• Organize a workspace at home for school work that has a place for books and materials.
  • Review test strategies (i.e., getting a good night’s rest, eating a good breakfast). Parents should review with their son or daughter how they are preparing for tests at school and reinforce the importance of school.
  • Students should review with their parents the classes they enjoy. Parents can discuss how these classes relate to different careers.
  • Attend any Career Exploration Workshops sponsored by your career counselor.
  • Access Guidance Central, at School site ID #: 0041323. Password is: midgets. Then click: GO.
  • Take the Internet Profiler found on the Choices Planner portion of Guidance Central. Discuss the results of the Interest Profiler with your parents and identify three broad career areas that you may wish to explore further.
  • Decide whether Dual credit or Advances Placement (AP) classes will benefit your college planning. Visit with any high school counselor for more information.


  • Update or create a four-year academic/career plan based on your interests, abilities and aptitudes, or make an appointment with your counselor to develop a plan.
  • Investigate Advanced Placement courses during registration for the upcoming school year (high school courses receiving college credit) and courses that can be taken for Dual Credit (high school & college credit).
  • Start to research admission requirements for colleges to make sure your four-year plan will include what is required. If you plan to attend a university, consider enrolling in a foreign language. Colleges within North Dakota do not require a foreign language, but 65% of colleges out of state require two years of a foreign language as an admission requirement.
  • Create a file of the following documents and notes which will be required for admission to some colleges:

a. List of awards and honors

b. List of school and community activities in which you are involved, including both paid and any volunteer work, and a description of what you did along with documentation.

  • Attend any Career Exploration Workshops sponsored by your career counselor.
  • Continue to explore careers that interest you.
  • Decide whether Dual credit or Advances Placement (AP) classes will benefit your college planning. Visit with any high school counselor for more information.


  • Attend any Career Exploration Workshops sponsored by your career counselor.
  • Parents should reinforce connections between school and the workplace (i.e. class attendance, being on time and turning your work in on time, attitude, and quality of your work).
  • To learn more about the world of work, arrange for a job shadow experience with a high school counselor, volunteer in your community, or participate in service learning.
  • Decide whether Dual credit or Advances Placement (AP) classes will benefit your college planning. Visit with any high school counselor for more information.