P1547.2 Work Group Meeting Notes

August 4-5, 2005


Arlington, Virginia

A meeting of the full IEEE Standard P1547.2 (Draft Application Guide for IEEE Standard 1547, Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems) Work Group was held on August 4-5, 2005 in Arlington, Virginia. The participant list is included as Attachment 1.

Mr. Dick Friedman, Chair for P1547.2, chaired the meeting. Mr. Bob Saint of NRECA accepted appointment as co-chair of the Work Group. Bob is also going to serve as the coordinator with the PES Distribution Subcommittee seeking to develop a guide for DG impact studies. This guide will initially be included as an Appendix in IEEE 1547.2.

The next meeting of the co-located IEEE P1547.2, P1547.3, P1547.4, and P1547.6 working groups is scheduled for the week of January 30, 2006 in AtlantaGA, hosted by Georgia Power Company. Working groups will establish their own agendas, which should be available before the meetings.

Tuesday, February 8, 2005 breakout meeting of the P1547.2 Work Group covered:

P1547.2 Section / Proposed Actions / Comments
Administrative issues /

1)Work Group authorized letter to IEEE Standards Board requesting extension of the PAR on 1547.2 for 4 more years.

2)R. Saint has created a joint subcommittee with NRECA and PES to meet with the 1547.2 Working Group to address system impacts.
3)It was noted by the Chair that a SCC is charged with focusing on cross-cutting issues for all professional societies.
4)An Appendix to 1547.2 on when & how to do impact studies is the preferred approach at this point. /


1.2.2 Limitations / 1)Remove the first bulleted item
2)Add ‘provided the duration of paralleling the sources is less than 100 MS’
2.0 References / All writing group leaders submit inputs to R. Friedman & T. Basso.
3.0 Definitions / Need to be expanded. All writing group leaders submit inputs to R. Friedman & T. Basso
4.0 The Distributed Resource / Move all info about prime movers except wind generators to an appendix. Present them in a table. Replace with section 6.4 (power conversion technologies should be the focus). / Writing Leads: John Bzura; Charles Rogers
5.0 The Electric Power System
5.1 Area EPS Distribution Circuits
5.2 Area EPS Concerns
5.3 Understanding the Local EPS (microgrids) / 1)Reduce the amount of diagrams, one of each type would be enough & consistent with intended audience skill level (J. Bzura)
2)Need to obtain a paper from Gerald Johnson to see how to focus on priority issues between Area & Local EPSs, simplify/highlight basic types of construction
3)Remove 5.2
4)Move 5.3. to section 4
5)Section 5.2 could address system impacts if this is desired / R Saint, G Johnson, J. Bzura,Terry Conrad
6.0The Interconnection System
6.1Definining interconnection system
6.2Example interconnection systems and configurations / 1)The material in section 6 is good (J. Bzura)
2)Need to develop discussion on protective relays & switchgears (G. Johnson) – utilities are moving towards digital ones (away from mechanical). Look at material in PRC document from G. Johnson to apply in the guide
  • Need to remove ‘meter’ symbol from all
  • Figure 6.2 not a ‘true’ interconnection
  • Figure 6.2, replace ‘will’ with ‘may’ in last sentence
  • Add ‘circuit breaker’ to box with transfer switches
  • The arrows should point in one direction (from Area EPS to DR)
  • Figures 6.4 &6.5 begin to impinge on islanding issues, need to remove the word ‘backup’
4)If net metering is in the text, add bi-directional metering (Travis Johnson)
5)Eliminate all of 6.3 / R Saint; R. Friedman; M. Baier, G. Johnson, Travis Johnson
7.0 Rationale for Technical Requirements / 1)No input has been received
2)Suggestion that it be deleted or included as background in section 8 (Friedman) / Linda Ell, R. Friedman
8.0Application Guidance for IEEE 1547
8.1 General Requirements
8.1.8 / 1)Travis Johnson asked if there was any enforcement of DR’s voltage and how to arbitrate the issue. Charles Rogers informed him that maintaining a power factor of 1.0 at the PCC was the directive that the DR needed to heed and that further ‘policing’ is a business issue outside the guide’s scope.
2)Need to define ‘cannot regulate voltage’ in ¶ 3 of page 77 (C. Rogers.) Also, there may be times & circumstances when a DR and an EPS mutually agree that this is desirable so a sentence to this effect should be added (this could require an impact study).
1)The DR grounding system has to be compatible with EPS grounding system (isolation transformer) before interconnection is completed
2)Comments need to be addressed (C. Rogers)
3)Need to review/enhance emergency power systems – grounding configurations & standard 446 (M. Baier)
1)Fairly clean, J. Johnson will review
2)P. 85, last ¶, change ‘normally’ to ‘rare and’
3)Move automatic synchronization before manual synchronization
1)DR on secondary grid should be discussed insofar as 1547 does (C. Rogers). Dan Sammon would be a good source of information for this.
1)Fairly clean, J. Johnson will review
1)On page 96, the ¶ that begins with ‘As a caution,…’ should be maintained if remote communications are not addressed in 1547.3 (C. Rogers)
2)Accept the track/changes deletion of last phrase on P.96
1)There are two competing submissions (J.Lin & M.Brodie). Travis Johnson will review both and recommend which one to use.
2)Neither submission discusses the electrical rating of disconnection devices. This needs to be done and it needs to be synched up with the placeholder on P. 106.
1)Delete heading (IEEE requirement 4.1.8 & interconnect integrity).
2)Need to reference C37.90.2 more fully. /

