Supplementary Table 1 Reactions between test cultivars and BaYMV strain types.

S: Infection and symptom development in susceptible cultivar

R: No infection and no symptom development in resistant cultivar

?: Existence of resistance gene unknown

Resistance genes were utilized for breeding cultivars.

a: Iida Y, Ban T, Konishi T (1999) Linkage analysis of the rym6 resistance gene to Japanese strain II of barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV-II) in barley. Barley Genet Newsl 29: 31-32

b: Yoshida H, Taya S, Fukuda E, Ito H, Sohtome K, Amagai M, Kiryu M, Katoh T, Seko H, Uzihara K, Kitahara S, Takeda G, Nonaka S, Kawaguchi K, Kobayashi S, Fujii T, Komatsuda M, Sekiguchi T, Kurai K, Suzuki T, Ohashi K, Yoshizawa T, Wakatabe N, Kubono M, Yamano M (1988) A new two-rowed malting barley cultivar "Mikamo Golden". Bull Tochlgl Agr Exp Stn 35: 31-50

c: Kato T, Nagamine T, Kumekawa T, Yamaguchi E, Oono K, Watanabe H, Oozeki M, Sekiwa T, Watanabe N, Taniguchi Y, Yamaguchi M, Ohtsuka M, Oda S, Tsunemi J, Sotome T, kashima N, Nakata S, Kawada N, Ishikawa N, Kodama M, Nozawa S, Fukuda E, Satou K, Soutome K, Tokue M, Miyagawa S, Kaminaga A (2006) New two-rowed malting barley cultivar “Sachiho Golden”. Bull Tochigi Agr Exp Stn 58: 59-77

d: Taniguchi Y, Oda S, Tsunem J, Ohtsuka M, Sekiwa T, Kumekawa T, Yamaguchi M, Sotome T, Fukuda E, Soutome K, Kawada N, Ishikawa N, Kato T, Kashima N, Miyagawa S, Kaminaga A, Kodama M, Sasaki A, Anakata S, Tokue M, Kiryu M, Nozawa S, Satou K, Ito H (2001) New two-rowed malting barley cultivar "Sukai Golden". Bull Tochlgl Agr Exp Stn 50: 1-18

Supplementary Table 2 Primers used for cloning and 5´ RACE.

Forward (F) and reverse (R) primer sets were used for cloning. 1–8F and 2–3F primers were each used as a set with oligo d(T)18 primer, respectively. GSP primers were used for 5´ RACE.

Supplementary Figure 1 Alignment of nucleotides (a) and deduced amino acids (b) of VPg among Japanese BaYMV strains I-IV.

Nucleotides or amino acids that are identical to those of Japanese strain I are indicated by dots. Secondary structure of the VPg protein was predicted using deduced amino acids from strain I of BaYMV. Prediction was conducted using the PSIPRED protein structure prediction method ( Predicted secondary structures are indicated above the amino acid alignment. H: helix: b: β-sheet. Asterisk and double line under the alignment indicate the position related to overcoming rym4 resistance and the L(MVI)xL(MI)xxH motif, respectively. See text for detail.