Proyecto de Chile
You will work in groups of four to create a PowerPoint presentation **OR A VIDEO** about travel in Chile. Each group of 4 students will be responsible for presenting an informative and unique presentation. It must include:
- 4 places to visit in Chile (North, Patagonia, Lake and Central regions)
- The weather forecast for the weekend in each region
- Geography and landforms (i.e. lakes, deserts, mountains, etc.)
- Different activities for each region
- Food commonly found in each region of Chile
Each student will be required to present his/her slide in Spanish. Your enthusiasm, creativity and hard work will help make the presentation enjoyable for your audience to watch.
All instructions and grading rubrics are provided. Please use your lab time wisely. Your team is depending on your hard work! YOU ONLY HAVE 3 DAYS IN HERE!!
- Group #____
Assign a role to each group member:
Member NameRole / Trip Manager / Meteorologist / Activities Coordinator / Culinary expert
B. Itinerary –Both parts to be completed by the end of class on DAY 1. (10 pts)
Sí / No1. We submitted an easy-to-read itinerary of our trip.
2. We included weather, geography, activities, and food.
3. All of us contributed equally to the itinerary.
Itinerary for our trip:
Lugar / Geografía / Pronóstico del tiempo / Actividades / Comida1.Trip Manager (25 pts) Nombre ______
Introduces the presentation (1st slide) / Sí / No1. Writes itinerary of the trip to be handed in at end of the first class.
2. You are the person who briefly introduces the places in Chile therefore you should know and be able to answer what region the place is in, what it has to offer and any geographical features. Create the first slide based on this information.
3. Is written in Spanish and is able to be understood at a level we have agreed upon in class.
4. Acted as a contributing group member including speaking clearly and being prepared on the day of the presentation. Used lab time wisely.
5.On the last day, contains a self-reflection of what you would change, what you would do again, and
anything you thought was cool.
This is your homework assignment the night of your presentation
Grading Rubric
1. The trip manager:
4 / Included an extensive list of places to visit how to get there. Went well-above what was required.3 / Included a somewhat extensive list of places visited, how they got there and how long and where they
stayed. Went somewhat above what was required.
2 / Included a somewhat incomplete list of places visited, how they got there and how long and where they
stayed. Some elements may be missing and an online translator clearly was used.
1 / Included a mostly incomplete list of places and sites visited, how they got there and how long and where
they stayed. Most elements are missing or copied. Did not use time well.
0 / Made no attempt to participate in this project.
2.Meteorologist (25 pts)Nombre ______
Weather Forecast for your selected regions in Chile (2nd slide) / Sí / No1. Research weather forecast for Chile during class today – provide trip coordinator with weather in order to complete itinerary by the end of class.
2. Includes a weekend forecast for the regions your group is visiting. You must include the maximum and minimum temperatures. Create 2nd slide that reflects accurately the forecast you will present.
3. Is written in Spanish and is able to be understood at a level we have agreed upon in class.
4. Acted as a contributing group member including speaking clearly and being prepared on the day of the presentation. Used lab time wisely.
5.On the last day, contains a self-reflection of what you would change, what you would do again, and
anything you thought was cool.
This is your homework assignment the night of your presentation
Grading Rubric
2. The meteorologist:
4 / To the greatest extent, describes in detail what the weather will be like in each region/place visited. Wentwell-above what was required.
3 / Describes in some detail what the weather will be like Offers some information about how the weather
will affect the trip and activities set up for that specific day.
2 / Describes in little detail what the weather conditions will be and how it will affect the day’s activities.
1 / Only lists general weather for “all of Chile” or just one of the regions not focusing on each specific
regions and it’s unique weather.
0 / Made no attempt to participate in this project
- Activities Coordinator (25 pts) Nombre ______
Plan activities for each location in Chile (3rd slide) / Sí / No
1.Research activities for each location in Chile during class today – provide trip coordinator with activities
in order to complete itinerary by the end of class.
2. Plan activities for the group based on the weather forecast for each region. Create 3rd slide.
3. Is written in Spanish and is able to be understood at a level we have agreed upon in class.
4. Acted as a contributing group member including speaking clearly and being prepared on the day of the presentation. Used lab time wisely.
5.On the last day, contains a self-reflection of what you would change, what you would do again, and
anything you thought was cool.
This is your homework assignment the night of your presentation
Grading Rubric
2. The activity coordinator:
4 / Included a most-extensive list of sites visited and activities planned. Included activities from manydifferent categories. Explained the significance of visiting these sites in a superior manner. Went
well-above what was required.
3 / Included a somewhat extensive list of sites visited and activities planned. Included activities from several different categories. Explained the significance of visiting these sites in an above-average manner. Went somewhat above what was required.
2 / Included a somewhat incomplete list of sites visited and activities planned. Explained the significance of
visiting these sites in a below-average manner. Some elements may be missing or incorrect.
1 / Included a mostly incomplete list of sites visited and activitied planned. Explained the significance of
visiting these sites in a poor manner, if at all. Most elements are missing, copied, or incorrect.
0 / Made no attempt to participate in this project.
- Culinary expert (25 pts)Nombre ______
Plan what the group is going to eat (4th slide) / Sí / No
1.Research typical foods found in Chile during class today – provide trip coordinator with activities in
order to complete itinerary by the end of class today.
2. Plan a meal for each location you are going to visit. Create 4th slide with pictures and names of typical
Chilean foods. Be ready to talk about some of the ingredients (ex. La paella esarroz, mariscos, etc.)
Explain what time of day you will eat them at (ex. Vamos a comer xyz para el almuerzo).
3. Is written in Spanish and is able to be understood at a level we have agreed upon in class.
4. Acted as a contributing group member including speaking clearly and being prepared on the day of the presentation. Used lab time wisely.
5. On the last day, contains a self-reflection of what you would change, what you would do again, and anything you thought was cool.
This is your homework assignment the night of your presentation.
Grading Rubric
3. The culinary expert:
4 / Included a most-extensive list of traditional dishes for the regions the group visited. Included anexceptionally organized plan of where the group ate during the trip, including a wide variety of restaurants
or other creative means.
3 / Included a somewhat-extensive list of traditional dishes for the regions the group visited. Included a
well-organized plan of where the group ate during the trip, including somewhat of a variety of restaurants.
2 / Included a somewhat incomplete list of traditional dishes for the regions the group visited. Provided
incorrect information. Included a plan of where the group ate during the trip, including the names of
restaurants, but some days or meals may be missing.
1 / Included a mostly incomplete list of traditional dishes for the regions the group visited. If background information was provided, it was incorrect. Included a very sketchy plan of where the group ate during
the trip. Names of restaurants, if included, are few or copied.
0 / Made no attempt to participate in this project
5.Group Presentation (15 points)Group #______
Sí / No1. Includes 4 creative slides, one from each member of the group.
2. All group members contributed EQUALLY. Helped each other in a positive
manner for all to do well.
3. Free of grammatical errors.
4. Information is accurate.
5. Presentation is easily understood by the audience.
Before you think you’re ready to give your presentation, check the grading rubric below and ask yourselves the following questions:
•Did everyone contribute equally to the presentation?
•Is all of the information presented correct and fact-based?
•Have you rehearsed your part?
•Are all the slides together in one presentation?
•Did you include information such as where you are going to travel, what the weather is going to be like, what you are going to do, what you are going to eat ?
•Did you check grammar and spelling errors in your PowerPoint?
Total points (from each 4 roles)______/ 50 / Group Presentation Grade