Is a Project of Prevent Child Abuse West Virginia s1

Team Leader / Project Description
Berkeley County
Deb Barthlow
Children’s Home Society of West Virginia
653 Winchester Avenue
Martinsburg, WV 25401
Phone: 304-264-0225
Fax: 304-264-2084
/ The Berkeley-Jefferson PIP Team will continue the “Nurtured Heart “For Family Growth series. The series consists of one introduction and three coaching sessions available to parents and caregivers in the community. Dinner and childcare is available to participants.
The PIP Team will also offer Stewards of Children (child sexual abuse prevention) public workshops in both Berkeley and Jefferson counties utilizing the evidence-based Darkness to Light curriculum.
Braxton County
Ami Cook
WVU-Extension Service
307 Main Street Suite 301
Sutton, WV 26601
Phone/Fax: 304-765-2809
/ The Braxton Healthy Families Healthy Children Coalition will focus on the prevention of child abuse and neglect by 1) working directly with families to strengthen the family unit by providing financial, parenting and relationship education to community members including educating any community members who work, through employment or volunteer services, with our children on the topic of child sexual abuse prevention through the Stewards of Children / Darkness to Light program and 2) strengthening families by encouraging them to spend enjoyable time together by hosting family fun days including movie nights in the park, pool parties and other family events.
Brooke & Hancock
Rhonda Stubbs
Executive Director
A Child’s Place CASA, Ltd.
613 Main Street
Follansbee, WV 26037
Phone: 304-737-4444
Fax: 304-737-4445
/ Brooke and Hancock counties Partners in Prevention has several areas of focus. Family Wellness is our top priority. We will engage in educating the community as a whole in various ways, including but not limited to, speaking engagements in any sort of venue, a Brooke and Hancock counties-based baby safety shower, and expanding upon educating parents and children utilizing “We Both Read” books.
Cabell County
Debbie Harris Bowyer
Cabell County FRN
625 Fourth Avenue, 2nd Floor
Huntington, WV 25701
Phone: 304-697-0255
Fax: 304-523-9595
/ Cabell County “Good Beginnings Last a Lifetime” promotes children growing up in safe, healthy, nurturing environments by building protective factors. Strategies are:
· Promotion of health, safety, prevention & community resources to support families to schools, early care, education, home visitation, mental health, health, social services & churches through mail, email & social media.
· Partner development to engage businesses & collaborative networks, raise awareness using “Pinwheel Gardens” & family friendly strategies.
· Parent & community education by sharing parenting tips with businesses & programs so families have the information & support they need to give children a good start.
Fayette County
Kelly Gladwell
Fayette County Starting Points
PO Box 283
Alloy, WV 25002
Phone/Fax: 304-779-3109
/ Fayette County Starting Points FRC will hold two countywide events to enhance parent education, and family engagement through various workshops and activities in order to prevent child abuse and neglect. We will host a Community Christmas Event & toy giveaway where we will focus on educating parents on age-appropriate activities for children and available resources. We will also provide (the first 50 families who register) a free ham and all children will receive a free educational toy, as well as, hands-on family and children activities. We will host a Community Easter Egg Hunt where we will focus on educating parents on age-appropriate activities for children and available resources. This will be done through health and nutrition education, providing nutritional refreshments as well as age-appropriate activities for children. Parent / Child interaction will be strongly encouraged at both events.
Fayette County
Nonie Roberts
New River Health Association
325 Colorado Street
Mt. Hope, WV 25880
Phone: 304-663-8792
/ Mount Hope Children’s Health Council will sponsor family fun nights once a month at Mount Hope Elementary School. There will be a math night, a science night, a messy art night…..all planned to encourage parents to come to their child’s school for a positive school experience, and to encourage families to participate in activities together.
The Mount Hope Children’s Health Council will also sponsor a girls’ group. The group will occur twice a month and will provide 15 girls enrolled at the elementary school a time to be together and learn about themselves, friendship, self-esteem, empowerment and service, all while having fun.
Gilmer County
Jessica Greenlief
Gilmer County FRN
P.O. Box 115
Glenville, WV 26351
Phone/Fax: 304-462-7545
/ The Gilmer County Partners in Prevention (PIP) Team will use PIP funding in a variety of ways to best address the issue of child abuse and neglect by building protective factors within the community. These include continuing the community baby showers, continuing the Family Fun and Resource Fair, Health and Safety Fair, Community Job Fair, promoting community and parental supports with positive youth activities such as community movie nights and showcasing the traditional “pinwheel garden” in the downtown park on Main Street in Glenville.
