Game Day Volunteer Descriptions:
Pre-game Meals (JV & V all games)
Help set up, serve and clean-up the pre-game meals. We need volunteers to arrive at the school around 2:00. You should be done by around 3:30. It is a simple, but important job! It is a time to get to know the team and see your son. This is a perfect time to pick up the coolers and snacks to take to the away games if you are willing to volunteer for that job as well. 6 volunteers for each meal, JV & V, each week.
Post-game Snacks (JV & V – all games):
Pick up snacks and Gatorades from the school on game day and deliver them to the field for the boys to have after each game. (2 coolers will already be filled with Gatorade and ice and the snacks will be with them.) It’s very easy – for home games just get the snacks and Gatorades to the field sometime before the end of the game! They will be in the small concession stand inside. For away games, we need you to transport the coolers and snacks in your car and get them out to the field. The coolers can be returned to the school on the team bus after the game.
Sportswear (JV & V home games)
Sell sportswear during home football games. It is best to have 2 people per game. Again, JV parents can work Varsity games and vice versa. Or parents of offensive players can work while the defense is on the field and vice versa. We can work together! You will also need to record what is sold so we can track our sales. 2 volunteers per game.
Chain Gang (JV & V home games)
Run the chains at home games. We need 4 volunteers per game.
Statistician (JV & V)
Keep accurate statistics for offense, defense, and special teams. For example, statistics for rushing yards, tackles, punt average, etc. We need 4 people per game (2 spotters and 2 recorders) for JV & V. It’s simple and a great way to follow the game.
Game Photographer (JV & V)
Take pictures at all games possible. Download pictures to Shutterfly. Our Shutterfly account will be accessible from the BHS football website ( Also help create a photo slideshow for Team Banquet.
Videographer (JV & V)
Record game footage for the team. This is one of the most important volunteer positions! Coaches and players use the game film to make adjustments and prepare for the following week. JV will operate 1 camera. Varsity will use 2 cameras – one in the press box and one in the end zone. The end zone camera is on a tall tripod, but the video screen is ground-level. You will record while the play is in progress and pause the recording in between plays. Battery changes will need to be done at the end of each quarter or at half time. Very simple.
50/50 Raffle (JV & V home games)
Walk through the stands for the first half of the game and collect for the 50/50 raffle. The prize is given at half time…..Job done. In order to avoid missing your son play, JV parents could work Varsity games and vice versa. 2 Volunteers per home game.
Field Clean Up (JV & V home games)
After the game pick up pylons & yard markers, remove the tarps, etc. and put away in the storage shed. This can be done quickly while you wait for your child to come out of the locker room. With many hands it would not take very long!!
Announcer & Clock Operator (JV games)
We need a public address announcer and clock operator for each JV home game. The clock is easy to operate and training only takes a few minutes. It is helpful to the announcer to have a spotter (someone to help identify the player(s) that made the play) 3 volunteers per game