/ Quality Management System
Course Training Program
"Chemistry" / Document Code / QMS NAUCTP
10.02.02 – 01-2017
Page.1 із 12

(Ф 03.02–92)

National Aviation University

Educational and Research Institute of Environmental Safety

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Director of ERASI

______V. Shmarov

«___»______2017 / APPROVED
Vice-Rector for Academicsand
Educative Activity


Quality Management System

Course Training Program



FieldofStudy:14 "Electrical Engineering"

Speciality: 142 "Power Machinery"

Specialization:“GasTurbinesPlants andCompressorStations”

Year of Study – 1st Semester – 1st

Lectures– 34 Еxamination – 1stsemester

Laboratory Classes – 34

Self-study– 52

Total (hours/ECTS credits) – 120/4,0


QMS NAUCTP10.02.02-01-2017

The Course Training Program on " Chemistry" is based on the Bachelor Extended Curriculum № ECB-1-142/16for Speciality142 "Power Machinery", Specialization “GasTurbinesPlants andCompressorStations”,Syllabus for this Subject, IndexCB-1-142/16-2.1.4, approved by the Rector “____” ______2017, and correspondent normative documents.

Developed by:

Associate Professorof the Departmentof

Chemistry and Chemical Technology Ye. Novoselov

Junior lecturerof the Departmentof

Chemistry and Chemical TechnologyT. Kravchuk

Discussed and approved by the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Minutes№ _____of " " 2017.

Head of the Department V.Chumak

Discussed and approved by the Graduate Department for the Speciality142 "Power Machinery" and Specialization “Gas Turbines Plants and Compressor Stations” - Aeroengines Department, Minutes №____of "_____"______201___.

Head of the Department______M. Kulyk

Discussed and approved by the Scientific – Methodological – Editorial Board of the Educational and Research Institute of Environmental Safety, Minutes № ____ of " " 2017.

Head of the SMEB ______O. Matvyeyeva

Director of the Center

of Advanced Technologies______V. Kazak

Document level – 3b

The planned term between the revisions – 1 year

Registered copy


1.Introduction...... 4
2. Subjectcontent...... / 4
2.1. Trainingscheduleofthesubject...... / 4
3. Basic concepts of guidance on the subject...... / 6
3.1. List of references...... / 6
3.2. List of basic guidance materials for the subject ………….…...... / 6
4. Rating System of knowledge and skills assessment....... / 7


The course training program in discipline is developed on the basis of syllabus of discipline “Chemistry” and Methodical instructions for development and issuance of syllabus and course training programs of the subjects” enacted by order as of 16.06.2015 №37/роз.

Grading system is an integral part of the course training program and provides for assessment of student’s knowledge and skills during current, module and semester checks. Grading procedure is performed according to the national grading scale and European Credit Transfer System grading scale.

Grading system uses module grades (current module grade, the module test grade, the total module grade) and also the semester module grade, the examination grade and the total semester grade.


2.1. Training schedule of the subject

№ / The name of theme / Academic Hours
Total / Lectures / Lab.
classes / Self-
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Module № 1 “Atomic-Molecular Theory. Structure of Atom. Chemical Bond”
1.1. / Modern state and ways of chemistry development. Classification of inorganic compounds. Types of chemical reactions / 6 / 2 / 2 / 2
1.2. / Chemical reaction equations and stoichiometric calculations on them / 3 / 2 / - / 1
1.3. / Basic principles of atomic-molecular concept / 6 / 2 / 2 / 2
1.4. / Basic laws of chemistry. Gas laws / 6 / 2 / 2 / 2
1.5. / Structure of atom. Quantum-mechanical model of atom
Radioactive elements and theirs decomposition / 8 / 2 / 2 / 2
1.6. / Periodic law and periodic system of D.I.Mendeleev / 6 / 2 / 2 / 2
1.7. / Chemical bond. Basic types of chemical bond
Method of molecular orbitals / 8 / 2 / 2 / 2
1.8 / Structure and nomenclature of coordination compounds / 6 / 2 / 2 / 2
1.9 / Module test№1 / 4 / - / 2 / 2
Total for module №1 / 53 / 16 / 16 / 21
Module № 2 “Chemical Thermodynamics. Kinetics. Solutions.Electrochemical Processes”
2.1. / Energyofchemicalreactions. Heat effects of chemical convertations
Thermochemical calculations / 8 / 2 / 2 / 2
2.2. / Chemicalkinetics. Influence of temperature on the rate of chemical reactions
Catalysis / 8 / 2 / 2 / 2
2.3. / Chemical and phase equilibrium. Le-Chatellier’s principle.
Factors, which determine the direction of chemical reactions proceeding / 5 / 2 / - / 1
2.4. / General properties of solutions and other dispersed systems. Ways of determination solution concentration
Diagram of state of water / 8 / 2 / 2 / 2
2.5. / Process of dissolution. Boiling and freezing of water
Hydrates and crystallohydrates / 8 / 2 / 2 / 2
2.6. / Theory of electrolytical dissociation. Ionic product of water. pH / 6 / 2 / 2 / 2
2.7. / Hydrolysis of salts / 6 / 2 / 2 / 2
2.8. / Redox processes. Mechanism of redox reactions proceeding. Nernst law.
The most important oxidants and reductants / 8 / 2 / 2 / 2
2.9. / Electrochemical processes. Voltaic cells. Electrochemical raw of voltages and activity of metals. Electrolysis. Faraday laws of electrolysis. / 6 / 2 / 2 / 2
2.10. / Module test№2 / 4 / - / 2 / 2
Total for module №2 / 67 / 18 / 18 / 31
Total for the 1st semester / 120 / 34 / 34 / 52
Total for the educational discipline / 120 / 34 / 34 / 52


