CAL-methods => CAM-rules: ( CAL-table for EPR-eDevice products )

Operation on IV’s Data Types

Hex Method Argument Boolean Numeric Character Data Description:

40 nop none No operation

41 setOFF IV • o o o Set a Boolean IV to 0 (FALSE)

42 setON IV • o o o Set a Boolean IV to 1 (TRUE)

43 getValue IV • • • o Returns the contents of the IV in a response message

44 getArray IV [│[<offset>][│<count>]] o o o • Returns count number of bytes of the data IV starting at

the offset byte. The default offset is 0 (beginning of

the data); the default count is all of the data

45 setValue IV [│<value>] • • • o Set the IV to <value>. If no value is given, then the

IV is set to the object’s default_value IV

46 setArray IV │[<offset>]│<data o o o • Stores <data> bytes into a data IV starting at an

<offset> number of bytes. The default <offset> is 0

(beginning of the IV).

47 add IV1 │IV2 [│IV3] o • o o If only IV1 and IV2 is given, then IV2=IV2+IV1. If IV3 is

given , then IV3=IV1+IV2

48 increment IV [│<number>] o • o o Increments IV by <number>. If number omitted, IV

increments by step_size IV

49 subtract IV1 │IV2 [│IV3] o • o o If only IV1 and IV2 is given, then IV2=IV2-IV1. If IV3 is

given , then IV3=IV2-IV1

4A decrement IV [│<number>] o • o o Decrements IV by <number>. If number omitted, IV

decrements by step_size IV

4B compare IV │<argument> • • • • Used to compare the magnitude of IV with <argument>

<argument> can be an IV label or a value. The Data type of IV and <argument> must be the same. Returns 1 (31 hex) if IV GT <argument>, 2 if IV LT <argument>, or 3 if IV EQ to <argument>

4E swap IV1 │IV2 • • • • Exchange the contents of IV1 and IV2. Data Types of

both arguments must be the same

4F report IV Initiates a reporting message from an Object regardless

of any predefined reporting_condition in the object.

The value reported is IV. The reporting IVs must be set

up correctly.

52 exit [<value>] Ends the current level of execution. If used within a loop

(do, while, repeat), the loop is terminated and execution

continues after the <END> token. If <value> is given ,

all parsing terminates and <value> is returned in a

response packet

53 alias <alias ID> [<string>] Used to equate a commonly used character string to a

1-byte alias ID. <alias ID> must be in the range 80-CE.

If no <string>, then the alias ID is canceled.

54 inherit IV │<value> o • o • Used to assign a <value> to a resource IV (system

address , node address, group address, data channel

number). The CAL Interpreter must hail for the resource

( except for the group address)

55 disinherit IV │<value> o • o • Used to disinherit a <value> from a resource IV.

IV must be the group address IV or a data channel IV.

<value> is a group address or data channel number that

previously been inherited.

56 if <Boolean-expr> BEGINmessage list [ELSE <message list>]END Used for condition execution of <message list> based on

the result of <Boolean-expr>. <message list> can

contain any message that is valid for the object.

<Boolean-expr> may contain any IV that is used in the


57 do <Boolean-expr> BEGINmessage list END Used to perform a do-while style loop. One execution of

message list> will occur prior to testing <Boolean-

expr>. Execution of <message list> will terminate when

<Boolean-expr> evaluates false.

58 while <Boolean-expr> BEGINmessage list END Used to perform a do-while style loop. <Boolean-expr> is

tested prior to executing <message list>. Execution of

messages will terminate when <Boolean-expr>

evaluates false.

59 repeat <value> BEGINmessage list END Will repeat the execution of messages for <value>

number of times.

5A build <macro ID> BEGINmessage list END Used to create a macro identifier for one or more

messages frequently sent to an object .

< macro ID> must be in the range 80-CE.

5B copyValue argument> │IV [│<context ID<object#>] Allows copying an IV from one object to another object in

the same product. Copies <argument> to IV in the same

object or in <context ID<object#> productin the product (eDevice). <argument> is usually an IV in the object receiving this method , but can be a value.


GT Greather Than IV Instant variable in eDevice Object

LT Less Than ● Methods operates on this IV Data Type

EQ Equal o Methods does not support this Data Type

│ Delimiter(F5). A CAL method identifier is a 1-byte (40-7E Hex) that is followed by one or more arguments separated by <DELIMITER>token.

4C, 4D, 50, 51 and 5C-7E is spare for new possible methods


IV Instant variable in eDevice Object

● Methods operates on this IV Data Type

o Methods does not support this Data Type

│ Delimiter(F5). A CAL method identifier is a 1-byte (40-7E Hex) that is followed by one or more arguments separated by <DELIMITER>token.

GT Greather Than

LT Less Than

EQ Equal

The challenge is to create CAM-rules according to these defined CAL-commands for the EPR-eDevice standard ( ANSI/CEA-721 ).

CAL methods operate on Values(IV) in EPR-eDevice Objects (eDeviceOB)

Basically the CAM-rules are using XPath and we need to them to the CAL-methods.

David has given these slide decks with XPath examples for CAM-rules:

Better link to CAM-rules:

See also:

The later slides have specific examples - Business Rules -> CAM rules syntax.