North Region
No report submitted.
Twin Cities Chapter
Meetings were held on August 12 and November 11, 2003.
Topic of August meeting was Exhaust Abatement and guest speaker was Mike Sherer of ATMI. In his role as SESHA President, Mike also discussed SESHA's mission and goals.
Topics highlighted at November meeting were ISO 14000/18000 certification, presented by Bob Cockriel of Seagate, and SEMI standards potpourri by Mike Sherman of FSI. Also discussed schedule for 2004 and decided upon quarterly topics and locations.
Meetings are typically the second Tuesday of the month (once a quarter). Tentative 2004 schedule follows:
February 10 meeting at Seagate for SESHA Student Papers
May 11 meeting at Rosemount for Equipment Installation/Decommissioning
August 10 meeting at PolarFab Ergonomics in the Fab and NFPA 70E implementation
November 9 meeting at FSI for SEMI Standards potpourri and Exhaust Optimization
New requirement for SESHA Chapters to charge non-SESHA members who attend
Chapter meetings may be an issue for us. We are a small chapter with a low membership rate. There are three "types of participants in our Chapter. There are approximately 12 active members from 7 companies. We have a peripheral group of chapter members, including consultants, vendors and others from the core companies that occasionally attend meetings.
Additionally, there are attendees who's function is related to the topic. I have surveyed members over email regarding the membership issue and have received mixed responses. I will bring this up at our February meeting and will respond to SESHA at that time.
Mid Atlantic Chapter
No report submitted.
New England Chapter
No report submitted.
Tri-State Chapter
No report submitted.
South Region
Participated on monthly chapter conference calls and region director call
Offer to help Chapters as needed
Prepared 2004 draft of region director goals
Chapter Status as of last contact
- North Carolina: continues to lack critical mass for chapter
- Florida: lacks critical mass
- New Mexico: no recent contact
- Murray State: meeting and participating on conference calls
- Texas Hill Country: re-organizing at moment; loss of members on steering group; initiated membership drive
- North Texas: meeting regularly, strong, new member from X-Fab in Lubbock
Christmas party held in December. Monthly steering committee meetings.
Texas Hill Country Chapter
- Meeting - September 18, 2003 at URS
Our last meeting of 2003 was held on 18-Sep-03 at URS who also sponsored lunch. URS is considering becoming a corporate member of SESHA. 19 people, 8 URS employees, attended the meeting. Meeting minutes were distributed to all via e-mail.
- Social – December 4, 2003 at Baby Acapulco
In lieu of a December meeting a social was given on the 4th at Baby Acapulco. Approximately 20 people attended including Bernie Frist. An award was presented to the paid member of SESHA that one the Membership Drive award. I (Renee Bade) am happy to say that I am the owner of a nice SESHA pen in a rosewood box!! In addition three SESHA coffee mugs were given as door prizes. At the social Mark Kleinsteuber announced his desire to resign as president. The social was a success thanks to the help of the social planning committee: Mark Kleinsteuber, Andrea Sevier, Renee Bade, Jeanne Yturri, Julie Spencer, and Sally Pawsat.
- 2004 Calendar
Our first board meeting is scheduled for Jan-19-04 at which time we plan to form a steering committee to assist in re-vitalizing the chapter by providing direction, retaining speakers, encouraging cooperation with other organizations, and more. Our first goal will be to fill the presidency, and discuss the issue of tracking non-members at meetings. Our meetings are generally scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of March, June, October, and December from 10:00 – 1:00PM with the first meeting set for March 18, 2004.
North Texas Chapter
No report submitted.
Murray State University Chapter
Annual Report – 2003
The following information is a listing of activities the MSU Chapter for 2003
During the first quarter, we participated in a Wellness Day for the faculty and staff of the university. Our involvement consisted of ergonomic workstation evaluations. We provided a mock workstation where we demonstrated how to set up the workstation including correct postures, workstation exercises, different computer mice, as well as proper chair adjustments. We provided handouts with exercises, workstation checklists, and references for ergonomic-related Internet web pages.
During the second quarter, our Faculty Advisor, Dr. David Kraemer, and chapter secretary, Kevin Proper, went to San Antonio, TX (April 13-17) for the annual SESHA conference. Kevin served as a student worker at the conference, and attended the student meetings and paper presentations. Kevin had the opportunity to network with OSH professionals, and meet students from a variety of safety and health programs from around the country.
During the third quarter, there were no SESHA activities because SESHA members and officers were with doing professional internships at various locations throughout the country.
During the fourth quarter, there was a bit more activity. The following dates are representative of separate events/information:
- September 3rd First Meeting of New Semester (SESHA Background and Orientation, and Annual Symposium Paper Opportunities)
- September 25, 26 - Originally set aside for Fall Lecture tour hosted by Murray State, but was cancelled because selected speakers were not going to be able to attend. We will try again next year.
- October 6th – Visit from Mike Sherer for guest lecture on the semiconductor industry
- October 7th – Participated in Wellness Day for Faculty and Staff. We were asked to do Ergonomic Workstation Evaluations again because it was received well the previous year.