3.1. List of references


3.1.1.IvanovS.V. Chemistry: Textbook for students of all specialities / S.V. Ivanov, G.V. Sokolsky, Ye.O. Berezhniy. – K.: ”NAU-druk” Publishing, 2009. – 348 p.

3.1.2. Загальна та неорганічна хімія: У 2-х ч. / [СтепаненкоО.М., РейтерЛ.Г., ЛєдовськихВ.М., ІвановС.В.] – К.: Педагогічна преса, 2000. – Ч.1 – 518 с; Ч.2 – 687с.

3.1.3. Hill G. Chemistry in context / Hill G., Hoflman J. – T. Nelson & Sons Ltd, 2000. – 629 p.

3.1.4. Houk C.C. Chemistry: Concept and Problems / C.C. Houk, R.Post. –N.Y.: John Wiley & Song, Inc., 1996. – 303 p.

3.1.5. RobinsonW.R. General Chemistry / W.R. Robinson, J.D. Odom.– N.Y., Boston: Houghton Miffin Co, 1997. – 1029 p.

3.1.6. Грігор’єва В.В., Самійленко В.М., Сич А.М. Загальна хімія. – К.: Вища школа, 1991 – 431 с.

3.1.7. Карапетьянц М.Х., Дракин С.И.. Общая и неорганическая химия – М.: Высшая школа, 1993. – 592 с.

3.1.8. Ахметов Н.С.. Общая и неорганическая химия. М.: Высш. шк., 1998. – 743с.

3.1.9. Романова Н.В.Загальна та неорганічна хімія / Романова Н.В. – К.: Перун, 2001. – 487 с.

3.1.10. Hawley`s Condensed Chemistry Dictionary. — N.Y. .: John Wiley & Song, Inc., 1997. —1229 p.

3.1.11. Lewis M. Advancing Chemistry / M. Lewis, G. Walter. – Oxford University Press, 1982. - 856p.


3.1.12. Л.Б.Цвєткова. Неорганічна хімія: Теорія і задачі. Навчальний посібник. Львів: Видавн.«Магнолія плюс», 2006.-412 с.

3.1.13. Л.Б.Цвєткова. Неорганічна хімія: Теорія і задачі. Навчальний посібник. Львів: Видавн.«Магнолія плюс», 2006.-412 с.

3.1.14. Зайцев О.С.Задачи и вопросы по химии.- М.:Химия,1985.-304с.

3.1.15. Глинка Н.Л. Общая химия - Л.:1988.-702с.

3.2. List of basic guidance materials for the subject

№ / Title / Theme code / Quantity
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
1. / Periodic Table of elements (Table). / all / 20
2. / Periodic Table of chemical elements (Tables in English) / all / 4
3. / The solubility of acids, bases and salts in water (Table) / all / 10
4. / Electromotive series of metals (Table) / all / 5
5. / Electromotive series of metals (Table in English) / all / 2
6. / Thermodynamic constants of substances (Table) / 2.1 / 1
7. / The standard enthalpy of formation of some compounds (Table) / 2.1 / 2
8. / The degree of dissociation of acids, bases and salts in aqueous solutions (Table) / 2.6 / 2
9. / Standard electrode potentials (Table) / 2.9 / 1


