Jefferson County Water Authority

Regular Meeting

January 21, 2010


Festus City Hall

Meeting called to order by President James Kasten.

Roll Call vote: Director Kasten-Present

Director Sweet-Present

Director Draper-Present

Director Johnson-Present

Director Gray-Present

Director Underwood-Absent

Others present were Laurie Ferretti, Tom Ward, Michelle Guidicy, and Carl Vogt.

Motion was made to accept the minutes of the November 19, 2009 meeting. Motion was made by Director Draper, second by Director Sweet. Motion passed unanimously 5-0.

Motion was made to accept the minutes stating that there was no meeting in December and that the bills were paid. Motion was made by Director Draper, second by Director Sweet. Motion passed unanimously 5-0.

Motion was made to accept the bills for the month totaling $328,145.32. Motion was made by Director Johnson, second by Director Draper. Motion passed unanimously 5-0.

Motion was made to elect Terry Draper President, Jim Kasten Vice President, Laurie Ferretti Secretary, and Michelle Guidicy Treasurer. Motion was made by Director Johnson, second by Director Gray. Motion passed unanimously 5-0.

Consent for authorization for action without a meeting. This would be for times when we didn’t have a quorum so that we can authorize the treasurer to pay the vendors and release their checks to avoid late fees and penalties.

Motion was made to adopt a consent form Authorization for action without a meeting. This will be added to our bylaws and minutes. Motion was made by Director Kasten, second by Director Gray. Motion passed unanimously 5-0.

Resolution 2010-1 A Resolution of Governing Body of Applicant. This resolution authorizes the filing of an application with the MO Dept. of Natural Resources and the State Revolving Fund Program for loans under the Missouri Safe Drinking Water Law. Motion was made to suspend the rules of the bylaws to read the resolution in full by Director Gray, second by director Kasten. Motion passed unanimously 5-0.

Motion was made by Director Gray, second by Director Sweet to adopt resolution 2010-1. Director Kasten-Aye, Director Johnson-Aye, Director Draper-Aye, Director Sweet-Aye, Director Gray-Aye, Director Underwood-Absent. Motion passed unanimously 5-0.

Tom Ward-DNR suggests that both cities adopt a resolution for additional debt, have public hearings, and post notices. Tom will check with DNR and get back to both cities on how to proceed with public hearings, resolutions, etc.

Michelle thinks that we need to purchase a seal for the Water Authority. There are several documents where they ask for our seal and we do not have one.

Motion was made to allow Michelle Guidicy to purchase a Jefferson County Water authority Embossing Seal. Motion was made by Director Kasten, second by Director Gray. Motion passed unanimously 5-0.

Michelle Guidicy-I re-deposited our investments that were maturing in 2010. I checked around with all the banks for the best interest rate. I put $250,000.00 at Eagle Bank, 475,490.00 at Bank Star of the Leadbelt, 250,000.00 at Southern Commercial, and 245,000.00 at Midwest banking Centre.

Motion was made to accept the investment actions Michelle took to re-deposit the Water Authority investments by Director Gray, second by Director Johnson. Motion passed unanimously 5-0.

Tom Ward went over his monthly report.

Terry Draper-Just wanted to let everyone know that we are getting our website updated and that would be another way to get information out to the public in the future at no cost.

Carl Vogt-I just wanted to let you know that there is no engineering being done at this time to move forward on the future projects and he wondered if he should start with the engineering or wait? Carl will get with Tom and see what projects need to be addressed.

Motion was made to adjourn this meeting by Director Johnson, second by Director Kasten. Motion passed unanimously 5-0.

These minutes were approved this ____Day of February, 2010.

ATTEST: ______

Terry Draper-President


Laurie Ferretti-Secretary