
native to a region; describes people inhabiting a land before the arrival of colonists



indigenous people of Australia


Acid rain

rain polluted with chemicals



a term describing a society that is based on agriculture


Allied Powers

Britain, France, Russia; those nations involved in World War I that were led by Great Britain , Russia, and France; the United States later joined the Allied Powers



countries / nations who are friends and support one another


Amazon River

A massive river in South America; more water drains out of the Amazon than out of any other river on Earth


Andes Mountains

The mountain range along the western side of South America more than 5,000 miles long, and home to the highest mountains in the Western Hemisphere



to add territory; to take over a piece of another nation's land



land that is able to be farmed



prejudice against Jewish people



a chain of islands



the region around the North Pole


Aristocracy, aristocratic

having to do with royalty/monarchy



a temporary halt in fighting; a truce



the study of stars and their positions


Atacama Desert

a desert region on the coast of northern Chile, sparsely inhabited, but rich in minerals



leader of the Incas (known as "Sapa Inca"). During the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire, the Spaniard Francisco Pizarro captured him and used him to control the Inca empire before executing him.



a word that describes a political system in which people of a country must obey the ruling power


Autocratic or Autocracy

government in which one person possesses unlimited power and the citizen has little, if any, role in the government (example: Cuba). Most dictators maintain their position through inheritance of military power (fear, violence). People who try to speak out against the government are often silenced through the use of power.


Ayers Rock

a giant stone monolith in Australia's Northern Territory; one of the country's most famous natural features


Axis Powers

an alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan that fought against the Allies during World War II



native people of central Mexico whose civilization was at its height at the time of the Spanish conquest in the early 16th century



to exchange, or trade, one good for another


Battle of Stalingrad

World War II battle considered to be the bloodiest in human history; it last from 1942 to 1943


Bering Land Bridge

a narrow area of land that once joined Siberia to Alaska


Berlin Wall

a wall in Germany that separated East and West Berlin from 1961 to 1989



a legislature with two branches


British Commonwealth

a voluntary association of independent nations and dependent territories linked by historical ties as part of the former British empire, and cooperation on matters of mutual concern like economics and trade.


British North America Trade Act

a law passed in 1867 under which Canadian colonies united to form a new country, governed by a new constitution



a group of people appointed by a president or prime minister to give advice and help run the government


Canadian Shield

a plateau region of eastern Canada extending from the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River northward to the Arctic Ocean


Capital goods

equipment used by a company to produce other goods



an economic system in which private owners control the production of goods and profit


Caribbean Sea

a large body of water in the western Atlantic Ocean, to the south bordered by South America, to the west bordered by Central America, and to the north by Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic



the making of maps and charts



this word actually means "universal", but when capitalized, refers to the Roman Catholic church. Roman Catholics were some of the first Christians.


Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, when they fought against the Allied Powers during World War I.



chief executive in Germany



a city in north central Ukraine where in 1986 a large Nuclear Power Plant exploded during stress testing causing the leakage of massive amounts of radiation


Chief executive

the #1 person in charge of the country; we call ours PRESIDENT


Christopher Columbus

believed that the Bahamas were part of Asia; was an Italian sailor who thought that if the world was round instead of flat, then you should be able to sail to India to buy spices by going west instead of east. Convinced the king and queen of Spain to give him 3 ships, let him try to prove that he was right. He did not get to India, he did find the islands of the Caribbean including present day Haiti



to meet in secret


Cold war

began in 1945, period of distrust between Soviet Union and its former allies in the West, particularly the United States; Germany was divided into two parts, East Germany and West Germany



to form a colony, to settle a colony



a foreign area controlled by a country and contributing to its wealth; any people or territory separated from, but subject to, a ruling power


Columbian Exchange

the widespread exchange of agricultural goods, livestock, slave labor, communicable diseases, and ideas between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres that occurred after 1492.


Command economy

an economy that is planned and controlled by the central government



an economic and political system in which the government owns all the businesses, and citizens have limited personal freedoms


Concentration camps

prisons where civilians, political prisoners, and sometimes prisoners of war were held under harsh conditions



voluntary associations of independent states that, to secure some common purpose, agree to certain limitations on their freedom of action and establish some joint machinery of consultation or deliberation (example: European Union); voluntary association of states in which individual states hold more power than the central government



a conqueror, especially one of the 16th century Spanish soldiers who defeated the Indian civilizations of Mexico, Central America, and Peru.



document written to describe the way a government of a country will be organized


Commonwealth of Nations

weak association of member countries once part of the British Empire; also called the British Commonwealth



describes a government that owns or controls most farms and businesses



voluntary associations of independent states that, to secure some common purpose, agree to certain limitations on their freedom of action and establish some joint machinery of consultation or deliberation (Example: European Union)



a conqueror from Spain, an explorer who went to new countries; a conqueror, especially one of the 16th century Spanish soldiers who defeated the Indian civilizations of Mexico, Central America and Peru



document written to describe the way the government of a country will be organized; a document of basic laws that govern a country


