PhotoShop Lesson 1
Photoshop Tools and Selection Techniques
When you open Photoshop you should see the toolbar. Tools may differ slightly depending on the version of Photoshop that you are using. The tools on the left are in Photoshop 7 while the tools on the right are version 5.5. Examine the tools and get to know those in your package
Toolbars Explained
Selection tool Move tool
More Selection tools Lasso tool Magic Wand
Airbrush Paintbrush Crop tool
Eraser Pencil
Rubber Stamp Smudge tool Healing Brush tool
Focus Tools Toning tools
Type Mask Type tool Combined Type tool
Line tools Gradient tool Pen tool Path Selection tool
Paint Bucket tool Eyedropper tool Notes tool
Hand tool Zoom tool Slice tool
Color Picker tool - shows current foreground and background colour
Quick Mask Options
Different Screen Modes – standard, full, etc
Alternate between ImageReady and Photoshop
Note that tools with a small black triangle in the bottom right corner have a number of variations of the particular tool to choose from. To see the options click on the triangle and choose the variation you want
There are a number of tool options that I have not explained. You will get to know them on a ‘need to know’ basis!
The palettes shown to the left can be switched on or off in the window by ticking the appropriate option under the show or hide in the Windows pull-down menu
Selection Tools
You cannot edit any part of an image until you first select the area you want to deal with. There are many ways of selecting using different selection tools
Identify and Use Selection Tools
Selecting part of an image is done by firstly deciding and clicking on the appropriate tool and then dragging the pointer over the area of the image you want selected. Clicking on a tool in the toolbox makes it the ACTIVE tool. Make sure you have selected the right tool for a particular task.
The rectangular Marquee tool - is used to select a square or rectangular area by first clicking the tool and then dragging it across the area to be selected
The ellipticalMarquee tool is used to select circular or elliptical shapes. This tool is displayed by clicking on the Marquee tool, holding the mouse button, then and dragging the mouse to the left. The selected tool now appears in the toolbox and can be selected
The Lasso tool - allows you to make a freehand selection.
Magnetic Lasso tool - which is very useful as it clings to edges
The Magic Wand tool - allows you to select areas of a picture based on colour similarity of adjacent pixels. It is useful for selecting oddly shaped objects or areas of an image
The Cropping tool - lets you get rid of part of an image you do not want
Using the Selection Tools
Some Pointers for Exercise 1
The melon is used for the head and the vegetable pieces to form the face etc as follows:
1Create an eye using the carrot and blueberry
a)Do this by using the elliptical Marquee tool and selecting from the centre of each vegetable
b)When you have the eye completed Duplicate 2 of them and position them on the face using the Move/Duplicate tool
2Use the kiwi to form the mouth on the face
a)Use the elliptical Marquee tool to select and move the kiwi into position for the mouth
3The pear needs to be selected, moved/copied and scaled to form the nose
a)Use the Magic Wand tool
4The radish needs to be selected, moved/copied, scaled and rotated to form the 2 eyebrows
a)Use the rectangular Marquee tool and the Magic Wand tool
5The orange slice needs to be selected, moved/coped, scaled and rotated to form the 2 ears
a)Use the Magnetic Lasso tool to extract the flesh from the orange slice
b)Duplicate for 2 ears, TransformRotate and move into position
6The pasta becomes the bowtie
a)Use Lasso tool to draw a freehand selection around the pasta piece – Add/Subtract as necessary until you have the selection correct
b)Move/Copy it into position for the bowtie
7The mushroom becomes the hat
a)Use the Lasso tool to draw a freehand selection around the mushroom – Add/Subtract as necessary until you have the selection correct
b)Scale and Move/Copy into position as the hat
8Complete exercise by Cropping the image to remove the remains of the vegetables. You will just leave the completed head
9Save completed image as Veghead to H
NOW Do Exercise 1
This will teach you how to use the selection tools
- Create a folder called Photoshop in your H drive in the DTP folder
- Copy the Lesson1 folder to your H drive to the Photoshop folder.
- Start Photoshop from the desktop
- Open the files called 01Start.psd and 01End.psd in Photoshop. You will begin with the Start file and you will create a file that looks similar to the End file!
- Opening the 01End file is for you to see what it is you have to create. You will use all the vegetables to create a face using the melon as the head. This is what your finished exercise should look like
- Save the 01Start file to your H drive again in the Lesson1 folder calling it Veghead.psd
Below I explain how to use the various selection tools to help you to complete Exercise 1.
Selecting an Area
Use the Veghead file to practice the various techniques explained below. Any of the selection tools can be used to select an area but each has particular advantages. The Marquee tool is for selecting squares or rectangles. The Lasso tool is used for freehand selections. The other tools are dealt with as we go along.
Selection Method
- Click on the selection tool you want to use
- Drag the mouse over the area concerned
- A dotted line will appear around the selection which means that the area is selected
Deselect an Area
To get rid of all selections on your screen click on Select, Deselect
Reposition and/or Resize a Selection While Creating it
When creating a selection sometimes it is not exactly over the right area.
- Select the area using the Marquee tool - DO NOT release the mouse button.
- Then holding down the Spacebar, move the mouse to reposition the selection outline over the required area.
- Release the spacebar but NOT the mouse button and drag again to resize the selected area. You will notice that when you drag without the spacebar the size and shape of the selected area changes but its point of origin does not
- Practice doing this with any of the parts of the image in Veghead.psd
Selecting from A Center Point
To create the ‘eye’ shown here using the carrot slice and the blueberry use the methods which follow. You will need to select and copy the blueberry onto the carrot. Then you will need to select the compiled picture and duplicate it.
