Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 18th September 2012
at the Banks Community Centre, Hoole Lane.
Commenced 19.15
Concluded 21.45
Present: Cllrs.Thomas Blane (Chair)
John Baldock
Pamela Jackson
Steve Douglas
Ruth Carrick
Dorothy Hames
Paul Blane
Bill Abram
Parish Clerk Rod Sears
In attendance 6 members of the public
Public Participation
Items raised by members of the public included the removal of a post box in the village, and maintenance of the churchyard.
The meeting commenced at 7.20 pm.
63/12 Apologies
There were no apologies for absence.
64/12 Declarations of Interest
Cllrs.Paul Blane and John Baldock declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 10 (Council Tax Support Scheme) and a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 11 (Local Plan Publication Document).
Cllr.Blane also declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 21 (Planning).
65/12 Police Report.
There was no police report.
66/12 Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2012 were agreed as a correct record.
67/12 Clerk’s progress report.
The Clerk reported that all decisions taken at the meeting on 10 July had been implemented and the report was noted.
It was noted that the bus shelter at Hundred End had been severely damaged, possibly by a vehicle. The Insurance Co. had been informed and a quote received for its repair. The Clerk to enquire from WLBC whether Section 106 monies can be used for bus shelter provision/maintenance..
68/12 Matters arising from Minutes 66/12 and 67/12.
There were no items under this heading.
69/12 Clerk's report on any urgent decisions taken since the last meeting.
The Clerk reported that the pavilion roof at Aveling Drive had been damaged on three successive nights. An Order had been placed with the roofing contractor to carry out the repairs.
A large bees' nest had been reported on Hesketh Avenue Open Space and an Order placed with WLBC (Pest Control) for its removal. The Clerk to contact a local bee-keeper for any future work of this nature.
Both these actions taken by the Clerk were approved.
70/12 Finance
a) Accounts for payment:-
3101 R.P.Sears Clerk's Salary 642.54
3102 HM Revenue & Customs Nat.Ins/ Income Tax 185.55
3103 R.Mannering Wages 184.43
3104 D.Cannon Wages (August) 454.80
3105 L.Ackerman Bus shelter maint. 125.00
3106 Play Inspection Co. Skatepark inspection 150.00
3107 E.ON Electricity, Aveling Drive 6.02
3108 Williamson Engineering Grass cutting contract:-
Aveling Drive £331.20
St.Stephen's £228.00
Hesketh Avenue £422.40 981.60
3109 R.P.Sears Postage (July)` £ 25.00
Travelling Exs £ 31.85 56.85
It was noted that the above accounts had been paid during the recess and were approved.
3110 Signworks Skatepark sign 102.00
3111 N.D.Whittle & Son Roof repairs, Aveling Drive 357.00
3112 Mitchell & Wright Newsletter 192.00
3113 E.ON Electricity, Aveling Drive 5.27
It was noted that the above accounts had been paid since the last meeting and were approved.
The following accounts were passed for payment:-
DD Public Works Loan Board Loan repayment:-
Leisure Centre £2327.49
Community Centre £2830.63 5158.12
3114 R.P.Sears Clerk's Salary 642.54
3115 R.P.Sears Clerk's Allowance (July-Sept) 61.50
3116 HM Revenue &Customs Nat.Ins/Income Tax 185.55
3117 R.Mannering Wages 184.43
3118 D.Cannon Wages (Sept) 454.80
3119 United Utilities Water plc Surface Water/H'way Drainage,
Hesketh Avenue 53.59
3120 Staples Stationery 64.99
3121 BDO LLP Audit fee 480.00
3122 Williamson Engineering Grass cutting contract:-
Aveling Drive £331.20
St.Stephen's £182.40
Hesketh Avenue £422.40 936.00
3123 Liz Wingham Computer training 480.00
3124 Playsafety Ltd Play area inspection 86.40
3125 British Gas Gas, Community Centre 80.08
3126 BT Payment Services Telephone, Community Centre 110.07
3127 E.ON Electricity, Aveling Drive 5.84
Carnival Account
0013 J.Johnson (Cancelled) 60.00
0014 North Meols PC Transfer of funds 1046.25
(Cheque subsequently not honoured by the Bank, re-presented)
0018 J.Ball Car park signs 50.00
0019 North Meols PC Transfer of funds 1046.25
0020 TGS Potatos Hire of Generator 300.00
The following items of income had been received since the last meeting:-
BACS West Lancs B.C. Precept (2nd half) 20000.00
0486 NMPC Carnival A/c Transfer of funds 1046.25
Cheque subsequently not honoured by the Bank, re-presented)
0487 NMPC Carnival A/c Transfer of funds 1046.25
0488 Banks FC Hire of Aveling Drive 20.00
Carnival Account
0002 Miscellaneous Programme Sales etc 1548.85
0003 NMPC Transfer of funds 3857.01
0004 Various Fan Club £ 10.00
W.I. £ 10.00
Advertisements £ 90.00
Programmes £114.00 224.00
0005 Various Programmes £190.00
Bideaway Homes Reimbursement £ 42.90 232.90
Regarding Cheque No.3126 it was agreed to seek alternative options for the provision of telephone/broadband at the Community Centre.
