Ursul.Global processes, security and sustainable development


Global processes, security
and sustainable development


RussianAcademy of State Service, Moscow

The UN World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002 recommended by its decisions to redirect the processes of globalization to the aims of sustainable development strategies. Sustainable development is a new secure type of the further progressive development of the humanity, which can provide the survival of humanity, saving biosphere and continuing socio-natural co-evolution.

In this possible version of world community development including globalization and global problems, the sustainable development will be considered as a consciously arranged and expedient process. If in the present-day model of development the processes of globalization occured spontaneously and, as history proved, this has led to the increase in the number of threats and dangers, according to the new strategy of sustainable development, accepted by the whole world community, the level of providing security will gradually increase, the means and ways of its providing should be changed, and new values and common goals of development should appear.

A qualitatively new – a global level of security for the whole humanity will appear following from the necessity of such a way of solving global problems and weakening negative consequences of globalization, which would not only provide the survival of civilization, but define in this respect the strategic perspective of a long progressive development of the humanity in general.

The process of transition to sustainable development acquires a fundamentally socio-natural character as well as the future new stage of globalization. The latter is thought not only as acquiring by the humanity of its own socio-economical unity, but in a more systematic sense – as the formation of the entire global-co-evolutional system ‘humanity – biosphere’ which gets the ability of long existence.

To turn to the co-evolution form of globalization through sustainable development one should substantially reinforce the positive effects of interconnection of the world community and nature, i.e. to realize that synergetic effect of theirs which is called ecologization.

Under any ecological measures taking into account the requirements of transition to sustainable development, one should realize the imperatives of global character, to be more exact, not to make worse the ecological conditions of biosphere in general as a result of human activity. This is the main imperative of the process of global ecologization, which also must be realized through the transition to sustainable development that fundamentally changes the character of any anthropogenic activity as one should act so that to fulfill both global goals of sustainable development strategy and not to make worse the opportunities of satisfying vital needs of the future generations. Here the requirement of ‘inserting’ the combined global people's activity in the carrying capacity of ecosystems spreads both in space – on the whole planet (i.e. from a local to a global scale),– and also extends in time dimension, i.e. not only at the present generations but at the future generations as well, since the matter concerns the survival of the human race.

The processes of globalization will stop neither in the course of future noospherogenesis through sustainable development nor hereafter in the already formed sphere of mind. That is why it makes sense to define the stages of this already rational, or more exactly, more rational and advance globalization, which at the beginning of its ‘process of rationalization’ will be expanding through the transition to sustainable development, and then through noospherogenesis, i.e. the formation of thesphere of mind.