Course Policy and Outline (Syllabus):
Telecommunications Networking II (Spring 2001)
Instructor: S.D. Personick (SDP):, Commonwealth 420
TA: Ivan Bradaric
Course Web Site:
Prerequisites: Telecommunications Networking I, or permission of the instructor
Welcome to Telecommunications Networking II. This is the second quarter of a two-quarter sequence covering the fundamentals of modern telecommunications networks, systems, technologies, and their associated applications. This quarter, we will cover the following “hot” and emerging telecommunications networking topic areas:
- Wireless systems and networks, including: first and second generation cellular and personal communication systems (PCS), direct broadcast satellite systems (DBS), and 2-way satellite communications systems (low/medium-earth-orbiting, and geo-synchronous)
- Local area networks, including: fundamentals of packet communication, the OSI protocol stack, wireline (copper and fiber) and wireless LANs
- The Internet, including the fundamental TCP/IP protocol suite, the domain name system (DNS), and next generation/emerging Internet protocols (RSVP, IPv6, mobile IP)
- Topics in emerging telecommunications networking, including: broadband access networks (ADSL, cable modems, wireless local loop), 3rd generation wireless, voice-over-IP, and information assurance
A detailed schedule of lectures is provided below.
Our objectives are as follows:
- To review, and understand how wireless technologies are being applied to networks and networking services to serve people-on-the-move, and to serve locations that cannot be efficiently served by wireline alternatives. To be able to calculate the frequency re-use required in cellular/PCS systems to meet traffic demands. To be able to calculate the link loss budget of a DBS or 2-way satellite system.
- To review and understand the concepts of packet switching and local area networking. To be able to explain the functions/purposes of the layers in the OSI protocol stack. To be able to design a simple local area network. To be able to properly select a link layer media access control protocol.
- To review and understand the fundamentals of the Internet TCP/IP protocol suite, the domain name system (DNS), and emerging Internet protocols (RSVP, IPv6 and mobile IP). To be able to explain the functions of IP, TCP, and the DNS. To be “conversant” in the fundamentals of the existing and emerging TCP/IP protocol suite.
- To become familiar with emerging telecommunications technologies and capabilities (broadband access, 3rd generation wireless, next generation Internet, information assurance); and to understand the market opportunities they address
The instructor and the teaching assistant are available to you as resources. They will be glad to help you succeed. Feel free to make an appointment using E-mail (preferred method), or just stop by. They can help you with: concepts you are having difficulty with; questions you have; and they can suggest references for further study. If you have a question, your classmates may have the same question. Asking questions helps the instructor and the TA to anticipate problems that your fellow students may be having.
All of the slides used in lectures will be posted on the course Web site, and these may include some additional or modified slides (vs. the complete set in the bookstore). Slides will generally be posted in advance of the lectures. Notes may be brought to exams for reference.
Suggested reading materials will be posted on the Web site; and additional suggested reading materials will be provided by the instructor, on request.
Doing the homework will not only provide you with credit toward your final grade, but will also provide you with practice in applying what has been presented in the lectures. Doing the homework may help you identify concepts that you don’t yet understand.
Recitation sections will generally be used to go over the homework solutions; and these represent another opportunity to test your understanding of the work that has been presented.
Students registered for credit are expected to attend all lectures and recitation sessions. Occasional absences are understandable. Excessive absences may result in a grade of incomplete. Dependence upon posted course notes in lieu of attendance is not recommended. Attendance will be taken during most lectures and recitation sessions. Registered students who miss more than three (3) lectures and/or recitation sessions will have 3.33 points deducted from their “raw score” in the course (see below) for each absence in excess of three (3).
Each homework assignment will be graded on a scale of 0-5. Homework will generally be assigned at least one week prior to the corresponding recitation section. Homework must be submitted to the course TA (in paper form, or using electronic mail) prior to the beginning of the first recitation session in which the solutions to that homework will be discussed. Homework handed in late will receive no credit. (No exceptions)
Grading will be based on the following algorithm:
Raw Score =0.34 homework grade + 0.33 midterm exam grade + 0.33 term paper grade (no final exam)
The homework grade will be 100 x total homework credits received (0 - 5 for each homework) / ( 5 x total number of homework assignments)
Midterm exam will be “open book” (notes ok)
Students achieving a raw score of 90 or greater, based on the above formula, will receive a grade of A. Students achieving a raw score of between 80-89 will receive a grade of B. Students achieving a raw score of between 70-79 will receive a grade of C. Students who receive a raw score of between 50-69 will receive a grade of D. Students receiving a raw score of less than 50 will receive a failing grade. The instructor reserves the option of moving the cutoff between C and B to 75; and of moving the cutoff between D and C to 60 or 65. In no case will a student whose score is below 50 receive a passing grade.
Students may work together on homework problems; but depending upon others to solve your homework problems is likely to negatively impact on your learning and your exam scores.
Cheating on exams or unauthorized collaboration on the term paper, of any form, is prohibited.
Course outline:
Telecommunication Networking I-II
Telecommunications Networking I
Overview---1 hour
Representing Information as a Signal ---2 hours
Quantifying the Performance of Communication Systems ---3 hours
Point-to-Point Telecommunications Links: Wire Pairs, Coaxial Cable, Fiber, Wireless --- 10 hours
Circuit Switching, and Circuit-Switched Telecommunication Networks --- 2 hours
Telecommunications Networking II
Wireless Systems and Networks (cellular/ PCS, direct broadcast satellite, 2-way satellite) --- 5 hours
Local Area Networks (packet switching, the protocol stack, wireline and wireless LANs) --- 5 hours
Internet (IP, TCP, the Domain Name System, mobile IP, IPv6, RSVP) --- 5 hours
Next generation systems, networks, issues, and applications (broadband access,
3rd generation wireless, Internet telephony, information assurance)--- 3 hours
Telecommunications II
- Wireless Systems and Networks (1st and 2nd generation cellular/PCS, DBS, LEO/MEO and GEO 2-way satellite systems)
- Continuation of 1
- Continuation of 2
- Continuation of 3
- Continuation of 4
- Local Area Networks (packet switching, the OSI protocol stack, wireline and wireless LANs)
- Continuation of 6
- Continuation of 7
- Continuation of 8
- Continuation of 9
- Internet (IP, TCP, DNS, RSVP, IPv6, mobile IP)
- Continuation of 11
- Continuation of 12
- Continuation of 13
- Continuation of 14
- Broadband Access Networks (cable modems, ADSL, wireless local loops)
- 3rd Generation Wireless and Next Generation Internet (e.g., Internet telephony)
- Information Assurance