by MARC.
- 382 has added an indicator 1 and several new subfields. These new fields and indicator gives more details about the medium of performance.
- The new subfields in 383 have all been activated.
Personal Names
- RDA 9.15 Field of Activity is no longer considered a core element for personal names. RDA and related instructions changed to indicate that field of activity is no longer eligible for use as a qualifier in the authorized access points. NOTE: You will still be able to record it in the 3XX field; it just cannot be used in the 100 field. (2012 April)
- RDA catalogers: Please do not create or add to undifferentiated personal name authority records. PCC guidelines:
- LC-PCC PS has been updated to supplement the reasons for providing additions to variant access points.
- LC-PCC PS and have been changed to bring PCC practice into accord with LC practice. You are now to use only the hyphen with birth only or death only dates, instead of using born or died. (2012 August)
Undifferentiated Personal Name Authority Records (2012 December)
Pending the final report of the PCC Non-MARC Task Group, due March 29, 2013, PCC NACO catalogers encountering identities that may be candidates for an undifferentiated name authority record are asked to follow these guidelines:
RDA-trained NACO Catalogers
• Avoid if at all possible creating new RDA or AACR2 undifferentiated personal name authority records
• Avoid if at all possible adding entities to existing RDA or AACR2 undifferentiated personal name authority records
Instead, apply one of the following RDA instructions, based on cataloger's judgment, to create a unique authorized access point for the person:
• RDA (Profession or Occupation)
• RDA (Period of Activity of the Person)
• Determine if a date of birth, a date of death, a fuller form of name, or an initial is available to create a unique authorized access point for the person.
AACR2 NACO Catalogers
• Until they are RDA-trained, AACR2 NACO catalogers may continue to create new AACR2 undifferentiated name authority records
• Until they are RDA-trained, AACR2 NACO catalogers may continue to add entities to existing AACR2 undifferentiated name authority records
Family Names
- No changes noted.
Corporate Body
- RDA instruction to omit initial articleswhen establishing the preferred name of a Corporate Body has now been made an alternative. In the alternative you will retain under the initial article only when the name is to file under that article as a part of the name. The LC-PCC PS instructs LC to follow the alternative. (2012 April)
- RDA Type 9 has been expanded to include a ruling executive body as well as the head of state or head of government. RDA now exists to give further details about how to establish the preferred name of a ruling executive body.(2012 April)
Conference Names
- Exhibitions, Fairs, Festivals, Etc. (AACR2 24.8) are treated as conferences in RDA (use of the phrase “Conferences, etc.” in RDA, etc.)
- Catalogers are no longer limited by the requirement for a word meaning Conference in order to consider it a conference. Anything that you consider a conference (cataloger’s judgment) can be established as one, regardless of whether or not it has the Conference – or its many equivalents – in it. If it does not, then you will need to add a qualifier -- (Conference), or (Symposium), or (Meeting), etc.—whichever is most appropriate -- to the name in the $a subfield, before adding any of the other required qualifiers in their own subfields. (2012 June)
Geographic Names
- LC-PCC PS changed the source of information that we are to use for Canadian geographic names. Under RDA catalogers are not required to consult Library and Archives Canada directly, if a conflict situation or other unresolved problems with geographic names persist catalogers may search the VIAF or contact the LAC NACO liaison.
- Under LCRI 25.8, the date of publication was added in subfield $f in all cases to collective title beginning with Works or Selections. In RDA and the related LCC-PC PS’s, it is no longer required to give the subfield $f date for conventional collective titles that begin with “Works” or “Works. Selections” authorized access points. (2012 June: the LC-PCC PS was updated 2012 August to remove this requirement)
- A change in bibliographic practice may have an impact for NAR’s on occasion. In LC-PCC PS 6.27.3, you were instructed to give two access points for bilingual editions, one for the original language, using the $l subfield, and another for the language of translation, as usual. This might have led to some NAR’s that included the original language in the $l subfield. This policy has now been changed to not include the original language in the $l subfield, so that those NAR’s will not occur. (2012 June: Removal of this exception in the LC-PCC PS 2012 August)
- No changes noted.
January 15, 20131