Lyttelton Harbour Business Association
Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: / 13th September 2016Time: / 5.30pm
Venue: / Structex, Norwich Quay, Lyttelton
Chairman: / Rob de Their (RdT);
Present: / Dana Dopleach (DD); Maree Henry (MH); Allanah James (AJ) Anne Parkinson (AP); Craig Minehan(CM); Marten Cooper
Apologies: / Will Lomax (WL)
Not Present:
1. Apologies – above.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting:
The minutes of the previous meeting on 9th August were approved.
Proposed: RdT Seconded: DD
3. Matters Arising
4. Correspondence
The committee were sorry to hear that Will Lomax has resigned as Chairman, due to his extended periods abroad.
Fiona Russell has resigned from the committee as she has left LPC.
5. Finance
Dana presented the accounts which have changed very little in the last two months.
Lyttel Soft has produced the annual accounts for $200, which is considerably cheaper than Lowthers in Auckland.
It was agreed that we should settle the Lyttel Soft invoice
Proposed: AP Seconded CM
It was agreed that the LHBA treasurer can submit the annual tax returns for the association and Dana will do this.
Proposed: AP Seconded RdT
It was noted that CCC are interested in setting up a Business Improvement District and Dana will invite them to attend one of our meetings.
It was agreed that we should move the LHBA email to Gmail at a cost of $5 per month per address.
Proposed: AP Seconded CM
LHBA Website
The platform for the current LHBA website is not being updated, it is out of date, and is not secure and so could be hacked.
The current host – Kobweb, is not interested in maintaining it, and does not back it up at all.
Dana produced a report outlining the current problems and her company’s (Blue Fusion) proposals for a new site, and then she left the room so that the rest of the committee could discuss her proposal.
It was quickly agreed that a new site is essential, and that we are fortunate to have Dana on our committee.
Dana re-joined the meeting, and explained that it would be a Drupal site, which means that there will be longevity for the new site as there are over 10,000 developers using this program.
The cost of making the new site will be approx. $2,500 + GST and the committee asked Blue Fusion to start work on the new site for LHBA, and it was agreed that we should pay the $1,000 deposit immediately, so that they can start work.
Proposed: RdT Seconded MH
Dana agreed to bring a presentation of the new site to the committee meeting on 8th November.
The committee agreed that once the site was working, they would consider Dana’s further suggestion to create a “How do I?” section
6. Networking Meetings
These continue to be well attended and the committee thank Dana for all her work on these and acknowledged that they have definitely raised the profile of LHBA around town. / DD
7. Management Sub Committee Reports
a. Farmers Market Committee: Craig said there was nothing to report.
b. Events Committee: There is no committee at present.
8. AGM
Rob has agreed to be the Chairman for this.
There are several people who are interested in becoming committee members which is very good.
Ruth Waugh is going to represent Project Lyttelton (PL) on our committee and it was agreed that PL should become an Associate Member, and therefore they would not be charged an annual subscription.
9. Any other Business
10. Next meeting:
11th October at 5.30 at Structex, Lyttelton.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.00 pm.