1. Board membership
Andrew Haggie JaguarLandRover Chairman
Mark Ellis Nissan UK
Anthony Wilson Nissan UK
Jody Hayes AMG Mercedes
Gary Waller Visteon
Andy Clough Tata Steel
Sophie Cozien-Cazuc FAR UK
Steve Scarborough Colchester College
John Kell UKTI
Malcolm Harold KTN-UK
Robert Felstead EPSRC
Colin Johnston Oxford University
Carl Perrin Coventry University
Steve Maggs Warwick University
Darren Hughes Warwick University
Keith Watkinson IOM3
Keith Harrison IOM3 Surface Eng Div
There has been some changes to the board membership through 2015 with several members leaving and new members joining from industry, academia and other bodies, which has brought new energy, ideas and momentum behind the board.
A review of membership of the Board continues to be a task to ensure a diversity of representation from OEM, supply base, academic and support sectors.
2. Board meetings
There have been several Board meetings to kick start the group with audio, webex and face to face meetings with rotating venues which have incorporated factory tours. There is strong commitment to proceed, with recognition of the work pressures of all individuals, and agreement to operate as a co-operative group sharing responsibility.
There has been email communication across the group.
3. Activities 2015
3.1. Technical Programme
The Automotive Division had a successful launch event at the CENEX Low Carbon Vehicle Event at Millbrook in September. This comprised of an IOM3 stand at the materials showcase hub with examples of automotive materials applications, and complimented with a presentation by Andrew Haggie and Andy Clough at one of the technology themed sessions. The 2 day event was supported by board members and generated good passing interest and potential membership leads.
Planning is underway on the format and themes for future divisional technical events
3.2. Web-site developments
The divisional micro-site has undergone a major update, overhaul and refresh and aligns in format and content with other divisions and IOM3 master site
3.3. Engagement with technical community and/or local societies
As part of the Divisional re-launch a member survey was carried out to the 1130 IOM3 members who expressed an interest in automotive sector in their profile. This has given valuable feedback on the background and needs of the constituent base. The results reflected an even spread of representation from OEM, supply base, material producers and academia, and predominantly UK based and gave encouraging and supportive comment and direction for both the Division and the Institute. Welcome letters have been sent to new members and the aim is to continue communication via newsletter, event flyers etc etc
A new divisional brochure and display banner was created which were used and distributed at the CENEX event and will be available alongside other Divisional literature.
3.4. Contributions to IOM3 house journals
A Divisional Focus article was published in the November 2015 edition of Materials World
3.5. Other
Agreement was granted for a change of name for the Division from “Automotive Applications Division” to “Automotive Division” to reflect the broader spread of applications and related sectors
There have been two nominations for the Rowbotham Medal and a proposal for award has been forwarded to the Awards Committee.
4. Strategy and Objectives for 2016 and Beyond
The board will continue to gain momentum and consolidate activities through 2016 and beyond. The aim is to plan and execute themed events—workshops, seminars and presentation programmes , potentially in conjunction with the other IOM3 technical divisions with shared interests- Light Metals, Composite Society, Iron & Steel, Polymer Society, Casting, Surface Engineering and Corrosion, among others, with an application/ user focus for the materials and process technologies.
Similarly there is potential to further embrace other land transport sectors—eg truck , motorcycle, construction vehicles etc within the divisional activities
The board membership will be continually reviewed to reflect broad representation and engagement with the ultimate aim of having sub groups with younger member activity, CPD and international focus
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