industriAll European Trade UnionExecutive Committee

High-Level Conference

Madrid, 2nd April 2014

‘The Future of Industrial Employment in Europe’


Tuesday1April 2014: Arrival of participants in Madrid

Wednesday2April 2014

8.30 a.m.:Registration of participants

9.00 a.m.:Opening of the Conference

Welcome address - CándidoMéndez, ETUC Vice-President

9.15 a.m.:‘The Future of Industrial Employment in Europe’

Presentation of the industriAll Europe Manifesto

Michael Vassiliadis, industriAll Europe President

9.45 a.m.:Keynote Speech

Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament

10.15 a.m.: Coffee Break

10.45a.m.Panel Debate1 ‘Re-launching the EU’s industry’

Introductory Address

Didier Herbert, Director: Enterprise Competitiveness, Industry and Growth Policies, European Commission (DG ENTR)

Key questions:

-What role can the EU play in formulating an industrial policy strategy applicable in all its Member States?

-How can jobs be created and safeguarded in an age of rapid technological change and increased global competition?

-What role should the workforce play in this development and what set of skills are required to capitalize on opportunities?

-How can financing for the EU’s ‘Industrial Renaissance’ be ensured?

Chair: Ulrich Eckelmann, industriAll Europe General Secretary

Panel speakers:

Heinz Bierbaum(DE) – Member of Die Linke Party Executive

Édouard Martin(FR), S&D – Head of list région Grand Est

Reinhard Bütikofer MEP (DE), Greens EFA–President

12.30 p.m.:Lunch break (press conference)

2.00 p.m.:Current Economic Situation and Outlook for Europe’s Southwest Region

Marcos Peña, President of the Spanish Economic and Social Committee

2.30 p.m.: Panel Debate 2 ‘The Role of Trade Unions in Europe’s Industrial Renaissance’

Key questions:

-How can we achieve the best balance between the social dimension and the need for competitiveness?

-How can employee involvement and participation be ensured?

-What challenges lie ahead for the workforce with regard to skills and training?

-Which national best practices should be taken account on EU level?

Chair:Luc Triangle, industriAll Europe Deputy General Secretary

Panel speakers

Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, ETUC President

Sergio Gigli (IT), Femca CISL General Secretary

Josef Stredula (CZ), OS KOVO President

Anders Ferbe(SE), IF MetallPresident

Wolfgang Lemb (DE), IG MetallBoard Member

4.15 p.m.:Closing Remarks

Ulrich Eckelmann, industriAll Europe General Secretary

4.30 p.m.:Close of the conference

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Tel: +32 (0)2/22600 50