National Programme for Prisoner Healthcare
Health Board Leads Meeting
14 October 2011, 10:00am, Scottish Health Service Centre
John Ross:Chairman, National Programme Board for Prisoner HealthCare
In Attendance:
Margo ChristieNHS Dumfries and Galloway (via video conference)
Cathy DorrianNHS 24 (for Gill Stillie)
Dan GunnGovernor in Charge, HMP Glenochil (for Rona Sweeney, Dr Fraser)
Anne HawkinsNHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Alex KillickNHS Tayside
Bob McLeanNHS Fife (for George Cunningham)
Allister ShortNHS Lothian (for Alex McMahon)
Donna O’BoyleNational Services Scotland
Jayne MillerNHS Lanarkshire
Gordon PikeSecretary, Trade Union Side
Robert StevensonNHS Forth Valley (for Iain Wallace)
Kathleen PrestonScottish Government
Programme Team:
Dennis BettsNSS, Project Manager
Linda DorwardProject Manager, NPBPH
Jessica McPhersonPrimary Care Division, Scottish Government
Philip RhodesProgramme Team, Administrator, NPBPH
Jim CrichtonNHS Ayrshire and Arran
Philip CoghillRoyal College of Nursing
Sandy DustanNHS Grampian
Andrew FraserDirector of Health and Care, SPS
Mick GrattanPrisoner Officer Association
Costas KontothanassisNHS Borders
Christine McKeeNHS Western Isles
Marthinus RoosNHS Orkney
Mini MishraScottish Government
Nigel SmallNHS Highland
Rona SweeneyDirector of Prisons, SPS
Sarah TaylorNHS Shetland
Iain WallaceNHSForthValley
Programme Team to publish minutes from previous meeting.
Jessica McPherson to provide Health Board Leads with details of SGHD meeting CLO costs.
Jessica McPherson to revise the Statement of readiness Document to include a section on Human Resources.
Philip Rhodes to issue the latest version of the Memorandum of Understanding to members for comment.
Programme Team to issue prisoners information pamphlet to members for information once it is available.
- Welcome and Apologies
1.1. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted apologies as above.
- Declaration of Interest
2.1. None raised.
- Minutes from Previous Meeting
3.1. The minutes from the previous meeting (NPBPH-11-HBL7-01) were issued to members in advance of the meeting. Apart from a minor amendment to the attendee list, these were agreed as an accurate record of events and will now be published.
ACTION: Programme Team to publish minutes from previous meeting.
- Programme Update – Workstream Update and Closures
4.1. The Programme Team Workstream Update (NPBPH-11-HBL7-02) was issued to all members as part of the papers. Jessica McPherson was invited to provide an update, and she advised that she would also cover agenda item number 5 as well, Operational Readiness. For the latter, an Operational readiness Paper (NPBPH-11-HBL7-03) was issued to members in advance of the meeting.
4.2. Jessica advised that a State of Readiness Report had been issued to both the SPS Board (on 17 August 2011) and the National Programme Board for Prisoner Healthcare (on 30 September 2011). Both Boards were assured by the paper that Health Boards were ready to transfer and everything was in place to provide all key services. It was also noted that the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Management Board were presented with the report (on 5 October 2011) and they were also content with it. At this meeting, it was agreed that a short evaluation/lessons learnt exercise would be undertaken post transfer.
Jessica McPherson then provided updates on the Programme Workstreams as follows:
Clinical and Strategic Leadership
4.3. Jessica McPherson advised that the workstream was closed from a national perspective. She advised that SPS and Healthcare Improvement Scotland had reached an agreement regarding the logistics of the transfer of staff from SPS HQ to Healthcare Improvement Scotland. It was advised that the Chief Executive and the Chairman had met with Directors at Scottish Government on 13 October 2011 and had agreed that staff will transfer by 1 November 2011.
4.4. It was advised that the National Prison Health Network (NPHN), for which Healthcare Improvement Scotland will be providing secretariat support for, was delayed due to some of the issues involved in finalising the logistics of the transfer, so the first meeting of the Network is now most likely to take place post-transfer. Despite this meeting not taking place as early as it was originally planned, assurance was given that there was a lot of work being undertaken currently regarding the transfer of responsibility. It was advised that the final meeting of the programme Board is due to take place on 21 November 2011, and that the first meeting of the Network should take place prior to this date.
4.5. The Chair stated that the Programme Board take the matter of the Network very seriously, and that these experienced staff are vital in ensuring the aims of the Project are met. He is meeting the Chair of Healthcare Improvement Scotland on 18 October 2011 to stress this point and to discuss next steps.