J. Johnson,

Travis Johnson, Jason Lin
J. Lin, M. Baier, S. Wall
J. Johnson,
Charles Rogers, D. Sammon
J. Johnson
J. Lin, M. Brodie,
C. Rogers
8.2Response to Abnormal Conditions
8.2.6 / 1)Needs better coordination & consideration between various submittals (C Rogers, S. Wall, J. Johnson, M. Brodie)
1)There are two competing submissions (C. Rogers, R. Walling, S. Wall & D. Bassett). C. Rogers will review both and integrate Dave Bassett’s input..
1)Needs working group discussion to see if parts that T. Duffy critiqued should be kept (C. Rogers).
2)P. 132, section on sensitive loads will be revised.
3)P. 129, over/under voltage exist to detect islanding, might be better in an appendix?
1)Need to find & integrate comments from 04/04 by Behnke (R. Friedman).
2)P. 135, T. Duffy identifies an inconsistency. S. Wall may have insight into how to resolve it.
1)T. Johnson suggests adding 1547 requirement 4.3.2 as a footnote, C. Rogers suggests adding it in the background.
1)No changes needed. / C. Rogers, S. Wall,
C. Rogers
Everyone, Simon Wall
Ask R. Friedman
Simon Wall
8.3Power Quality
8.3.3 / 1)There is no section entitled “Tips, techniques & rules of thumb”. Is this needed?
2)Table 8 on P. 141 is part of 8.2.6 and should be moved there
3)In the ‘Impact’ section, need to insert the symbology for √2(rms) (C. Rogers)
4)Chuck Whitaker will add a ¶ on the 0.5% issue (Limitation of DC injection)
1)This section needs a major rewrite. IEEE 1453, draft 9 on voltage flicker may be useful. C. Rogers suggested accepting Bill Feero’s changes. Roger Duggan was proposed to review the entire section once this is done.
2)P. 146, material from Tom Wind should be kept
3)P. 148, need to locate the Anderson paper
1)R. Walling had a lot of comments that seem to have been integrated. R. Saint will send it to him to make sure that this is the case.
2)S. Wall wants to add a distinction on linear loads (P. 151).
3)P. 151 ¶ 3 needs to be cleaned up. / C. Rogers.
Mark McGranahan, R. Duggan
R. Friedman

R. Walling, R. Saint

S. Wall

8.4.2 / 1)C. Rogers suggests removing intentional islanding and referencing 1547.4.
2)P. 158, ¶ on Direct transfer trip, replace ‘active and positive’ with ‘direct’.
3) P. 158, ¶ on Direct transfer trip, remove last sentence. /