- Click on circular Marquee tool
- Position mouse pointer at the approximate centre of the blueberry
- Click and begin dragging out to the edge.
- DO NOT release the mouse button. Hold down ALT and continue dragging the selection until you reach the outer edge.
- When you have selected the complete blueberry first release the mouse button and then release the ALT button
- If the selection area is not working out that well read the next section and try it while making the selection
Adjusting Position of the Moved Object
You can make minor adjustments to the position of a moved object by using the direction ArrowKeys on your keyboard. This can only be done if you have moved the selection or if you have the move tool selected.
Press the up arrow a few times to move the selection upwards and so on for the other directions. (Use the blueberry or carrot to practice the above few techniques)
Moving a Selection
- Select the area you want to move using any of the methods described above
- Click on Move tool and position the pointer within the selected area.
- Drag the selection to the new location
Duplicating a Selection
Moves a copy of the selected area to a new location
- Use one of the selection tools to select the area concerned
- Click on Move tool. Hold down ALT key and position the pointer within the selected area
- The pointer becomes a double arrow, which indicates that a duplicate will be made when you move the selection
- Once you release the mouse button a copy of the selection has been made
- You can make multiple copies by releasing and clicking the mouse button
Shortcuts for Moving/Duplicating
Select the area to be moved or copied
To Move. With selection tool still selected HOLD down Control key and position the pointer within the selection. Drag the selection to the new location
To Duplicate. With selection tool still selected HOLD down Control + ALT and drag the selection to its new location. The original remains in the original position and a copy is placed in the new location.
To Change Area selected. Before releasing the mouse button hold down Spacebar and move the mouse. This will move the entire selection outline to a new location
Selecting using the Magic Wand Tool
The magic wand is good for selecting something which has a fairly well-defined shape. You need to set a tolerance level to say how many different shades or tones of a colour are selected when you click an area. The default is 32 indicating it will select 32 similar lighter and 32 similar darker tones. This tolerance level can be increased so that it will include more similar shades.
Use the pear to practice this
- Select the pear with the magic wand tool at the standard 32 tolerance level
- Notice the bottom right-hand part is not selected. This is because the tolerance level is not high enough.
- Gradually increase the tolerance level through 50, 60 and 70 looking at the result after each change
- At tolerance level 70 you will see that much more of the pear is selected
Adding and Subtracting Selections
To Add to selected area hold down Shift and continue selecting
To Subtract from selected area hold down ALT and continue selecting. (Use the mushroom to practice)
Adding/Subtracting using Magic Wand tool
With the pear selected using the above technique, continue as follows to get the entire pear selected.
1Hold down Shift key and click again in the unselected area of the pear with the magic wand tool
2With Shift still held down continue clicking until the entire pear is highlighted
Selecting with the Lasso Tool
Usually used for freehand selection. Sometimes you might want to do some straight lines also. These can be done by holding down ALT key and clicking one by one on the points you want straight lines drawn between (pasta example). To complete the selection the lines must overlap (fastening points).
Adding/Subtracting using Lasso Tool
- To add to the selected area hold down Shift. A + (plus) sign appears with the lasso pointer.
- Drag the lasso tool around the area you want to add to the selection. Release the mouse button and the two areas are merged.
- Make sure you overlap the lines when selecting
- To subtract an area from the initial selection hold down ALT. A - (minus) sign appears with the lasso pointer. Drag the lasso tool around the area you want to take away. Repeat until you have all unwanted areas selected
Magnetic Lasso Tool
This tool can be used to make freehand selections with high contrast edges
The border automatically snaps to the edge you are tracing making it easier
You can control the direction of the tool’s path by clicking to place occasional fastening points in the border. (Use the magnetic lasso tool to select the radish shown below)
Transform a Selection (Rotate or Scale)
This is used to rotate (turn) and scale (resize) a selection
- Select area you want to transform
- Choose EditTransformRotate
- A box with handles appears around the selected object
- Position the pointer outside a corner handle until you see a double-headed arrow , then drag in the direction you want the rotation to occur or
- Choose an option from the drop-down menu which appears. Here you can choose 90, 180 degrees etc of rotation. The pictures here show a rotation of 1800 of the radish
- To apply the rotation, press Enter. The box disappears but the object remains selected
- Now click EditTransformScale
- Again the box appears. The double-headed arrow outside the box will allow you to resize the object (use orange example)
- Press Enter to apply
Combining Selection Tools
The Magic Wand tool makes selections based on colour. If an object you want to select is on a solid coloured background it may be easier to select the background and then subtract it leaving the object selected. (Use radish example again this time with the magic wand tool)
- Use the rectangular Marquee tool to select an area around the picture (radish). You now have a rectangular area with white surrounding the radish. We want only the radish
- Click on the Magic Wand tool
- Hold down ALT. Click anywhere in the white area of the selection on your screen.
- The radish is now the selected area and background has been taken away
- You can now Hold down CTRL + ALT to drag a copy of the radish to its new location
Fine-tuning the Position of a Selected object
The Arrow Keys can be used to make minute adjustments to the position of a selection. The area must remain selected for this to work
With area selected use Arrow keys to move 1 pixel at a time in the chosen direction
With the area selected and Shift pressed, use Arrow keys to move 10 pixels at a time in the chosen direction
Cropping an Image
Gets rid of any area of an image you do not want
- Select the cropping tool by clicking and dragging the mouse on the Marquee tool until you reach the cropping tool
- Select the area you want to KEEP
- When the marquee is positioned where you want it press Enter. This makes the cropping take effect
- Click on File>Save
- Click on Close
Finished Exercise
PhotoShop Lesson 1Page 1©Una Dooney 2004