4.6. Jessica McPherson provided an update on the Contracts Workstream and advised that there were no major updates since the previous meeting. There had been some outstanding issues regarding three small national contracts held by SPS, (Clinical & Dental Waste,Radiation Protection Advisory Service andHealth and Addictions Testing Products and Related Services) and the Programme Board had reached agreement with SPS that these three contracts would be managed by SPS until they expire. IT was noted that any outstanding contracts issues will fall under the responsibility of the NPHN.
4.7. Donna O’Boyle, National Services Scotland, raised the issue of Hepatitis A and B vaccines on behalf of Central Legal Office, which are currently provided by GlaxoSmithKline.
4.8. Also discussed was the issue of Central Legal Office costs. It was advised that Scottish Government Health Department will cover the costs which have been charged to Health Boards. It was advised that Jessica McPherson will clarify the process, following discussion.
ACTION: Jessica McPherson to provide Health Board Leads with details of SGHD meeting CLO costs.
Human Resources
4.9. Jessica McPherson advised that there was no major update on the area of Human Resources and that the Workstream was closed from a national perspective. She advised that all Health Boards and staff had received their Agenda for Change outcomes and that there were some local issues regarding pensions still to be finalised.
4.10. In discussion, Allister Short placed on record that the process for staff at HMP Addiewell had been around a week behind that of the process for staff in the public sector jails and that this had caused a few problems.
4.11 Alex Killick raised a number of points as follows: Firstly, the issue of job evaluation and Agenda for Change outcomes was very much a live issue, and staff will need supported at this moment in time. Alex advised that HRDs had a agreed a review process and signed off a plan. He reiterated the need for the sharing of any potential changes to grades with this group. The second point was regarding the issue of protection, and that this must be a key message for staff. Whether staff agreed to move to Agenda for Change terms and conditions or remain on SPS terms, it was advised that door would remain open after March 2012 for staff to move to AfC terms and conditions, but that staff must choose one or the other. The third point was regarding the GAD letter, in which GAD were seeking assurance from Health Boards that they will cover any additional cost of pensions. Alex advised that Finance Directors were concerned about signing the letter as it contained no indication of the potential cost implications. Central Legal Office have been contacted for advice, but it was noted that there were concerns among the Management Steering Group and clarity was being sought. In terms of next steps, Alex advised that there was a feeling that this issue would be fixed, but that Finance Directors need comfort that signing the letter will not cause any issues financially. It was agreed that once legal advice had been sought, if there are any blockages to progress, Alex will contact the Programme Team to follow this up.
4.12. It was also noted that HR was not contained in the paper issued regarding the Statement of readiness. Jessica McPherson agreed to include this and issue the revised document.
ACTION: Jessica McPherson to revise the Statement of readiness Document to include a section on Human Resources.
4.13. The National Memorandum of Understanding was tabled at the meeting. Jessica McPherson advised that most of the work on updating the MoU since the last meeting was wording changes and amendments/additions to the annexes. The aim is that the Memorandum of Understanding will be issued within the next fortnight. It was agreed that the Programme Team will issue the latest version of the MoU for comments, though a quick turn-around would be required. It was advised that the Workstream will officially close from a national perspective once the final MoU has been issued.
ACTION: Philip Rhodes to issue the latest version of the Memorandum of Understanding to members for comment.
4.14. There was a discussion regarding the Information Sharing Protocol (ISP). It was advised that Kim Kingan (Scottish Government, Information Governance Lead) was currently finalising this document to include feedback from Local Implementation Groups and that the final version is due to be issued imminently.
4.15. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the issue of complaints. It was advised that the flow chart that has been issued to members is the final version. Also discussed was how prisoners will be advised of the new complaints procedures. Jessica McPherson advised that SPS are dealing with prisoner communications and there is a leaflet being issued to prisoners which provides an overview of the complaints process, which sign-posts prisoners to Health Care Managers for further information. In terms of management of complaints post-transfer, operationally there will be a requirement for joint work between SPS and NHS. Dan Gunn advised that the leaflet is being issued this week and he was confident that partnership working post-transfer will be adhered to. It was agreed that this pamphlet should be issued to members for information.
ACTION: Programme Team to issue prisoners information pamphlet to members for information once it is available.
4.16. In discussion, concerns were raised about clarity around the principle of business as usual, in that there were potentially going to be different processes in place locally and were a prisoner to move establishment, they might notice this. It was advised that, though there might be slight differences in the process at the front end, the formal system for complaints will be the same across the estate. It was advised that part of the remit of the NPHN will be to monitor the complaints process going forward, and Health Boards will have an ongoing requirement to assess how it is working practically.
