Initials / Attendee / Organisation
RW / Richard Whitehouse / Chair of DLG
PS / Pat Fitzsimons / Director TEP
MT / Madeleine Tuinstra - Ralston / TEP - Minutes
CB / Chris Baines / TEP President
CS / Colin Scott / APBmer
NF / Natalie Frost / APBmer
AM / Alex Mortley / Port of London Authority
NH / Naomi Hyland / PLA - presenting
ND / Neil Dunlop / Environment Agency
BE / Ben Ellstob / Land & Water Services
SG / Steve Gilbert / RSPB
JM / Jonathan Mycock / RSPB
BK / Bob Kidd / Boskalis Westminster
RS / Richard Simons / UCL
BH / Ben Hodgkin / Royal Haskoning
SM / Sarah Marjoram / Thomson Ecology
ML / Mark Lee / HR Wallingford
Apologies / Julie Morris / Environment Agency
Richard Charman / Environment Agency
Gerrett Alan / Deme Group
Thea Cox / Environment Agency
Paul Leonard / Consultant
Geoff Holland / POTTL
Daniel Bastreri / Thomson Ecology
Will Shields / Boskalis
Peter Mortimer / GPS marine
Sylvia Warman / Historic England
Liz Dyson / Kent County Council
Marcus Pearson / London Gateway
Graeme Faulkner / GPS Marine


1. Agree Meeting Notes, Action Points and Matters Arising from the last meeting

The notes from the last meeting on the 21st April 2016 were agreed with the following corrections:

  1. Correction to item 5: It’s agreed that the PLA will circulate a separate list with current active dredging licences
  2. The PLA requests that the DLG Group receive the draft meeting notes one month before the next meeting to allow time for comments.

2. Presentation: Restoring previously damages sea bed to aid fish recovery

Chris Baines, Hon President TEP

Chris’ talk gave an insight into the possibilities of leveraging the energy regulators such as OFWAT and OFGEM to resource research into seabed restoration. There are possibilities for example with the offshore industry - e.g wind farms - to provide resources for seabed restoration. Chris has worked on a visual improvement programme replacing electricity pylons with underground cabling. OFGEM provided funding by asking energy buyers if they would be willing to pay.

Questions and comments

RW– If you don’t have £5 million, can you still create conservation zones for seabeds? CB –By approaching regulators direct you could make this happen. The regulators tell energy and water companies what to spend and where to spend it. They can play a key role in financing such a project.

BK– Wants to organise a presenter for the next meeting to present best practice examples of seabed restorations.

3. Presentation: Getting Beneficial Use Working – Demonstration Project Proposal

Colin Scott, APBMer

Colin’s presentation gave an overview of best practice examples of beneficial re-use of dredge arisings. These projects protect coastal habitats, provide flood protection, act as land claim fill and to landscape low lying coastal areas. The question arose in the January 2016 DLG on how to plan dredge activities for beneficial re-use on the Thames. The tools and locations are available. It has already been achieved in Lymington Marshes, Cliffe and Wallasea island. A mapping exercise and cost analysis for the Thames is required to show how beneficial re-use can be carried out effectively.

Questions and comments

AM – It’s unknown whether it’s beneficial, if dredged material leaves the estuary for land capping. The cost differences are vast. There is also disparity between what is dredged and what is needed for land capping.

NH– Our understanding of this issue is limited. There is a lot of small scale dredging on the Thames and it will be challenging to get people to dredge at the same time. Contaminated dredged material is also an issue.

BK – London Gateway could have brought their dredged material to Cliffe but instead disposed it offshore. A question should be included on the dredging licence application about beneficial re-use like the MMO do in theirs.

PF – What needs to happen to resolve this recurring issue? BK – By including it in the application process, you can gather useful information and give dredgers the opportunity to consider beneficial re-use.

CS – Is there any value in mapping and documenting the issue? AM/NH/JM– believe that there is

RW- Will have marine conservation zone designation have an impact on beneficial re-use?

5. Dredging Licence Updates

Naomi Hyland, PLA

An update is provided on current dredging, current active licences, number of applications and enquiries and current consultations.

Questions and comments

ND – Is a cofferdam dredging or excavation? NH – It’s excavation because it’s structure and that means water can’t get in or out.
SG – asks about what happened with Tideway Tunnel. AM – the PLA shortlisted the sites where the dredged material could go.

RW- Is this a usual number of applications? NH – yes, this is the usual average . There are variations when dredging is restricted during the summer months and between March and May.

Date of next meeting

Thursday July 14th, 12-3pm

Room 113

UCL, 26 Bedford Way




Simon Moody, the Environment Agency will discuss the “Southampton Water Capital Dredge: Sustainable Development ensuring adequate protection of Water Quality and Migratory Fish”

Boskalis Representative (Bob Kidd to arrange) will talk about best practice in seabed restoration.

Topics for future meetings


Organise speaker on best practice in seabed restoration / Bob Kidd

Dredging and Sediment Liaison Group Meeting