Members attending: Mr. Fenton (Chairman), Mesdames Lennon and Sleboda, and Messrs. Contonio, Lang, Runstrom, and Schur

Additional Attendees:

Robert Bostwich (Chairman, Master Plan Implementation Committee)

Peter Bogren (Selectman)

Richard Hafey (Worcester T&G)

Jack Malone (resident)

Dr. Thomas Pandiscio (Superintendent, Wachusett Regional School District (“WRSD”))

Carol Riches (Town Administrator)

William Trotta (Selectman)

Meeting called to order at 7:32 PM.

Minutes of the March 23, 2011 meeting APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.

Dr. Pandiscio presented the WRSD 2012 budget with several handouts.

Attachment 1 – MASS School Finance Taskforce – Statement of Issues & Recommendations – A Promise Kept Meets the Challenge of the Future,

Attachment 2 – Memorandum from Peter Brennan (Business Manager) to Thomas Pandiscio dated February 16, 2011 entitled Staff Report,

Attachment 3 – Inadequacy of Foundation – Insurance V Foundation V Assessments

Attachment 4 – Increase in Assessment as % of Municipal Revenue Growth

Attachment 5 – Impact to State Aid from Federal Stimulus Funds

Attachment 6 – FY12 Assessment Change to Individual Town Municipal Revenue Growth Change

Attachment 7 – Wachusett Regional School District Preliminary Working FY12 Appropriation dated 02.12.11

Attachment 8 – Wachusett Regional School District Preliminary Working FY12 Assessments dated 02.12.11

Wachusett Regional School District FY12 Budget Narrative dated March 21, 2011

Dr. Pandiscio referred to several of the handouts. He indicated that during 1994 through 1996 time frame the foundation budget was in line with the school budget. However, there is something structurally wrong with the formula. Foundation provides budget of what should be spent with inflation factors. However the actuals are much different. Dr. Pandiscio commented on three areas –

  1. Special Education
  2. Personnel
  3. Healthcare

He indicated that the yearly increases for healthcare have been much larger than the foundation formula figures. Dr. Pandiscio indicated that currently WRSD spends about 6% over the foundation, whereas some of the other towns (Wellesley, Weston, etc.) spend upwards of 20% over foundation.

Dr. Pandiscio indicated that he wanted to maintain staff. Debt has increased with the High School bond coming on line. Transportation has increased as a result of a 5 year contract coming to an end and having to negotiate a new one. Special Education is down $1.7M. Tuition budgets are tracking well with students staying in district. Contract changes – GIC 2.5%, 12.5% for Fallon. Busing has become a national business. Quotes came in at $274 (per bus) for McCarthy (aka Atlantic Express), $295 and $505 for others.

Mr. Fenton asked if there have been efforts to change the foundation budget in light of the fact this has been discussed for many many years. Dr. Pandiscio indicated that the categories have not changed. Only the amounts, changing by inflation and enrollment.

Mr. Fenton thanked Dr. Pandiscio for attending.

Mr. Bostwich discussed the budget for Master Plan Implementation Committee (1178).

$100 for speaker is to get someone from another town to speak about implementation and working zoning issues. Legal / Advertising is to put in to the newspaper zoning by-law changes. Signs advertising public forums- these were donated last year and included in this year’s budget is the cost if they were not donated. There were signs when you drive in to town. Mr. Runstrom is the Finance Committee representative. The objective is to implement the Master Plan. January and February was spent working on article for the town meeting, but ran out of time.

Mr. Fenton thanked Mr. Bostwich for reviewing his budget.

Votes on budgets


Motion to approve $401,267 for the Operational Assessment. APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.

Motion to approve $281,759 for Transportation. APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.

Motion to approve $9,651 for Oil Remediation. APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.

Motion to approve $5,059,981 for Total WRSD. APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.

Master Plan Implementation Committee (1178).

Motion to approve $1,000. APPROVED BY MAJORITY. (Voting to APPROVE - Mr. Contonio, Mr. Lang, Mrs. Lennon, and Mrs. Sleboda; Voting to DISAPPROVE – Mr. Schur; Voting to ABSTAIN – Mr. Fenton and Mr. Runstrom)


Request for transfer of $4,900 from Reserve to account 1915 (Central Purchasing) to cover April heating oil bill. Price increase of oil was unexpected. Will pay for increases in May and June by transferring from other accounts. APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully presented,

James Lang