b) A Statement showing expenditure to date was noted.
c) Conclusion of 2011/12 Audit
The Clerk reported that the Audit for 2011/12 had been concluded satisfactorily. The Annual Return was presented to the Council and was approved and accepted by the Council. The Annual Return and Notice of Conclusion of Audit would be placed on the main notice-boards.
The following issue was raised to assist the readers of the Annual Return. It required no action to be taken by the Council:-
The Council has increased the value of the assets held due to the adoption of new assets given to the Council without charge and/or existing assets being included in the accounts which had not previously been recognised.
71/12 WLBC – Capital Funding
Three quotations for resurfacing the play area were considered. It was agreed to invite Boundary General Maintenance and Yates Playgrounds Ltd to a site meeting to discuss further their quotations. Cllrs.Paul Blane, Abram, and Douglas to attend the meeting and report back to the next meeting with their recommendations.
The item regarding the car park at the Community Centre was deferred to a future meeting pending the outcome of the outline planning application to extend the Centre.
72/12 WLBC – Council Tax Support Scheme
Correspondence had been received from WLBC regarding the introduction of a Council Tax Support scheme to replace the current Council Tax Benefit scheme. Three main options for a new CTS scheme are being considered that reduce the level of support to customers by a set amount. WLBC intends to consult on these options indicating that the preferred option is option 'C'. It was agreed that before making any comments the Parish Council would like further information on Option 'C'.
73/12 WLBC – West Lancashire 2027 – The Local Plan Publication Document
Correspondence had been received from WLBC inviting representations on the legal compliance and soundness of the Local Plan Publication Document. It was agreed that the document had been prepared in accordance with the relevant legislation, and the content of the document represents a “sound” document regarding whether the document is positively prepared, justified, effective, and consistent with national policy.
74/12 Hesketh Avenue Open Space
Cllr.Abram gave a progress report on the proposed hardstanding at the entrance by Schwartzman Drive. It was noted that this proposal was permitted development and therefore does not require planning permission. There was also the possibility that Section 106 monies could be used to enhance public open space.
It was agreed that this scheme should proceed in conjunction with the play area resurfacing scheme (Refer to Min71/12).
75/12 Aveling Drive Sports Ground
The Clerk reported that he had written to the Borough Council regarding the capped amount of £4,500 allowed for the maintenance of Aveling Drive under the Council's 'C' Scheme. The Parish Council had now reached the stage where it could no longer operate within this capped limit.
The Borough Treasurer had replied that he would ensure that our concerns were fed into the budget process but at the same time explaining their own financial restraints.
It was agreed that the Parish Council should request a capped limit of £5,000. If this was not accepted by the Borough Council further talks should be held to determine the future maintenance.
76/12 Hesketh Avenue Open Space – Skatepark
It was noted that the annual inspection report had been received for the skatepark. Prior to considering any recommendations for remedial work it was agreed to forward the report to Groundworks asking for their comments on the faults listed.
77/12 Banks Marsh Footpath Application
Correspondence from Southport Land & Property Co.Ltd and Access 2 Banks Campaign were noted. It was agreed to defer any action until the findings of the Police investigation were known. This would appear as an agenda item under Part II for a future meeting.
78/12 West Lancashire Three-Tier Forum
It was agreed that items to be included on the next agenda should include maintenance of public footpaths and horse-friendly resurfacing of rural roads.
79/12 Correspondence for Information
It was noted that the following items of correspondence, for information purposes, had been received since the July meeting and were available for Members to view:-
Dong Energy – Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm , End of Community Consultation Process
LCC – Consumer Alerts
Planning Portal – Newsletter
LCC – Paths for Communities
WLCVS – Health Network
Planning Portal – Newsletter
LCC – Parish & Town Council Conference, 10 November
Southport Land & Property – Scarsisbrick Estate
WLBC – Key Decision Forward Plan, 1 August – 30 November
Community Land Trust – Grant programme for Community Organisations
WLBC – Representation on the Local Plan Publication
Planning Portal – Newsletter
WLCVS – Health Network Survey
WLCVS - AGM, 6 November
WLBC – Balancing the Books, Have your say.