4.1. Grading of different kinds of academic work performed by a student is done in accordance with Table 4.1.

Table 4.1

Grading of different kinds of a student’s academic work

Module №1 / Module №2 / Мах
Kind of activity / Мах
grade / Kind of activity / Мах
Performing and discussion with teacher of laboratory works№1.1-1.7 / 21
(total) / Performing and discussion with teacher of laboratory works№2.1-2.8 / 24
Execution of tasks on the knowledge of theoretical part / 9
(total) / Execution of tasks on the knowledge of theoretical part / 10
To take Module control work№1 a student has to accumulate no less than 18 points / To take Module control work№2a student has to accumulate no less than 20 points
Module Control work№1 Rating Grade / 12 / Module Control work№2 Rating Grade / 12
Total for module№1 / 42 / Total for module№2 / 46
Semester examination / 12
Total for the 1st semester / 100

4.2. Executed kinds of studying activity are counted to a student if he/she has obtained a positive grade (table 4.2).

4.3. The grades a student has been given for the different kinds of academic work are summed up and the result constituting a Current Module Grade is entered into the Module Grade Register.

Table 4.2

Correspondence between the Grades and the National Scale

Rating grades / National Scale
Labs performing and their discussion with teacher / Execution of tasks on the knowledge of theoretical part / Module Control work rating grade
module 1 / module 2 / module 1 / module 2
19-21 / 22-24 / 9 / 9-10 / 11-12 / Excellent
16-18 / 18-21 / 7-8 / 8 / 9-10 / Good
13-15 / 15-17 / 6 / 6-7 / 7-8 / Satisfactory
under13 / under15 / under6 / under6 / under7 / Bad

4.4. The Current Module Grade Module Test Grade together make up a Total Module Grade whose correspondence to the National Scale is shown in Table 4.3, which in graded values and using national scale is written in the register of module control.

Table 4.3

Correspondence between the Total Module Grade values and

the National Scale

Module №1 / Module №2 / National Scale
38-42 / 42-46 / Excellent
32-37 / 35-41 / Good
25-31 / 28-34 / Satisfactory
under25 / under 28 / Bad

4.5. The Current Module Grade Module Test Grade together make up a Total Module Grade whose correspondence to the National Scale is shown in Table 4.4.

4.6. The Semester Module Grade and the Examination Grade together make up a Total Semester Grade whose correspondence to the National Scale and the ECTS Scale is shown in Table 4.6.

4.7. TheTotalSemesterGradein grade values, in national scale and in ECTS scale is entered into the Examination Register, education card and student’srecord book.

4.8. TheTotalSemesterGrade is entered to the student’srecord book and education card in such way, e.g. 92/Ex/А, 87/Good/В, 79/Good/С, 68/Sat/D, 65/Sat./Е, etc.

4.9. TheTotalGrade in discipline, which is studied during one semester, equals to the TotalSemesterGrade.

The Total Grade in discipline is entered to the Diploma Supplement.

Table 4.4 Table 4.5

Correspondence between Semester Module Correspondence between Examination Grade Values and the National Scale Grade Values and the National Scale

Semester Grade Values / National Scale / Examination
Grade Values / National Scale
79-88 / excellent / 11-12 / Excellent
66-78 / good / 9-10 / Good
53-65 / satisfactory / 7-8 / Satisfactory
under 53 / bad / under 7 / Bad

Table 4.6

Correspondence of Total Semester Grades to the National Scale and

the ECTS Scale

Total Semester Grade Values / National Scale / ECTS Scale
Grade / Explanation
90-100 / Excellent / A / Excellent
(excellent performance with insignificant shortcomings)
82 – 89 / Good / B / Very Good
(performance above the average standard with a few mistakes)
75 – 81 / C / Good
(good performance altogether with a certain number of significant mistakes)
67 – 74 / Satisfactory / D / Satisfactory
(performance meets the average standards)
60 – 66 / E / Sufficient
(performance meets the minimal criteria)
35 – 59 / Bad / FX / Bad
(bad performance; a second testing is required)
1 – 34 / F / Bad
(very bad performance; a student shallretake the course)

(Ф 03.02 – 01)


прим. / Куди передано (підрозділ) / Дата
видачі / П.І.Б. отримувача / Підпис отримувача / Примітки

(Ф 03.02 – 02)


№ пор. / Прізвище ім'я по-батькові / Підпис ознайомленої особи / Дата ознайом-лення / Примітки

(Ф 03.02 – 04)


№ пор. / Прізвище ім'я по-батькові / Дата ревізії / Підпис / Висновок щодо адекватності

(Ф 03.02 – 03)


№ зміни / № листа (сторінки) / Підпис особи, яка
внесла зміну / Дата внесення зміни / Дата
введення зміни
Зміненого / Заміненого / Нового / Анульо-

(Ф 03.02 – 32)


Підпис / Ініціали, прізвище / Посада / Дата