Constitutional monarchy

a form of government in which the power of the king or queen is limited by a constitution



to buy, to use up, to purchase something that is for sale.



poisoned, food not safe to eat, a place not safe to live in; could make a person sick, even kill them


Cook, Captain James

claimed Australia for Great Britain; in 1770's had a ship named Endeavor


Coral Sea

a body of water off the east coast of Australia, home o the Great Barrier Reef



conquistador that Montezuma welcomed because he mistakenly thought Cortez was a god from a legend in their religion. Cortez was looking for gold and riches and was successful in overtaking the Aztec people.



a French word that means to take over a government, to militarily overthrow the present government (pronounced KOO with no "p" sound)


Coup d'etat

a military takeover of a government (pronounced KOO-DAY-TAH)



wars fought in the Middle East over land that was holy to Christians and Muslims; military expeditions sent by different Popes (leaders of the Catholic Church) to capture the Holy Land


Cultural diffusion

the spread of language and traditions from one group to another



the way of life of a group of people; includes language, customs, traditions, beliefs, and religious practices



the type of money a country uses; a system of money


Currency exchange

without a system of exchanging currencies it would be very difficult to conduct international trade; exchange rates provide a procedure for determining the value of one country's currency in the terms of another country's currency.



rules of behavior that people follow within a culture


Cyrillic alphabet

an alphabet that is used by Slavic languages (includes Russian). These Slavic languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet are in central and eastern Europe.



another spelling of TSARS: what the king/emperor was called in Russia



a country in Europe that doesn't exist any more



the name given to the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Western Europe; it occurred on June 6, 1944



trees that shed their leaves in the fall



when a governing body spends more money than it brings in



the act or process of removing trees from or clearing a forest



how many people want the goods available and what they are willing to pay for them


Democracy / democratic

political system in which a country's people elect their leaders and rule by majority; a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections. (Examples: United Kingdom, Germany, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Australia)



a sect or group within a religion


Densely populated

a place where a lot of people live; for example, a city is densely populated, farmland in the country is not densely populated



buying and selling almost stops; wages fall; banks close; business slows; inflation rises; farmers lose land



someone who rules by fear or force, they have all the power, they don't share power with anybody, has complete rule



a form of government in which power is concentrated in the hands of one leader



means to disagree with



a person who disagrees with (for example) the government or it's leader



a variety of different races, ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs



describes industries or businesses that are in OUR country; foreign describes industries or businesses in countries other than our own



the most powerful, the strongest, the most type of people



the time of creation in the Australian Aboriginal religion


Economic depression

buying and selling almost stops; wages fall; banks close; business slows; inflation rises; farmers lose land


Economic system

the way a country decides what goods will be produced, how they will be produced, and who will consume them



the way in which people m a erpson eet their needs through the production, distribution, and the use of goods and services



how how a place is above sea level



prohibit trade with other nations; they bar a foreign nation's imports or ban exports to that nation or both; a ban on trade with another country for a political reason



the smoke that comes out smokestacks of factories, tailpipes of cars



a group of nations or people ruled over by a sovereign/monarch (emperor/ empress, king/queen, etc.)



used to be its own country by itself; now part of Great Britain which is part of United Kingdom


English Channel

a body of water separating France and the United Kingdom



one who risks his or her own money, time, ideas, and energy to start and run a business; a person who is willing to take a risk to organize and operate a new business



means having to do with race or culture


Ethnic group

people in a region who share ancestry, language, and culture



the currency of the European Union. One result of the EU is the creation of the EURO. Just as the United States has dollars ($), the European countries have their own currencies. The euro is the currency of most of the EU. Member countries can choose to give up their own currencies and exchange them for euros.


European Union (EU)

established in 1990s; main goal is to strengthen the economic, political, and defense ties of member nations; it's goal is to create a singles European currency; also it is a system to remove tariff barriers and open trade between countries. An organization, evolved from the European Economic Community, that created one economic market out of the member nations' economies


Exclusion zone

the area around Chernobyl, Ukraine where no one was allowed to live, travel, or "be' after the nuclear accident



branch of government that includes the head of state (president, premier, prime minister, etc)



trip that's purpose is to explore



a product that one country sells to another



a totalitarian government that has complete control over its citizens' political, economic, religious, and cultural activities



1. national level, government having to do with the entire country, not just the state; 2. characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is divided between one central and several regional authorities. (Examples: Australia, Germany, Russia, Canada, Brazil, and Mexico)


Federal parliamentary democracy

a system in which a central government is controlled by a democratically elected Parliament, such as in Australia