C. Rogers, also Bassett & Vaziri to submit feedback

9.1 / 1)Use Type tests and representative unit (like 1547.1)
2)Write out EUT (equipment under test)
3)Need to discuss general aspects of tests (C. Rogers) /

R Saint, R. Friedman

10.0 Interconnection Information
10.1 DR Design & Construction
10.2 Operation & Maintenance / 1)Everyone agreed that the current text is too far beyond the scope of 1547 even though the information is useful.
2)R. DeBlasio also reported that some of Bassett’s material is politically sensitive (MADRI)
3)C. Rogers will provide and alternative submission in which he might add a part on guidance for when to do impact studies (this will allow D.Bassett to keep some of the material pertaining to impact studies) / C. Rogers, R. Friedman
App A - Bibliography / Search through the document for papers & books cited in the text / Friedman & Basso all writing submit
App B – Glossary / 1)Per R. DeBlasio, the IEEE requires that the guides use its definitions
2)Change ‘dedicated transformer’ to ‘isolated transformer’ /

T Gordon

?App C - Examples / See the NRECA guide for DR Technologies and prime movers
App D – System Impacts / Discussion on whether impact studies should keep the word ‘impact’ or whether it should be changed to ‘engineering’, ‘preliminary’, ‘detailed’ or ‘feasibility’. Whatever they end up getting called, we need to define what goes into them. Chuck Whitaker suggested looking at the supplemental review document in Rule 21 for material. R. Friedman will look at FERC material 2006 with a view to draft something on impacts for Area EPS as well as impacts for Local EPS or privately owned EPSs. /

C Rogers, R. Friedman

App E – Networks /

M Vaziri, B. Feero

App F – Certification NOT as an appendix? Upfront instead? / Brainstorming session – Std 1547 FN12 & FN14
A general reluctance to assume the role of approving the implemented interconnection (there are approved, pre-certified components but there’s no guarantee that once those components are configured together they are 1547 compliant). Type testing pertains to discrete equipment and an interconnection test is different because it measures DR system performance. An additional problem is that not every component in a DR system may be pre-certified (main components only might be). R. DeBlasio suggested a task force to examine certification, but found it difficult to get a majority of OEMs on board with this approach. / (Basso; Conrad)
App H – Index

Other Agreements and Action Items

  1. Post up-dated 1547.2 membership list on Group website.
  2. Considerable revision of Section 10, also to serve as introduction to Appendix on Guide to System Impacts.
  3. Review California Rule 21 Guidelines at supplemental review guidelines.rule 21.ca.gov.
  4. Originally agreed to complete all writing assignments by October 19. Since time is short, we have established new deadline of November 28, right after Thanksgiving. See assignments listed above. E-mail contribution to Dick Friedman and Tom Basso.
  5. Post NREL “certification” slide on Group website.
  6. Next Working Group meeting set for week of January 30, 2006 in Atlanta, GA hosted by Georgia Power Company.


P1547.2 Work Group Meeting

August 4-5, 2005


Arlington, Virginia

Participant List

BaratArupConnected Energy Corp

BassoThomasNational Renewable Energy Laboratory

BosackDavidNortheast Utilities Service Co

BzuraJohnNational Grid

ConradTerryConcurrent Technologies Corporation

BrannEdNiSource (NIPSCO)

DeBlasioDickNational Renewable Energy Laboratory

DoyleMikeTXU Electric Delivery

FriedmanDickResource Dynamics Corporation


JohnsonGeraldBasler Electric

JohnsonTravisGeorgia Power Company

JuntaDonaldUS Department of Agriculture

LinJasonGE Zenith Controls

MattesPaulNiSource Energy Technologies

RogersCharlesConsumers Energy

SaintBobNational Rural Electric Cooperative Association

WallSimonCapstone Turbine Corporation

WestRandyConcurrent Technologies Corporation

WhitakerChuckBEW Engineering Inc.