Name: Email:
College Knowledge Pre-Test
This isn’t really a test, but a way for me to get to know you better and to determine the best way that I can help you with your college plans. There are no right or wrong answers and please answer each question honestly. Thank you!
No/None / Some / A LotI understand the college application process
No/None / Some / A LotMy family and I have discussed college
No/None / Some / A LotI have researched colleges (internet/library/guidance)
I have talked with my College Career Specialist about
No/None / Some / A Lotcollege.
I know the parts included in a college application.
No/None / Some / A LotNo/None / Some / A Lot
I understand how financial aid works.
No/None / Some / A LotI know what FAFSA means.
I understand what scholarships are.
No/None / Some / A LotNo/None / Some / A Lot
I know how to do a resume for a college application.
No/None / Some / A LotI know the criteria a college uses to make admissions
No/None / Some / A LotI understand the differences between 2 and 4 year
No/None / Some / A LotI know what it means to have a major in college.
No/None / Some / A LotI have visited college campuses.
No/None / Some / A LotI have a career in mind after college.
No/None / Some / A LotI feel prepared to begin college applications.
Main thing I want to know more about for college is: ______
One thing that worries me about college is: ______