[Enter AMTS Name]
Operations Specifications Information / [DATE]
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[Note to User: This matrix is provided by the Aviation Technician Education Council (ATEC) free of charge to its members. Its purpose is to provide an outline for gathering information required for the issuance of Operations Specifications (OpSpecs), as provided for in FAA Notice 8900.278.

The matrix outlines each OpSpecs paragraph, its description and the information the AMTS should gather to ensure the availability of complete information. It may be used as a tool to gather information in preparation for insertion into WebOPPS or to provide to your local FSDO who will issue OpSpecs directly. All bold, bracketed text (including these introductory paragraphs) should be deleted or replaced with the appropriate information before finalization. If sending this document outside of the AMTS (i.e., to your FSDO), ATEC recommends that you send it in Adobe PDF format.

If you have any questions about the matrix or suggestions for its improvement, email .]

Paragraph / Description / AMTS Information /
A001, Issuance And Applicability / Provides general contact information / AMTS name: [Enter certificate holder’s name]
Primary address: [Enter primary business address]
Mailing address:[Enter mailing address, if different]
Contact name: [Enter primary contact name]
Telephone: [Enter primary contact telephone]
Facsimile: [Enter primary contact facsimile]
Email: [Enter primary contact email]
Air agency certificate number: [Enter air agency certificate number]
A002, Definitions and Abbreviations / Lists terms and definitions applicable to an AMTS with part 147 certificate / Standard paragraph, no information required.
A003, Rating(s) / Lists the authorized rating(s) / [Delete any statements below that don’t apply]
Airframe & Powerplant
A004, Summary of Special Authorizations and Limitations / Identifies all optional/not required OpSpecs and whether or not they are authorized to the AMTS / [Delete any statements below that don’t apply]
The AMTS utilizes granted exemption(s)
The AMTS utilizes affiliated DME(s)
The AMTS conducts distance learning
The AMTS has a general curriculum
The AMTS has an airframe curriculum
The AMTS has a powerplant curriculum
A005, Exemptions / Lists exemptions granted, if any / Choose an item.
[If the AMTS has been granted exemptions, list them below, otherwise delete:]
Exemption number: [Enter exemption number, if applicable]
Date of expiration: [Enter date of expiration, if applicable]
Remarks: [Enter short description of exemption, e.g., general curriculum testing permitted after completion of general curriculum]
A006, Management Personnel / Identifies management personnel / [If the AMTS has more than one management position, state “see attached” and provide additional information in a separate document, then delete the cells below]
FAA-recognized management position title: N/A
Name: [Enter name of the person holding the position above]
Equivalent Position Title: [Enter the person’s AMTS title]
Telephone: [Enter telephone number for the person listed above]
Facsimile: [Enter facsimile number for the person listed above]
Email: [Enter email for the person listed above]
A007, Designated Persons / Lists person(s) authorized to apply for and receive OpSpecs / [If the AMTS has more than one designated person, state “see attached” and provide title, name and designations for each in a separate document, then delete the title, name and designee information, below]
Title: [Enter designated person’s AMTS title]
Name: [Enter designated person’s name]
Designee has authority to apply for, receive and change parts A and B
A012, Affiliated Designated Mechanic Examiners (DME) / References affiliated DMEs, if any, as provided for in the Designated Airman Table of the Flight Standards Automation System’s National Vital Information Subsystem. / Choose an item.
A013, Instructors / States that the AMTS must maintain a list of certificated and/or specialized instructors / An instructor list is maintained by this AMTS as required by §§ 147.5, 147.23, and 147.36 and will be provided to FAA representatives upon request.
A025, Recordkeeping System / Provides information on AMTS recordkeeping systems / [If there is no recordkeeping system description in the operating manual, delete the sentence below and insert a description of the system used.]
Recordkeeping System AMTS manual reference: [Enter manual name and section or paragraph number where recordkeeping procedures reside]
Address where records are kept: [Enter physical address where records are kept]
Point of Contact name: [Enter name of person in charge of recordkeeping]
Telephone: [Enter telephone number of person in charge of recordkeeping]
Facsimile: [Enter facsimile number of person in charge of recordkeeping]
Email: [Enter email of person in charge of recordkeeping]
[If there is no electronic/digital recordkeeping system procedure in the operating manual, delete the sentence below and insert a description of the system used. If the AMTS does not utilize an electronic/digital recordkeeping system, enter “This AMTS does not keep records electronically” and delete the text below.]
Electronic/digital recordkeeping system AMTS manual reference: [Enter manual name and section or paragraph number where electronic/digital recordkeeping procedures reside]
[If there is no electronic/digital signature procedure provided in the operating manual, delete the sentence below and insert a description of the system used. If the AMTS does not utilize an electronic/digital signature system, enter “This AMTS does not utilize electronic/digital signatures” and delete the text below.] Electronic/digital signature system AMTS manual reference: [Enter manual name and section or paragraph number where electronic/digital signature procedures reside]
A026, Authorizations/Limitations / Authorized Distance Learning / Choose an item.
B002, Required Minimum Curriculum For General (Part 147 Appendix B) / Outlines general curriculum subjects and elements. / Standard paragraph, no information required.
B003, Required Minimum Curriculum For Airframe (Part 147 Appendix C) / Outlines airframe and/or A&P curriculum subjects and elements, if applicable. / Standard paragraph, no information required.
B004, Required Minimum Curriculum For Powerplant (Part 147 Appendix D) / Outlines powerplant and/or A&P curriculum subjects and elements, if applicable. / Standard paragraph, no information required.