Role Title:Head of Spatial Planning and Implementation
Service Area:Spatial Planning and Implementation
Service Group:Planning and Transport
Accountable to:Assistant Director, Planning and Transport
Post Number(s):
Grade: M
April 2014
Purpose of job (outline what, to whom and why)
The role is responsible for achieving the strategic outcomes relating to the unique nature, scale and pace of development and growth in Milton Keynes. Responsibilities include working with all members to lead the development, delivery and review of the spatial vision and policy framework for the borough; directly and indirectly delivering infrastructure and coordinating strategic developments, including physical redevelopment projects and transport programmes; and championing high-quality design in the built environment.
This will be achieved through developing and implementing innovative longer-term and medium-term visions, policies and plans; ensuring that these set-direction and integrate with current and anticipated plans of external partners and from across the Council; and meeting financial, legal, regulatory, and national government requirements.
As a member of the Service Group’s leadership team, to assume collective strategic responsibility for the development and delivery of the vision, values, outcomes and priorities for the Council and Service Group.
The role leads a range of services and functions, including:
- Development Plans (direct reports)
- Infrastructure Delivery (direct reports)
- Urban Design and Landscape Architecture (direct reports)
- A range of Council wide related programmes and projects including: Growth Local Investment Plan cluster and sub-programmes; Broadband and Digital Infrastructure; Central Milton Keynes, Transport Programmes and others (matrix management reports)
Key Objectives (list what outcomes are essential)
1 / To lead the development and implementation of policies, strategies and delivery plans (including by influencing, interpreting and implementing government legislation) across the range of Spatial Planning and Implementation services and through matrix management all Council services in order to improve outcomes in relation to the growth and development of the borough.2 / To create, develop and implement a robust framework to maximise investment in infrastructure (including through the new Local Plan, Supplementary Planning Documents and relevant policies and processes concerning any new Community Infrastructure Levy, new Section 106 planning obligations policy and other forms of investment.) This will be achieved by working collaboratively with colleagues across the Council, including finance teams, and externally with central government, developers, businesses, landowners and other parties.
3 / Lead the development and implementation of a customer focussed service plan which meets Council and service group strategic objectives, the needs of the community, as well as statutory and legislative requirements.
4 / Manage and deliver effectively against resources, including budgets, information and people across the full range of services in Spatial Planning and Implementation and through matrix management reports in line with Council policies and procedures to ensure that required performance standards are achieved.
5 / To lead functions and teams providing clear direction, appropriate challenge and support enabling team members to take responsibility and ownership of their respective service areas to deliver individual, team, service and Council objectives. Recruit, train, develop and manage staff in line with Council policies and best practice to ensure agreed performance standards are achieved.
6 / To lead the transformational change of the local authority’s role, function and partnership arrangements that relate to the growth and development of Milton Keynes working though relevant corporate boards, innovative cross-sector partnerships, strategies and programmes that identify and deliver agreed strategic outcomes.
7 / To represent the service area and provide recommendations, advice and guidance across all Council services on issues relating to the growth and development of Milton Keynes to the Corporate Leadership Team; Council; Cabinet, Select Committees; Development Control Committee; the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership; and other external organisations, committees and boards as required.
8 / To direct and implement capital and infrastructure programmes to deliver the strategic outcomes relating to the growth of Milton Keynes by establishing innovative public-private delivery mechanisms, priorities, time lines, resources, outcome measures and effective reporting, systems and governance processes.
9 / To ensure leading edge programme and project management approaches are used extensively and appropriately to deliver outcomes, reduce risk, improve value for money and fully engage partners.
10 / To review continually the effectiveness of working methods and develop and deliver, in conjunction with relevant staff, effective, efficient and value for money services that are either delivered directly, jointly through partnership arrangements, or commissioned.
11 / To develop and implement effective engagement and communication strategies with Elected Members to ensure that they are informed and involved and also with stakeholders including new and existing residents, businesses, community groups, partner organisations and other stakeholders to ensure that all groups and communities benefit from the strategic outcomes.
Scope (outline the size or scope of the role, direct or indirect responsibility for people, finances, resources and any special aspects of the role)
The role is a member of the Service Group’s management team. The role reports to the cross-agency Programme Management Board on all matters of coordinating delivery across the Council and external agencies in accordance with the Core Strategy, emerging Local Plan, the Local Investment Plan and other strategies.
