Higher Education Information (HEI)
Request for Access to Restricted Data
College Access Provider (CAP) User Authorization Form
This form must be completed by all CAP employees who request a password from the Regents to submit data to HEI and access restricted data. Please send the original or fax to:
HEI Administrative Assistant
The Ohio Board of Regents' HEI System
30 East Broad Street, 35th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-3414
Fax: (614) 728-0102
1. CAP employee for whom access to the HEI restricted data is being requested.
First Name: ______Middle: ______Last: ______
Title: ______Dept: ______
Telephone: ______Fax: ______
Work Address: ______
Email address: ______Institute: ______
2. Please explain how your duties of employment represent a legitimate educational interest* in the restricted data areas of HEI.
(*) Demonstrated need to know by those school officials of an institution who act in the students’ educational interest, including faculty, administration, and other persons who manage student record information.
3. Acceptance of Responsibility:
A. CAP Employee:
My signature affirms that I have read and understand the Ohio Board of Regents Policies Regarding Access to and Dissemination of HEI Restricted Data, and agree to comply with the responsibilities and requirements contained therein. I understand that my password cannot be shared with any other person and will inform my CAP liaison when I no longer need restricted access to HEI. I understand that any data retrieved from restricted queries are to be used primarily for documentation of participation in services provided, confirming college enrollment and for purposes of institutional research. Any dissemination of these data must occur within the policy of responsible data dissemination described in the document mentioned above. Further, the records to which I will have access may contain individually identifiable student information, the disclosure of which is prohibited by the Family Educational and Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). I have read and understand my institution’s written policy statement under FERPA and am aware that the penalties for violation of FERPA can be the withdrawal of federal funds from my institution, as well as, criminal and/or civil charges brought against me. I am also aware of all other institutional procedures pertaining to the security, use, and release of confidential information.
Printed Name of Requestor Legal Signature Date
B. CAP Liaison: (Liaison - only sign part A if this form is for your own access.)
My signature affirms that this employee has legitimate educational interests to access restricted data areas of HEI. I have reviewed the Ohio Board of Regents Policy Regarding Access to Restricted Data with an employee, particularly the section regarding responsibilities of persons with access. The employee has a firm understanding of the institution’s written policy statement under the Family Educational and Rights Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and all other institutional procedures pertaining to the security, use, and release of confidential information.
Printed Name of Liaison Legal Signature Date
Is this person replacing an employee who had access to HEI restricted data? YES / NO
If Yes, who? ______HEI User ID: ______
Important Note: CAP Liaison must immediately notify Ohio Board of Regents to initiate access deletion when an employee is terminated or ceases to have legitimate educational interests.