Grant County
Martha Garton
600 Circle Drive
Petersburg, WV 26847
Phone: 304-257-4688
/ The Grant County PIP Team proposes to hold a baby shower for new parents presenting information on safety, parenting, and nutrition. The team also plans to partner with the parents of children who are participating in the WVU Extension programs to provide a parents night with workshops on parenting topics. The Team also plans to conduct multiple 4-H volunteer, parent, and camp counselor training sessions that will incorporate prevention training throughout. We hope to partner with other agencies to sponsor a Family Fun Day that will provide local families with access to several local agencies / resources as well as a free meal to continue to promote prevention. We will continue our pinwheel and flag day celebrations and donate infant car seats to the hospital and diapers for a diaper bank.
Greenbrier County
Britt Huerta
High Rocks Educational Corporation
195 Thompson Road
Hillsboro, WV 24946
Phone: 304-647-4994
Fax: 304-653-4860
/ High Rocks provides a safe, creative, healthy space for youth, prepares them for academic success, connects them to their community through service, helps them develop close ties to caring supportive adults, and inspires and empowers them to become leaders in their community and the world. The PIP team coordinates community service projects with learning opportunities; mentoring meetings and quality time with caring adults to at least 40 girls; weekly interaction with youth through enrichment workshops & activities; and preparation and exposure to higher education opportunities.
Hampshire County
Joanna Kuhn
Eastern Regional FRN
PO Box 598
Moorefield, WV 26836
Phone: 304-530-5480
Fax: 304-530-5481
/ The Hampshire County PIP maintains the Baby Bank housed at Catholic Charities. The Baby Bank is an ongoing community resource that strives to provide a resource for the unmet needs or gaps in services/programs to relieve the stress that some families experience. The team partners with existing groups to improve outcomes for children and families including: The Family Crisis Center (women’s shelter) by providing literature for positive discipline and prevention child abuse & neglect; the Energy Express program; and Watch D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students). The Watch D.O.G.S. program encourages fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, uncles and other father figures to serve at least one day a year in a variety of school activities as assigned by the school principal or other administrator. The Hampshire County team also coordinates a variety of community awareness & engagement activities during child abuse prevention month.
Hardy County
Joanna Kuhn
Eastern Regional FRN
PO Box 598
Moorefield, WV 26836
Phone: 304-530-5480
Fax: 304-530-5481
/ The Hardy County PIP maintains the Baby Bank housed at the Moorefield Police Department that serves families in need by providing childcare items and safe parenting materials. The team partners with existing groups to improve outcomes for children and families including: Potomac Highlands Guild Summer Program and “Celebrate the Family” fun day. The team will focus on the development & distribution of Spanish language materials for this emerging population. The Hardy County team also coordinates a variety of community awareness & engagement activities during child abuse prevention month.
Harrison County
Jayne Landacre
Harrison County Child Advocacy Center
229 West Main Street, Suite 500
Clarksburg, WV 26301
Phone: 304-622-0375
Fax: 304-622-0376
/ The Harrison County Partners in Prevention team will be concentrating efforts to raise community awareness of the issue of child abuse and give individuals clear action steps they can take to positively impact the lives of children. Our primary awareness initiative will be centered around the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign during child abuse prevention month in April. Our team will also present the “Talking About Touching: A Personal Safety Curriculum” to first grade classes in all Harrison County schools. This program is designed to empower children to take a rules approach to dangerous and abusive situations.
Kanawha County
Terri Berkley
East End Family Resource Center
502 Ruffner Avenue, Room 101
Charleston, WV 25311
Phone: 304-344-1656
Fax: 304-720-0201
/ The youth targeted are the poorest, most resilient, and most resourceful. Charleston is the state's capitol and a concentration of poverty and neglect exists. Youth live in urban areas and face risks that plague children statewide like obesity, poverty, health disparities and illiteracy, but are also subject to risk factors like crime, prostitution, and random acts of violence that occur frequently in their neighborhoods. Monthly Family Fun Nights for 50 families will be provided where educational and fun sessions will be facilitated that focus on prevention through education, prevention through employment, and prevention through ongoing engagement.
