Monday 13 May 2013, 10.30am – 1.30pm

Venue: Melbourne Water, 990 LaTrobe Street, Docklands



Dharma Dharmabalan (Chair) (DD)Coliban Water

Shauna McDonald (Coordinator) (SM) VicWater

Fiona Pfeil (via phone) (FP)Gippsland Water

Nick Crosbie (NC)Melbourne Water

Anne Graesser (AG)Goulburn-Murray Water

David Sheehan (DS)Department of Health

Elizabeth Cryer (EC)DSE

Tony Wright (TW)VicWater

Rohan Hogan (RH) North Central CMA

Alan Tyson (AT)GoulburnValley Water


Julie EichnerDepartment of Health

Michael WheelahanDSE

Veronica LaniganNorth East CMA


The Chair opened the meeting at 10:40am.

DD welcomed everyone, including guests, and noted the above apologies.

2.Minutes of the Catchment Task Group meeting held on 4February 2013

The Chair asked if the minutes of the CTG meeting held on 4 February 2013 were a true and accurate record of the meeting.

All sections were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

2.1Action Items

The Chair went through the list of actions:

Task / Follow up
AG to follow up with Ben Morris at the MAV in relation to the MAV having some involvement with the Mansfield DWMP Pilot Project - this should be progressed once further work has been completed on the Pilot Project / Carry over
VicWater invite EHO representative to a meeting in 2013 / Carry over - TBC after CTG meetings dates have been set for the year
Participants to finalise within 2 weeks first draft key message and circulate / Complete
SM to coordinate development of an Industry Catchment Management network. / Complete
VicWater to confirm if Sarah West (EPA) can present at the next meeting of the Group. / Complete
AG to confirm what obligations are associated with declared catchments. / Carry over

3.CTG Strategic Plan – priority projects

The Group worked through the priority project scope documents completed by members of the Group prior to the meeting. Key comments of the discussion included:

  1. Overall Strategy for CTG (responsible CTG member: TW & DD)

To progress this work it is proposed that an excel spreadsheet be created identifying key actions associated with each priority project with agreed timeframes for delivery.

It was agreed that a draft could be developed following this meeting.


Tony to develop action plan and circulate to the group for input.

  1. Communication tools to support implementation of the Guidelines (responsible CTG member: FP)

It was noted that Mansfield Shire Council is developing information statements on their pilot project – it was agreed that it would be good if these were published to all interested stakeholders.

It was agreed that in developing the communication tools through this project, a review of outputs from the Mansfield project should be undertaken.

  1. Conveying water quality results nationally (responsible CTG member: SM)

It was noted that the project scoping document proposed that VicWater write to WSAA however it was suggested that it would be more worthwhile writing to the Federal Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPaC) perhaps with a Cc to WSAA.

It was also noted that the Water Thematic Oversight Group (Water ToG) of the Standing Council on Environment and Water (SCEW) and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) were are reviewing the National Water Quality Management Strategy and that this may provide an opening for consideration of the CTG’s proposal to convey water quality results nationally.

It was agreed that DS would provide a contact at SEWPAC and that SM would begin drafting a letter.


DS to provide contact at SEWPAC.

Shauna to draft letter to SEWPAC.

  1. CMP - Planning process analysis (Redtape reduction)(responsible CTG member: DD & TW)

It was noted that Tony was presenting to the Chairs of the CMAs on Monday; and then the Chairs and CEO’s in August. It was agreed that Tony could raise the work of the CTG discussions in relation to this project during those presentations.

It was noted that there was concern that some CMAs do not want to include water quality objectives in their waterway strategies. The Draft Victorian Waterway Management Strategy provides direction about how water quality will be considered in waterway management strategies. There are DSE Waterway Management Strategy guidelines being prepared and that an asset based approach is being used. Water quality will be considered when it is a threat to the asset.


Tony to progress and update the group at the next meeting

  1. Drinking water catchments – WWTPs(responsible CTG member: NC)

It was noted that in progressing this project it would be useful to include a costs and benefits review in the analysis.

It was also noted that the actions of this project could be progressed with the EPA via the EPA Water Industry Working Group.

  1. DWMP Framework(responsible CTG member: AT)

It was noted that a draft DWMP framework had been developed for the Mansfield Pilot Project – it is hoped that the draft will be finalised within about 6 months. It was agreed that the draft framework be released to the water corporations via the Catchment Network.

RH noted that there could be risks associated with the implementation of DWMPs and increase in density of farm dams. It was agreed that EC would follow up within DEPI the status of the farm dams policy coming out of the Northern SWS.


SM to release draft DWMP Framework to water corporations as a draft for comment

EC follow up within DEPI the status of the farm dams policy coming out of the Northern SWS.

  1. Small Town Sewerage systems(responsible CTG member: AT)

It was noted that actions from this project would be progressed through a DEPI initiated working group.

