Lesson Plan
Subject: /


/ Date: / Period: / Class:
Topic: /

Growing through movement ~ Lesson 2

Resources: / * White board marker
* Rainbow Serpent story handout
Big Picture: / This scheme of work is on students learning through movement. It is based around the stories of the Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime. Traditionally these stories depict the creation of the world and its creatures through movement and dance.
It experiments with body language, facial expression and gesture. All of the activities help to learn how to express feelings and ideas using your body and through interaction with others.
Learning to communicate through movement brings physical confidence and the ability to get a message across in situations where words are not necessary or appropriate.
Aim/s: / Students to be familiar with drama terms Body language, Facial Expression, Gesture and Mirroring.
Learning Objectives
(All) / * Students to be familiar with drama terms body language, facial expression gesturing and mirroring
* Students to work cooperatively in pairs/groups
* Students to use body creatively
(Most) / * Students should start to verbally evaluate each others work
* have confidence to perform to the class
(Some) / * Do group Work without help from other students or teacher
* Feel confident to put hands up and answer questions


(Time specific) /

Learning Activities

/ G&T, ICT,Literacy, Assessment
Introduction/ Starter:
5 mins / Ask students to find a place on their own in the room. They are to start as rocks curled up on the ground (from rainbow serpent story).
Tell them that for their good behaviour the rainbow serpent is going to allow them to change into frogs and they can slowly transform.
Rocks to frogs/frogs back to rocks.
Then Rocks frogs/frogs to birds/birds to frogs/frogs to rocks..
Finally Rainbow serpent to rocks, rocks to frogs/frogs to birds/birds to people/people to birds/birds to frogs/frogs to rocks, rocks to rainbow serpent.
1. Introduce Drama words
10 mins
2. Pair Work
20 mins
3. Group Activity
10 mins
10 mins / Introduce the concepts of body language, facial expression and gesture and what they mean. Explain why they are important in performance and what they can do.
Recap the rainbow serpent story. Ask students to retell parts they can remember.
Mirror Image. Students get into pairs and find a space in the room. MODEL with volunteer. Partners stand facing eachother. One is the leader, the other, the "mirror." Moving only from the waist up, the leader begins to make simple gestures or movements. The "mirror" duplicates the leader's movements exactly. The focus is on being totally in tune with partner. Once you've got all the students concentrating on mirroring, have them switch leaders.Show a few of the couples that are doing well.
Tell students that if they are doing a good job, you will not be able to tell who is the leader and who is the "mirror." Try to keep them from using their lower bodies until they have really mastered the arms-and-face mirroring.
Students are to join with another pair to make a group of 4. Ask students to act out the scene when rainbow serpent is moving around and creating the world. One must lead and the others must follow, mirroring their actions exactly. MODEL with volunteers (ask G+T).
Focus on the body language, facial expression and gesture needed to get across the scene. Encourage students to evaluate work and become familiar with drama terms.
Some to perform. Evaluate using key terms. / G+T Students can offer definitions
EAL/SEN write words and definitions on board
5 mins / Talk back over lesson and discuss what students have learnt. Why is it important to learn mirroring? Mirroring is a way of developing concentration skills, and of honing careful observation skills. It is the leader's responsibility to perform movements that the "mirror" can follow precisely. They must use smooth, continuous movements, because abrupt movements almost always catch the "mirror" lagging.
Ask students to put up their hands and say the drama words that we have talked about today. / Assessment


Assessment: / * Students assess their own learning
* Teacher assesses lesson and students