Flying Scot® Sailing Association





1.  Rules: This regatta will be governed by the rules as defined by the current edition of the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).

2.  Eligibility: [State the eligibility requirements for the specific event, from the FSSA ByLaws.]

3.  Registration may be by mail using the attached form. It can also be downloaded from the FSSA website, is published in Scots N’ Water, or may be completed at the regatta site beginning [date] at [time]. [State which Divisions competitors must choose from (i.e., Championship, Challenger, Non-Spinnaker, etc.] Sailing Instructions and Notice of Race will be available to registrants at the completion of registration.

4. Fees: See Registration Form

5. Schedule: [Give schedule for each day, including social events, meals, competitors’ meeting, and Warning Signals for races.]

6. Measurement: Boats and sails must conform to the Official Plan. Each boat must carry equipment required by FSSA Specification Article S-V.2 (Racing Restrictions), and US Coast Guard requirements [include this phrase if applicable to the body of water for the regatta].

7. Courses to be Sailed: The courses to be sailed will be [state courses] and will be described in the Sailing Instructions.

8. [If applicable] Berthing: Boats shall be kept in their assigned places.

9. Scoring: The low-point scoring system of RRS Appendix A2 will be used, except that there will be no throw-outs. [Give number] races are scheduled, of which [give number] must be completed to constitute a series.

10. Prizes: Prizes will be awarded to the top [give number] boats in the Championship Division, and to the top [give number of boats other division(s)]. [List any perpetual trophies.]

11. Contact information: [Give name, phone number, and e-mail address of the person who can provide additional information.]

12. Additional information: [Provide information on lodging and camping or motor home facilities (if offsite, include cost and distance from the regatta site), child care, expected wind conditions, parking restrictions, launch/hoist facilities, docking, dry sailing and/or mooring options, on-site swimming, baby-sitting availability, meals to be provided, local shopping or attractions for non-sailing family members, and any other useful information.]


Registration Form (Please print!)

Skipper name [and age, for Masters only]: ______

Address: ______

Home phone: ______Cell phone: ______E-mail: ______

Crew name [and age, for Masters only]: ______

Emergency contact name and phone: ______

Sail #: ______Fleet #: _____ Club affiliation: ______

Division: Championship ______Challenger ______[Other ______]

Registration fee includes: [list what comes with registration, such as the number of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, t-shirts, etc.]

Registration Fee for non-US Sailing members $nn _____

Registration Fee for US Sailing members $uu _____

My US Sailing number is ______

Additional Sat/Sun lunches ( ) x $yy _____

Additional Sat dinners ( ) x $zz _____

[If applicable] Additional T-shirts ( ) x $tt _____

Specify size for all T-shirts:

Total due: _____

Please make checks payable to [insert name or fleet number] and mail to [insert name and address].

Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) Rule 4, “Decision to Race.” The Organizing Authority will not accept any liability for material damage, personal injury, or death sustained in connection with, prior to, during, or after the regatta. I agree to abide by the RRS and all other rules that govern this event.

Signature: ______Date: ______