Policy and Procedures for the USTA SC Nominating Committee
Purpose: To establish the policy and procedures of theUnited States Tennis Association South Carolina (USTA SC) regarding the recruitment, selection and presentationof nominees by the Nominating Committee for all USTA SC Board of Directors (Board) positions subject to election.
Policy: It is the policy of USTA SC to elect all Officers (excluding the Immediate Past- President) and Area Directors bi-annually at theUSTA SC Annual Business Meeting (Annual Business Meeting) in December of each odd year.
1. Nominees will be elected to terms of two years. The nominees will be elected by majority vote of theUSTA SC Organizational Members (Organizational Members) present or represented at the Annual Business Meeting.
2. The Nominating Committee (Committee) will be chaired by theUSTA SC Immediate Past-President. The current President will serve as a voting member of theCommittee and will appoint five additional Committee members. Two of these five appointed members must be Past-Presidents of USTA SC.
3. The Nominating Committee will not discriminate against any person on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnicity, creed, sexual orientation, color, physical condition or national origin.
4. The Nominating Committee will broadly solicit candidates from all elements of the USTA South Carolina tennis community. However, all candidates must be current members of USTA and have their primary residence in South Carolina to qualify for consideration. Additionally, Area Director candidates must be visible and active members of their local tennis communities and must reside in the geographic areasthey apply to represent.
5. A quorum for the Nominating Committee will be a minimum of four members. The Committee may meet by electronic means if a quorum of Committee members participates. Specific issues may be voted on by members of the Committee by mail or electronic means.
6. All eligible candidates whosubmit a “USTA SC Application For Board Candidacy” form by the established deadline date will be considered by theNominating Committee (see attached form). Incumbent Officers and Area Directors must submit the “USTA SC Application For Board Candidacy” form for re-election to their present Board position or for consideration for a position different from their present Board position.
7. The Nominating Committee will send its approved slate of nominees to theBoard Secretary at least 60 days prior to the scheduled date of the Annual Business Meeting.
8. The Board Secretary will send theNominating Committee’s slate of nominees to the Organizational Members for advance consideration at least 45 days prior to the scheduled date of the Annual Business Meeting.
- In case of an interim vacancy of any elected Officer (excluding the President) or Area Director, the Board may choose to fill the vacant position. If so, the Nominating Committee shall propose a nominee and the Board shall elect, by a majority vote, a successor for the remainder of the un-expired term.
10.The Nominating Committee has the authority to seek additional applications for Officer and Area Director positions beyond those submitted.
11.Nominating Committee members will ensure that Committee actions are in compliance with all of the policies and requirements concerning nominations as stipulated in theUSTA SC By-Laws.
- The President will ensure that Nominating Committee members are appointed or reconfirmed by January of each odd year.
- The Nominating Committee Chair will ensure that an announcement to solicit candidates for election is publishedby July 1 of each odd year.
- The USTA SC Executive Director will ensure that the general description of Officer and Area Director duties and the application form are prominently placed on by late June of each odd year.
- The USTA SC Executive Director will send the candidate solicitation announcement toOfficers and Area Directors, CTA leaders, committee chairs, Organizational Members, local league coordinators, other volunteers, and staff.
- All recipients of the announcement will be asked to give the solicitation the widest possible distribution, including placement in organizational websites and newsletters.
- Interested candidates will be instructed to visit for a general description of Officer and Area Director duties and for access to the application form. They may also contact the Chair of the Nominating Committee for additional information.
- The Application For Board Candidacy form will be attached to all electronic announcements.
- Not later than June 15 of each election year, theNominating Committee will research the status of all incumbent Officers and Area Directors to ensure that the current term limitations prescribed in theUSTA SC By-lawsdo not make incumbents ineligible to be re-elected to the Board. The Chair will notify any incumbent who is determined to be ineligible for re-election.
- The Nominating Committee Chair will receive all candidate applications and distribute them to all Committee members for review and evaluation immediately following the application deadline date.
- The Chair will schedule an initial Committee meeting shortlyafterthe application deadline date to discuss applicants and ensure that qualified applicants are available for all positions. The Committee will seek out qualified candidates for any positions for which a qualified candidate did not apply.
- The Chair will schedule dates and times for the Committee to interview candidates as necessary. The Committee should usually interview each candidate applying for election or re-election.
- Immediately following the candidate interviews, the Committee will meet to discuss the candidates and select a final slate of nominees.
- Nominating Committee members will contact theselected candidates to confirm that candidates are willing to serve in the position for which theNominating Committee proposes to nominate them. Following confirmation from the proposed candidates,the Chair will submit the final slate to theBoard Secretary
- Concurrent with the submission of the slate to theBoard Secretary, the Chair will send letters of regret to those candidates not nominated.
5. If a nominee vacancy occurs on the slate proposed by theNominating Committee prior to the Annual Business Meeting, the vacancy shall be filled by the Committee. The name of the replacement nominee shall be placed in nomination by the Committee during the election process at the Annual Business Meeting without adhering to the notification requirements or deadlines specified above.
USTA SC Application for Board Candidacy
Board Approval Date:June 28, 2009
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