No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet
Literature Unit Study Syllabus
11th – 12th Grade (6 weeks)10/15/10 – 11/19/10
Ms. Attard 305-247-7389
**Pre-Class Homework: Due Week #1 (10/15/10)
Read The Everything Shakespeare Bookpgs. 223- 230
“Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”
Read No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet Characters (pgs. ix-xii)
Go to website
Do Introduction quizzes:
“Who’s Who” and “Denmark and Norway”
25 questions total….print off quizzes and bring to class
Read No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet Act I (pgs. 2-75)
Please note: Take the quiz after reading each scene/scenes
Go to website
Do Act I quizzes in this order: Print/bring to class
“Quiz on Scene 1”
“Quiz on Scene 2”**question #5 spelling “….burg” not “….berg”**
“Quiz on Scenes 3, 4, and 5”
“Quotations Quiz”
Week #1 (10/15/10)
Collect quizzes printed from pre-class homework
Watch DVD “Rocketbook: Hamlet: Act I” Quiz on Act I
Class discussion/review quiz in class on Act I
Watch movie clips of Act I
Read No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet Act II (pgs. 76-133)
Do Act II quizzes in this order: Print/bring to class
“Quiz on Scene I”
“Quiz on Scene II”
“Quotations Quiz”
Week #2 (10/22/10)
Collect quizzes done for homework
Watch DVD “Rocketbook: Hamlet: Act II” Quiz on Act II
Class discussion/review quiz in class on Act II
Watch movie clips of Act II
Read No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet Act III (pgs. 134-211)
Do Act III quizzes in this order: Print/bring to class
“Quiz on Scene I”
“Quiz on Scene II”
“Quiz on Scene III”
Week #3 (10/29/10)
Collect quizzes done for homework
Watch DVD “Rocketbook: Hamlet: Act III” Quiz on Act III
Class discussion/review quiz in class on Act III
Watch movie clips of Act III
Read No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet Act IV (pgs. 212-273)
Do Act IV quiz: Print/bring to class
“Quiz on the Act”
Week #4 (11/1/10)
Collect quiz done for homework
Watch DVD “Rocketbook: Hamlet: Act IV” Quiz on Act IV
Class discussion/review quiz in class on Act IV
Watch movie clips of Act IV
Select a scene from the play to personally interpret…due Week #6
Read No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet Act V (pgs. 274-337)
Do Act V quizzes: Print/bring to class
“Quiz on Scene I”
“Quiz on Scene II”
Start to work on scene selection interpretation…at least 2 minutes.
Interpret selected scene in a creative way to share in class..i.e. act out the scene, sing the scene, mime the scene, rewrite in own words. Have fun with it. You may use costumes, props, etc. It’s up to you…it’s your personal interpretation…
Week #5 (11/8/10)
Collect quizzes done for homework
Watch DVD “Rocketbook: Hamlet: Act V” Quiz on Act V
Class discussion/review quiz in class on Act V
Watch movie clips of Act V
Continue to interpret selected scene in a creative way to share in class..i.e. act out the scene, sing the scene, mime the scene, rewrite in own words. Have fun with it. You may use costumes, props, etc. It’s up to you…it’s your personal interpretation…
Week #6 (11/15/10)
Students share interpreted scenes….