  1. Impacts of recreation activities on water quality(responsible CTG member: AG & JE)
  1. Groundwater Issues (responsible CTG member: NC)

FP noted that an exploration licence for a coal seam gas project in the Gippsland Region had been issued, and was generating a lot of concern in the region about potential impacts on drinking water supplies, and groundwater resources more generally. It was notedDS commented that there was a Commonwealth parliamentary inquiry into Coal Seam Gas in Victoria is proposed and that it may be worthwhile waiting to see how this progresses. FP said that she could get an update from a Gippsland Water staff member who is aware of this work.


FP to provide an update to NC on status of exploration licence for a coal seam gas project in the Gippsland Regionparliamentary inquiry into Coal Seam Gas in Victoria.

  1. Riparian land management(responsible CTG member: TW & AG)

It was noted that the Stock in Waterways Working Group was progressing a lot of this work and that TW would provide an update on progress with the working group’s actions at future CTG meetings.


TW to provide an update on work being progressed by the Stock in Waterway Working Group at future CTG meetings.

  1. Stormwater Management(responsible CTG member: TW & AG)

4.Application of Environmental Significance Overlay

The Group discussed the email from Ravi Raveendran (South Gippsland Water) relating to a query on Environmental Significance Overlays circulated to the Group prior to the meeting.

It was agreed that the email would be circulated to the Catchment Network so that an Industry position could be formed.


SM to circulate Ravi’s email to Catchment Network to then form an industry position on the matter.

5.General Business

5.12013 meeting dates

It was agreed that the group would meet on the third Thursday of the month, every 3 months.


SM to schedule 2013 meeting dates.

5.2Mansfield Shire DWMP – update

It was noted that DEPI was working to confirm funding arrangements with Mansfield Shire.

It was agreed that AG would provide an update to the group on this project out of session.


AG to provide an update to the group on the Mansfield Shire DWMP project out of session.

5.3EPA Onsite Conde of Practice Forum

NC and SM provided an update on the above-mentioned forum held in Melbourne on Friday 3 May.

5.4Stock in Waterways Working Group

It was agreed that DS would provide a presentation on progress on the work of this Group at the next meeting.

5.5Sydney Catchment Authority – NORBE NorBE tool

The Group discussed the Neutral orOR Beneficial Effect on Water Quality (NorBE) tool which must be used to assess the effects on water quality of all proposed development in the Sydney drinking water catchment.

The Group agreed that it would be useful to have a presentation on the tool from SCA at a future date. It was also agreed that presentations from EPA’s Sarah West; EHO representative; and someone from Wodonga Shire Council/North East Water on how they manage septics would also be good. Given the number of presenters it was proposed that perhaps the group organise a seminar for later in the year.

It was agreed that this could be discussed at a later date.

5.6Water quality impacts document

DD made referred to a couple of documents which would be interesting for the Group:

-Victorian Government Climate Change Adaptation Plan

-A paper on Water Quality Impacts of extreme events

It was agreed that these documents would be made available to the group via the VicWater website.


SM to put Victorian Government’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan and paper on Water Quality Impacts on the VicWater website.

6.Next Meeting

15 August 2013

Close: The Chair closed the meeting at 1:10 pm

Action List

Item / Task / Follow up
Carry over / AG to follow up with Ben Morris at the MAV in relation to the MAV having some involvement with the Mansfield DWMP Pilot Project - this should be progressed once further work has been completed on the Pilot Project / Anne
AG to confirm what obligations are associated with declared catchments. / Anne
Item 3 / Project 1: Overall Strategy for CTG
Develop CTG action plan and circulate to the group for input. / Tony
Project 3:Conveying water quality results nationally
Provide contact at SEWPAC. / David
Project 3:Conveying water quality results nationally
Draft letter to SEWPAC regarding the conveyance of water quality results nationally. / Shauna
Project 4: CMP - Planning process analysis
Tony to discuss with CMAs and update the group at the next meeting / Tony
Project 6: DWMP Framework
Release draft DWMP Framework to water corporations as a draft for comment / Shauna
Project 6: DWMP Framework
Follow up within DEPI the status of the farm dams policy coming out of the Northern SWS / Liz
Project 9: Groundwater Issues
Provide an update to NC on status of parliamentary inquiry into Coal Seam Gas in Victoria. / Fiona
Project 10: Riparian land management
Provide an update on work being progressed by the Stock in Waterway Working Group at future CTG meetings. / Tony
Item 4 / Circulate Ravi’s email to Catchment Network to then form an industry position on the matter / Shauna
Item 5.1 / Schedule 2013 meeting dates. / Shauna
Item 5.2 / Provide an update to the group on the Mansfield Shire DWMP project out of session. / Anne
Item 5.6 / SM to put Victorian Government’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan and paper on Water Quality Impacts on the VicWater website / Shauna

Unconfirmed Catchment Management Task Group Minutes – 13 May 2013 Page 1