Performance Objectives

  1. The objective is to upgrade each of the fielded 28 VCTS with the following new capabilities. These new capabilities will bring VCTS up to the new configuration. All capabilities shall be integrated/installed in the existing five trailers.
  1. Add one Student Training Station (STS) for the Route Clearance and Interrogator System (RCIS) Type I (High Mobility Engineer Excavator (HMEE)). A motion platform is required for the RCIS Type I STS.
  2. Add one STS for the Mine Clearing Vehicle (MCV) M1271. A motion platform is required for the MCV STS.
  3. High resolution and high fidelity dynamic terrain to support M1271 and HMEE training.
  4. Provide capability for system to train night operations. The system shall be able to display night vision image generation at each STS to run night operations scenarios.
  5. Add two STS for the Vehicle Optics Sensor System (VOSS). The VOSS is a subsystem of the MMPV.
  6. Add three STS for the Remote Weapon System (RWS). The RWS is a subsystem of the MMPV. The three RWS will fire .50 caliber rounds.
  7. Add Deep Buried Detection (DBD) capability for two of the VMMD.
  8. Upgrade two VMMDwith Explosive Hazard Pre-Detonation (EHP) Wire Neutralization System (WNS) capability.
  9. Upgrade two MMPV with EHPRoller capability.
  10. Upgrade two MPCV with EHP Blower capability.
  11. Upgrade one MMPV gunner station with the MK19.
  12. Upgrade two MMPV with the Robotic Deployment System (RDS) capability.
  13. Upgrade one MMPV with the Interrogation Arm capability.
  14. Upgrade three gunner stations with Objective Gunner Protective Kit (OGPK).
  15. Upgrade all MMPV and MPCV with Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below/Blue Force Tracker (FBCB2/BFT).
  16. Technology refresh to replace obsolete hardware with new, present day technology.

Note: One .50 caliber gunner station in the current VCTS configuration (figure 1) will be remove for the new configuration. The new configuration will consist of only three gunner stations with OGPK, one MK19 and two .50 cal.

  1. The upgraded capabilities shall fit and work within the space available of VCTS.
  1. The upgraded capabilities shall be compatible with the VCTS, shall not degrade the performance of the system, and shall be easy to maintain.
  1. The procurementwill incorporateand maximize reuse of current Government Furnished Information (GFI) and Government Furnished Equipment (GFE).
  1. Government Subject Matter Experts will provide support for the development, validation and verification of requirements for thiseffort.
  1. Technical Publications:
  2. Operator User Manual (digital and paper) IAW MIL-STD-40051-2 B
  3. System Maintenance Manual (digital and paper) IAW MIL-STD-40051-2 B
  4. Commercial of-the-Shelf (COTS) Manuals and Associated Lists
  1. New Equipment Training (NET)
  2. Operator and Instructor Training
  3. Update Course Materials
  4. Conduct Training at each fielded location.
  5. Update Train-the-Trainer Course of Instruction
  6. Maintenance Training Course
  7. Update Course Materials
  8. Conduct Training at fielded locations
  9. Update Train-the-Trainer Course of Instruction
  1. Basis of Issue (BOI). The VCTShas been fielded at the following locations. All locations will need to be upgraded to the new configuration/requirements.
  1. Ft Bliss
  2. Miramar
  3. Korea
  4. Ft Carson
  5. Germany
  6. Ft Bragg
  7. Ft Leonard Wood (2 suites) (1 suite planned to be relocated to new home station)
  8. Alaska
  9. Hawaii
  10. Ft Hood
  11. Sloan, NV
  12. North Houston
  13. Orlando
  14. Raleigh
  15. Ft Lewis
  16. Ft Campbell
  17. Ft Stewart
  18. McGregor Range (Temporary Site)
  19. Punxsutawney
  20. Ft Riley
  21. Ft McCoy
  22. Ft Drum
  23. Camp Bowie
  24. Camp McCrady
  25. Belton
  26. Camp Clark
  27. Millington, TN

Government Furnished Equipment/Information (GFE/GFI):

The following data is available for review:

  • Operator User Manual (OUM)
  • System Maintenance Manual (SMM)
  • Commercial of the Shelf (COTS) Manuals
  • Product Drawings and Associated Lists
  • New Equipment Training (NET) Package
  • Training Facility Report (TFR)
  • Software Development Plan (SDP)
  • Interface Control Document (ICD)
  • Computer Software Executables
  • Computer Software Source Code