Extensive high level influencing skills are essential as the remit ranges across all directorates and service groups within the Council and across relevant partnerships (including representation on the South East Midland Local Enterprise Partnership Planning and Developer Forums; the MK Development Partnership boards and others) to achieve strategic outcomes relating to development and growth.
Extensive and frequent contact with elected members through democratic processes such as Council, Cabinet, Development Control Committee and Select Committees as well as through frequent (weekly) briefings with Portfolio Holders and regular Cabinet Advisory Groups (monthly) with the Leader/Portfolio Holder, cross-party members, and senior external representatives. Regular briefings with opposition and ward members as well as Parish/Town Council members.
Extensive and frequent high-level contact with government and sub-national bodies such as the Department for Communities and Local Government, Department for Transport, Cabinet Office, the Homes and Communities Agency and the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership in order to influence policy and investment decisions, negotiate funding agreements and joint delivery mechanisms to achieve Council outcomes and plans.
Extensive and frequent high-level contact with landowners, developers, businesses, utility services and infrastructure providers, from across the private, public and voluntary sectors in order to achieve Council outcomes and priorities in relation to the development and growth of Milton Keynes.
The role is required to represent the Council at public inquiries and examinations as appropriate. Provision of professional advice on planning proposals and applications received by the Council as well as on the negotiation of Section106 and other development related Agreements.
Manage and support managerial, professional and technical staff of approximately 26-36 full-time equivalents, plus temporary/agency staff and consultants as necessary for the effective delivery of services and strategic outcomes.
Also matrix management responsibility for growth and development programme related posts (range 20-30) across the Council.
Revenue budget / Accountable and responsible for:- revenue spend of around £4.5m per annum (including permanent and contract salary budget of £1.2m.
- revenue income generation of around £7.6m per annum from negotiating service contracts (e.g. Capital Programme Grant) and government grants (e.g. Growth Fund, New Homes Bonus); and earning fees and charges (e.g. for Urban Design Landscape Architecture services)
- advising on the allocation of resources of over £7m per annum (e.g. Growth Fund, New Homes Bonus, CPG, transition budgets) rising to over £15m per annum as New Homes Bonus establishes itself over the medium term.
- setting and managing the service budget, authorising spend, monitoring and reporting spend to Assistant Director and external funders; and ensuring compliance with contractual obligations.
- securing, setting/allocating (via recommendation to Cabinet) and monitoring revenue monies for development and growth related activities in services across the Council and partner organisations.
Capital budget / Accountable and responsible for the departmental capital project budget of around £5m per annum (e.g. Broadband, Wolverton and Bletchley schemes) in terms of grant and private sector income generation; budget setting through corporate processes including recommending resource allocations to Cabinet; authorising income and spend, monitoring, forecasting and reporting income and spend; recommending and implementing corrective action; ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements; and reporting to Assistant Director and relevant corporate and partnership boards.
Accountable and responsible for the delivery of the Planning and Transport service group’s capital programme of around £15m per annum (e.g. Growth Fund, Transport Programmes and specific infrastructure projects) in terms of grant and private sector income generation; budget setting through corporate processes including recommending resource allocations to Cabinet; authorising income and spend; monitoring, forecasting and reporting income and spend; recommending and implementing corrective action; ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements; and reporting to Assistant Director and relevant corporate and partnership boards.
Accountable and responsible for adopted Council plans and policies (e.g. Core Strategy, emerging Local Plan, adopting Neighbourhood Plans, Supplementary Planning Documents, Digital Infrastructure Strategy, and Development Briefs for Council, MKDP and third party sites.)
Accountable and responsible for statutory and non-statutory processes relating to spatial planning (including policy for Section 106 Planning Obligations and any Community Infrastructure Levy policy.)
Accountable and responsible for the division’s Service Plan as well as development and growth related aspects of corporate strategies of the Council and input into partner strategies and plans.
Accountable and responsible for systems to prepare and monitor returns made to external bodies to monitor compliance with relevant procedures and contractual obligations; database systems (e.g. Planning Policy Annual Monitoring Report); programme and project documentation (including legal documents, progress monitoring reports and risks) and joint information systems with third party organisations.
Work Profile (outline the main areas of responsibility and accountability and competencies)
Develop and maintain a programme that enables new strategic development and infrastructure to be implemented in step with major new housing and employment growth.
