Y04 Speaking and Listening High Transcript
Student 12: For the past couple of weeks in this term, we’ve been learning and reading this book called The Rabbits. Um, if you look at the front cover and you see rabbits you would get kinda, you’d be quite confused because like you would assume that it’d be about fluffy white rabbits but really the rabbits symbolise the British people.
Student 8: And … Um, they … and … they um … actually took over the land to … so and they got and they had fights and everything. Um … the main message of this story is that the British people took over the Aboriginal people’s land. Do you have anything to add?
Student 19: Um … no
Student 12: Um … the, one of the main messages, I think, um… is like … well, it kinda links to our history, um … because … we’ve been learning about the First Fleet and the rabbits came by a big ship and that’s like the First Fleet.Um, and if you look at the rabbits they actually are dressed up in like what the British people would wear.
Student 8: Yeah and like Captain, cause we’ve been learning about Captain Cook, and they like they look like they wear the same things as him.
Student 19: On the ship there is a big flag that I um think, I don’t know what it, I forgot what it was like but there was a big flag on top of the ship
Student 8: Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s the British flag.
Student 12: Yeah.
Student 8: Yeah.
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