PRO3.1-19 Working in Isolation

1. Objective

The objective of this process is to outline the requirements for the management of work in isolated or remote locations for person(s) conducting work activities for or on behalf of Infrastructure, Property & Technology (IPT) to ensure risks associated with health, safety and welfare are minimised.

Note: The purpose of this process is to reflect key requirements outlined within The University of Adelaide HSW Policy and Handbook whilst addressing reporting, operational needs and site specific hazards within the IPT Branch.

2. Scope

This applies to all Infrastructure, Property & Technology employees,Agencystaff, Managed Services and Volunteers.

3. Process

Key stakeholders must consider the following when undertaking activities in isolated or remote locations.

Process Steps / Responsible Person / Frequency / Relevant Documents

3.1 Operational Requirements

3.1.1 / Identify all work that requires people to work alone, in isolation or in remote work locations, giving consideration to:
  • The period of isolation or remoteness;
  • The nature and hazard potential of the work being done during the period of isolation or remoteness; and
  • Any other real or potential risks associated with the location, or the isolated or remote work (for example weather conditions, terrain, etc).
/ Business Unit Manager / Prior to isolated work
3.1.2 / Establish controls to eliminate or minimise the risks including safe work procedures which must include:
  • Adequate and reliable communication systems;
  • A system of regular contact with the person working alone or working in isolation;
  • Limitations on, or prohibition of, specified activities;
  • Implementation of training requirements; and
  • Where applicable, the provision of emergency supplies.
/ Business Unit Manager / Prior to isolated work / Safe Work Method Statement / Job Safety Analysis
3.1.3 / Individuals shall advise their Manager / Team Leader when they plan to work alone or in isolation and shall conduct their work in accordance with the job safety analysis or other safe work procedures. / Employees
Agency Staff
Managed Services
Volunteers / Prior to and during isolated work / Safe Work Method Statement / Job Safety Analysis

4. Responsibilities and Process Compliance

Accountable Person / Action / Auditable Records
Director, Infrastructure, Property & Technology / Systems of work are devised and maintained for operations inisolated or remote locations / Reviewed Process
Business Unit Manager / Implementing this process in their area of responsibility;
Ensure staff within their area of responsibility have undertaken a job safety analysis / Safe Work Method Statement / Job Safety Analysis
University Staff, Agency workers, Managed ServicesVolunteers / Shall not place themselves or others at risk of injury;
Apply any controls adopted for work in isolated or remote locations;
Participate in the consultation processes associated with selection of suitable controls. / Safe Work Method Statement / Job Safety Analysis

5. Definitions

Isolated or remote work / Refers to any situation where a person is required to work alone and as such would be unable to readily summon assistance in the event of injury, illness, violence or other emergency. While remote work can be considered in terms of actual distance, isolated work is to be considered in terms of the separation or seclusion of one person from others, regardless of distance. This would include those circumstances where a person is working alone but in close proximity to others, but because of physical barriers (e.g. building walls, thick bushland, uneven or hilly terrain), cannot be constantly monitored through visual or verbal contact.

6. References

  • Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986
  • Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 2010

Document Title: / PRO3.1-19 Working in Isolation.docx / Version No. / 1.0 / Effective Date: / 26 November 2010
Filepath: / S:\Services_Resources\Infrastructure\Shared\HSW\IPT HSW Management System\Section 3.1 - Controlling HSW Risks\3.1-19 Working in Isolation\PRO3.1-19 Working in Isolation.docx / Next Review Date: / May 2015
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