- Plans are being discussed about possible trip to annual SESHA conference in the spring if funds are available.
- New officers installed:
President – David Gordon
Vice President – Brad Demarest
Secretary – Angie Terrell
All of the new officers are graduate students and serve as graduate assistants in the Occupational Safety and Health Department at Murray State University.
New Mexico Chapter
No report submitted.
West Region
No report submitted.
Northern California Chapter
Chapter Meetings:
August 7, 2003 - Meeting was on Professional Paradox-Speak Up Or Remain Silent? Speaker was Robert Myers, Esquire,
Law Office of Robert Myers
October 2, 2003 - Code Requirements Based on Occupancy by Jeff Tarter, Integrated Engineering Services
December 10, 2003 - Holiday Party with local ASSE Chapter and the Bay Area Environmental Safety Group (BAESG). Raffle prizes and raffle run by N. Calif. SESHA Chapter
Attendance at our meetings is usually between 15-20 people, on an average.
Other News:
THANKS VERY MUCH to LaWanda Rushing-Frankin for being our past VP/Treasurer
!Thanks for volunteering!
Welcome to Gary Williams and Ben Hertzler, as new VPs for 2004!
N. Calif. SESHA/DTSC Mini Conference held on November 5, 2003 at AMD facilities. Conference was on semiconductor pollution prevention. Speakers were from industry and local government.
Rocky Mountain Chapter
- A quarterly planning meeting for the Rocky Mountain Chapter was held in November to discuss chapter activities for 2004.
- Chapter officers will remain the same for 2004 with David Helmer at Atmel serving as the Executive Assistant, Trent Schon from Intel the Vice-President and John Visty from Earth Tech remaining as the chapter President.
- Another planning meeting set for late January will identify 2004 meeting dates.
oA Fall 2003 mini-conference was co-sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Chapter of SESHA with local chapters representing AIHA and ASSE. The RM SESHA chapter provided four speakers at the two-day conference held October 7th & 8th, 2003. Supporting attendance from the SESHA RM chapter was disappointing but this was the first mini-conference attempt.
Arizona Chapter
- Officers- Effective January 1, 2003
President - Paula Calabrese Tokyo Electron
Secretary/President Elect- Kim Smieja Intel Corp.
- Steering Committee Members
Robert B. / Barnes / Robert B. Barnes Associates, Inc.
John / Bucciarelli / Motorola SPS Chandler
Paula / Calabrese / Tokyo Electron America, Inc.
Greg / Hedger / SUMCO USA
Anne / Ellis / Health and Safety Specialist
Engineering Research Services
Arizona State University
Dave / Moyer / Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Thad / Jones / Microchip Technology, Inc.
Timothy / Jones / On Semiconductor
Donna / LaFlamme-McGuire / Medtronic
Chris / Scully / Intel Corp
Mike / Sherer / ATMI
Kim / Smieja / Intel Corp
- Chapter Meetings
The August chapter meeting was well attended. Presentations included Water Savings Case Study, an OSHA Regulatory Update, Water Resource Use and Conservation in AZ by the City of Phoenix and Water Conservation in industry. In addition to presentations, a short panel discussion followed. The meeting was paid for with the chapter’s annual SESHA budget and held at the Other Place at the Dobson Ranch Inn.
The November chapter meeting included presentations addressing Homeland Security Rule: Hazardous Material Shipping and Handling, Waste Characterization Overview, and Safety Planning in a Major Fab Retrofit. The meeting was sponsored by Hyperion International and held at the Other Place at the Dobson Ranch Inn.
- University Lecture Tour
A lecture tour was organized and presented at Arizona State University’s East campus in September (where the environmental, health and safety program is based.) Steering Committee members volunteered to present relevant EHS information to the students and were available for questions and answers regarding employment opportunities in the EHS field.
- SESHA National Symposium Activities
Steering Committee members have been actively supporting planning efforts for the National Symposium to be held in Scottsdale in April 2004. Thad Jones is the co-chair for the symposium. The Emerging Technologies session is owned by the AZ Steering Committee as this session is taking the place of the chapter’s annual mini-conference. Paula Calabrese and Kim Smieja are co-chairs for the session, and Tim Jones and Bob Atkinson are session moderators. John Bucciarelli is also very involved in obtaining participation with presentations. Additionally, the steering committee is supporting exhibitor activities by contacting local companies to solicit vendors.
- Steering Committee Activities
The Steering Committee continues to meet monthly to address the needs of the local chapter.
- Future Plans
- Election of Officer: Secretary/President Elect
Elections for Secretary/President elect will be conducted in January. The chapter has two nominations for the position.
b. February Chapter Meeting
The February chapter meeting is in the planning stages. The meeting scheduled for February 19 will feature presentations and panel discussions related to Managing Chemical Safety with the Homeland Security Rule, an OSHA update, EPA Waste management Changes and an SVA Tier 1 update.
Pacific NW Chapter
No report submitted.
Southern California Chapter
No report submitted.