Kanawha County
Diane Hughes
Upper Kanawha Valley Starting Points FRC
PO Box 309
Cabin Creek, WV 25035
Phone: 681-221-8008
Fax: 304-595-6919 (call first)
/ “Bring Your Parent to School Day” is an event where parents can come to school with their child and learn ideas about helping their children with homework. Parents enjoy mealtime with their children, they attend workshops, and gain knowledge about community resources to enhance family support.
The Baby Safety Shower is a community event for newly expecting and young parents. Presentations, games and activities are offered to provide parents with information about safe sleep, shaken baby syndrome, breastfeeding, child development, community resources and more.
Lincoln County
Kathy Smith
Big Ugly Community Center
15 Rosewood Road
Harts, WV 25524
Phone: 304-855-5402
Fax: 304-855-5205
/ The Lincoln County Partners in Prevention team will continue to offer parenting education and family engagement programs that improve the quality of family relationships. The team will coordinate participation in community events, including: family field trips, a fall festival, supporting local public health fairs, a community safety baby shower and healthy family gardening, cooking and food preservation workshops. Our team also participates in the 100% Campaign to promote student achievement, family engagement and community support including a Family Passport through which families track their investments in their children.
Logan County
Tami Boling, WV Dreamers County Coordinator
c/o Chapmanville Middle School
300 Vance Street
Chapmanville, WV 25508
Phone: 304-855-8378
Fax: 304-414-4451
/ The Logan County Partners in Prevention team will promote social connections, provide concrete supports for parents, and increase knowledge of parenting and child development by offering parent education workshops, structuring summer learning activities for children and parents, and organizing community field trips for area families. We will also engage families in the 100% Campaign that promotes 100% student achievement, 100% family engagement, and 100% community support towards the end goal of 100% success after high school graduation. The campaign includes developing a Family Passport through which families track their investments in their children and receive discounts from local businesses.
Marion County
Frank Jarman
Marion County FRN
112 Adams Street, Room 204
Fairmont, WV 26554
Phone: 304-366-4445
Fax: 304-366-4695
/ The Marion County Partners in Prevention team will continue to engage and educate families regarding available resources thru informative and useful events and experiences. Families will have the opportunity to be involved in no less than 3 family focused activities that will provide informational and educational sessions designed to help families stay safe and encourage growth for the entire family. Support will be provided to at-risk mothers with children through the Community Baby Shower. The Team will distribute educational material on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, drug exposed pregnancies, and child abuse prevention to promote safe and healthy families. The annual Child Watch event will be hosted to educate and motivate the public to volunteer for agencies that prevent child abuse and neglect.
Marshall County
Susan Harrison, Executive Director
CASA for Children
258 Jefferson Avenue
Moundsville, WV 26041
Phone: 304-810-0952
Fax: 304-810-4182
/ The Marshall County Partners in Prevention will:
· Promote April as Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month through awareness activities, Children’s Day at the Courthouse and Pinwheels for Prevention.
· Hold a Mini Monarchs Early Childhood Resource Fair that will be free and open to the public. The event will target families with preschool aged children and younger. Partnering agencies will be invited to attend to provide information to families about services in our community.
· Be represented at the Back To School Fair and will distribute rack cards regarding prevention of child abuse.
· Offer Making a Difference and Stewards of Children / Darkness to Light Workshops throughout the grant year. The Team will support SBIRT training in Marshall County: Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment, an evidence based practice used to identify, reduce and prevent problematic use, abuse and dependence on alcohol and illicit drugs.
McDowell County
Francesca Collins
Stop the Hurt, Inc.
601 Belcher Mountain Road
Welch, WV 24801
Phone: 304-436-1600
Fax: 304-436-8101
/ Stop the Hurt, Inc., will initiate programs and campaigns such as: Kids Day - many school age children and their parents are invited to attend the event where we will provide fun activities, fingerprint/DNA kits, and lunch and information packets on awareness/prevention of child abuse. Family Date Night – the Welch DHHR gives us names of families who could use some extra help in providing a wonderful evening where the whole family can enjoy being together watching a movie and having dinner together, we provide a gas card, movie tickets and dinner coupon along with information on anger management, becoming the best parent they can be and strengthening the family unit, as well as child abuse prevention/awareness. Diaper Days is an event where Stop the Hurt, Inc., along with the Welch DHHR and Unicare, provide families with packets of diapers, wipes, etc. along with information on SUIDS, Our Babies Safe & Sound, and Shaking Baby Syndrome prevention.