CLPCT – Workshop Invitation
WLBC – Balancing the Books
Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service – Performance Report and Action Plan 2012
Planning Portal – Newsletter
Kirkwell's – Neighbourhood Planning News
LCC – Consumer Alerts
Lancashire Police Authority – Police & Crime Commissioner
WLBC – West Lancashire 2027. The Local Plan Publication Document
Dong Energy – Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm, Mini Consultation Report
Kirkwell's – West Lancashire Local Plan
WLCVS – Equality & Diversity Strategy Survey
WLBC – Local Plan Briefing Presentation
LCC – Parish & Town Council Conference Invitation/Booking Form
WLCVS – Newsletter
Planning Portal – Newsletter
LCC – Parish Champion's Newsletter
WLBC – Key Decision Forward Plan, 1 September – 31 December
Fields in Trust – Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge
LCC – Parish Champion's Newsletter
LCC – Rydings Lane, Temporary Closure
WLBC – Police & Crime Panel
WLBC – Guide for Councillors, Openness and Transparency on Personal Interests
Dong Energy – Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm, Geotechnical Investigation
LCC – Bus Service Changes
CPRE – NW Regional Group Workshop
Dong Energy – Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm, Notice publicising a proposed application for a development consent order *
Planning Portal – Newsletter
LCC – Parish Champion's Newsletter
Cuadrilla – Application to extend existing planning permission
One Voice West Lancs – New Voluntary Organisation for Parents/Carers of Children with Disabilities
Fields in Trust – Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge
LCC – Consumer Alerts
Audit Commission – Appointment of external auditor 2012/13.
Fields in Trust – Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge
Dong Energy – Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm – Newsletter
Planning Portal – Newsletter
LALC – Draft Minutes Area Committee
LCC – Withdrawal of CYP School Services
WLCVS – Health Network Event
The Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition – Results
Dong Energy – Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm, Consultation under Section 42 of the Planning Act 2008.
80/12 Councillors' Reports and Items for Future Agenda
There were no items under this heading.
81/12 Members Representing the Council on working groups/outside bodies
PACT Panel
Cllr.Abram reported on the meeting held on 8 August and highlighted crimes during June/July. Priorities were buses driving dangerously on Station Road, skatepark, and Chapel Lane 4x4. The next meeting was scheduled for 3 October.
Policing Issues (Northern Parishes)
It was reported that this group no longer met.
Corporate Planning
No items.
Community Centre
The Chairman requested the Working Group to prepare suggestions for spending the Awards for All Lottery Grant on purchasing laptops and server unit (£5,000).
Hesketh Avenue (Banks Park)
It was noted that the sand-digger had been vandalised and as there would be no need for it after the sand had been removed it was being held at the Community Centre for the time being.
The Chairman requested the Working Group look at ways of spending the Awards for All Lottery Grant on sports equipment (£1,500). This amount to include a storage container.
Health Issues
No items.
Banks Carnival
Cllr.Paul Blane reported that the initial meeting for the Banks Carnival 2013 would be held on 25 September.
82/12 Update from WLBC
Cllrs. Paul Blane and John Baldock reported on the forthcoming budget preparations and ongoing discussions with the Government/Environment Agency.
It was agreed to suspend Standing Orders to allow the remainder of the business to be completed.
83/12 Planning
There were no comments to be made on the following applications:-
2012/0793 First floor side extension - 16 Aveling Drive.
2012/0821 Erection of detached timber cattery building to provide 5 additional cattery units – 68 Station Road.
2012/0715 Erection of agricultural storage building – Land rear of Holly Farm, New Lane, Crossens.
2012/0920 Certificate of Lawfulness – Use of dwelling without compliance/8995. with the agricultural occupancy condition imposed on pp 8/6/8995 - North View, Rydings Lane.
2012/0880 Outline – Residential development of approx. 115 dwellings with associated open space, including details of access – Lane on the East side of Guinea Hall Lane and North of Greaves Hall Avenue. It was agreed to object to this application on the grounds that it was not the right site at the moment, there were other areas that were of higher priority for development. The infrastructure was poor regarding further development.
2012/0820 Retention of change of use of land for stationing of caravans for residential occupation by 4 gypsy families, each with 2 caravans, with associated works – Mosslands Stables, Aveling Drive. It was agreed to object to this application on the grounds that the applicant was tapping into the water supply and the Parish Council has concerns of how the site is drained.
The following planning applications had been decided since the last meeting:-