Coordinate the delivery of strategic infrastructure in the city’s Expansion Areas, Central Milton Keynes, and in existing parts of the urban area.
Lead, develop and provide specialist advice and recommendations on the Council’s contribution to planning and providing the infrastructure required to support the growth of the borough. This will include environmental and utilities infrastructure.
Deliver specific physical infrastructure programmes and projects that achieve the strategic outcomes relating to the growth of Milton Keynes. This will include delivery of superfast broadband, Wolverton Agora and Bletchley improvements connected to East West Rail.
Lead programme and performance management for the whole service group, including responsibility for Transport Programmes.
Champion high quality design and the creation of successful places, including through the creation of deliverable development briefs for Council, MKDP and third party land assets.
Prepare ‘sound’ planning policy documents that will comprise the Local Development Framework (LDF) for the Borough, in accordance with the timetable and milestones set out in the Local Development.
Maintain an up-to-date and comprehensive ‘evidence base’ to support policy development including an Annual Monitoring Report.
Provide clear, timely and useful advice to Development Control Committee on the planning policy aspects of relevant planning applications.
Provide advice and guidance to town and parish councils who are producing Neighbourhood Plans and other documents for their area.
Respond to consultations on policy documents and planning applications from neighbouring local authorities; sub-regional and regional bodies; government departments and agencies, within the timescales set by the consulting organisation
Advise on the impact of new legislation and proposals, such as new settlements, duty to cooperate and the Community Infrastructure Levy, including the implications for procedures and resources of any new or revised responsibilities for the Council.
Work closely with the Chief Executive, Corporate and Assistant Directors and Members in delivering the priorities and outcomes for the Council, including those that relate to the development and growth of Milton Keynes.
Contribute to the overall leadership of the local authority through membership of the Service Group management team and to represent the Assistant Director on certain Corporate Groups and Working Parties.
Develop and implement innovative policies, strategies and plans to ensure that effective frameworks are in place to achieve successful delivery of Council outcomes in relation to the unique nature scale and pace of development and growth in Milton Keynes.
Develop and implement the strategic vision and innovative partnership delivery models in the Council’s adopted Core Strategy and other adopted strategies to guide the Council and its partners to achieve the unique scale and pace of growth of Milton Keynes.
Communicate the Council’s vision, values and strategic objectives to staff and partners to achieve a culture of clarity of purpose and high performance.
Develop and agree the service and team plans, including service level targets which can be used to monitor the performance of the service, holding it to account for improving strategic outcomes. To ensure alignment in service plans with the Council priorities and strategic outcomes in the Council Plan as well as external partner priorities as required.
Work with and provide recommendations, advice and guidance to Members, Corporate Leadership Team, Assistant Directors and other Service Heads across the Council and with senior levels across partner agencies promoting integrated working to implement the strategic outcomes for the growth of Milton Keynes.
Produce decision making reports on the work of the service effectively and openly to the Corporate Leadership Team, Council, Cabinet, Development Control Committee, lead Members for Growth, the Select Committees and other stakeholders as necessary.
Make decisions under the Council’s scheme of delegation including those relating to statutory planning.
To work with developers, internal departments and external agencies to take the lead in negotiations on new policy, developments, and terms of new legal agreements as required.
Maintain up to date knowledge and understanding of the service’s responsibility including effective data analysis to review performance and plan for improvement.
Develop innovate solutions that set and reflect good practice in the Service’s field of expertise ensuring that the service plays its part in the development and success across the Council and partner organisations.
Manage the service ensuring continuous improvement within the designated service areas, performance against local and national expectations.
Through matrix management, ensure effective delivery and continuous improvement across all service areas and partner organisations involved in growth related activity. In each case, manage performance against local and national expectations, including funding agreement obligations, to implement the strategic outcomes for the growth of Milton Keynes.
To ensure regular performance management, appraisal and professional development for all staff within the service in line with agreed procedures and measures; manage recruitment; ensure staff are organised, managed and motivated to deliver a high quality and cost effective service.
To set, plan, monitor and control the income and expenditure of service budgets; develop Asset Management Plans as required; and ensure that resources including staff are deployed effectively.
Procure and commission internal and external services and works as appropriate to ensure effective outcomes and value for money.
Ensure the dissemination of relevant research reports and other publications.