4.17. Kathleen Preston advised that as of April 2012, as part of the Patient Rights Act, new procedures will be coming into force across the whole of the NHS. This has been out for consultation and comments from Health Boards have been taken into account. Kathleen advised that the Patient Rights Act will apply to prisoners – it will be a uniform system across the NHS. Should there be any issues for any patient group (including prisoners) then these will need to be shared. It was advised that Policy officials from Scottish Government have worked very closely with colleagues from both SPS and Health Boards in developing this area of work. It was agreed that further work would be required post-transfer from all parties, and a close watching brief was required.
4.18. Jessica McPherson advised that there had been no major areas to update in terms of communications since the last meeting. The Short-Life working-Group, which had representation from all Local Implementation Groups, has issued the national Communications Plan, and each Health Board is working on local communication plans. SPS are dealing with all communications with prisoners. It was also noted that Parliamentary Questions and press enquiries were now beginning to come in.
4.19. Jessica McPherson advised that the Throughcare workstream was now closed from a national perspective. The Throughcare Principles Document is due to be issued to all relevant stakeholders shortly, and the issue of throughcare will form part of the remit of the NPHN.
4.20. Jessica McPherson advised that the work required in terms of legislation was an internal piece of work for Scottish Government. The Commencement Order has been signed by the Cabinet Secretary and will come into force on 1 November 2011, as do the prison rules. The Section 104 order is an amendment to UK legislation which will be implemented in early 2012. It was noted that the Prison Directions are to be finalised in the week commencing 17 October 2011, following a period of consultation. It was noted that most Health Boards and other stakeholders were content, and as such, no major amendments are expected. It is hoped that these will be issued next week. These will be reviewed as an ongoing process, with the NPHN linking in to this area of work.
Information Management & Technology
4.21. Dennis Betts was invited to provide an update on IM&T. Dennis advised that work is progressing in terms of getting the relevant cabling into prison establishments. Some establishments will have this in by November, while those that don’t will utilise workarounds. NHS Grampian are hosting a single instance of Vision. A community version will go live in April 2012 and a version with the required bespoke elements will go live in May/June 2012.
Performance Management
4.22. Jessica McPherson advised that the Performance Management Workstream was closed from a national perspective. Work is ongoing and will be taken forward by the NPHN. The principles of Performance management have been added to the memorandum of Understanding.
4.23 Jessica McPherson advised that the Finance workstream was closed from a national perspective. Allocation letters have been issued to Health Boards. A letter regarding the financial monitoring process is due to be issued shortly. It was noted that the original plan to top-slice £1m as a contingency was not taken forward – this was following the robust nature of the work/analysis undertaken in terms of the historic spend.
4.24. It was noted that the Agenda for Change process is not completed. It was advised that the allocation for prisoner healthcare has been included in the spending review, and this includes projected AfC Costs.
4.25. Comments were invited on the Workstreams/work of the Programme Team. There was a query about when the final version of the Memorandum of Understanding would be issued, and it was advised that this should be issued shortly, prior to transfer. In discussion, it was suggested that not all the appendices are included in the final document, as this might delay the process of getting NHS Chief Executives to sign it, and also that this MoU contains a lot of information not contained in comparable MoUs. There was a discussion regarding who would sign off the MoU, and it was advised that there is an appetite that it would be Chief Executives that sign the final document. It was noted that Chief Executives were meeting on 19 October 2011. There was also a discussion regarding local MoUs and who would be expected to sign these. It was agreed that this would most likely be a prison governor and a local lead from the NHS. Following this discussion, it was agreed to review the Memorandum of Understanding following it being issued to members for comment.
- Operational Readiness:
5.1 This was covered under agenda item number 4.
6.1 The Chair invited members to raise any other items of business. Items were raised as follows:
6.2. GP Registration Form: It was advised that the GP Registration form has been finalised, though members are seeking clarity in terms of when it should be signed – i.e. should prisoners currently in jail need to sign this form. It was advised that this was currently sitting with Scottish Government Legal colleagues, though in discussion it was noted that Health Boards can begin to get registration forms signed by the current prisoner population. Further advice will follow from Jessica McPherson, which should provide how this can be undertaken consistently across the prison estate.
6.3. The Programme Team E-Mail Address: It was advised that this will be in use until it is advised otherwise.
6.4. Phoenix/EACS Contract: It was noted that this was raised as a priority at the Health Board Leads Executive Meeting in September. It was advised that NPHN will betaking this work forward, but that this was delayed as per the previous discussion. It will be a key priority for the Network going forward.