ISSUED TO ------
- Commencement of issue of Tender Document:15.06.2016Time: 10AM
- Last date for submission of tender bids
at the issuing office:27.06.2016Time: 5 PM
- Date of opening of Technical Bids
Date of opening of Commercial bids:Inform Later
- Venue: Head Office, Idukki District Cooperative Bank Ltd., Idukki.
Notice Inviting Tender for supply and installation of computers and peripherals
Sealed tenders are invited for supply and installation of Desktops and peripherals from reputed firms or their Kerala based authorized Representatives/Distributors. Parties competent as per above can obtain the tender documents with detailed particulars of the work and terms and conditions of tender from this office during the office working hours, other than Sunday or public holiday on payment of Rs.1500/- (Rupees One thousand Five hundred Only) plus 15%Service taxand VAT 5% in DD fvrgThe General Manager. The last date of submission of completed tender is 27.06.2016 (5 PM). The tenders would be opened at the Head Office of the bank and bidders or their duly authorized representatives may be present. The proposal opening date will be inform later.
General Manager,
The IdukkiDistrict Cooperative Bank Ltd.,
Idukki, Kerala State
The tender is for supply and installation of computers, 132 column printers, 80 column printers and scanners (herein after mentioned as desktopsand peripherals) at the Branches of The Idukki District Cooperative Bank (herein after mentioned as Bank).All these items are for the use in the bank’s branches.
Bank is looking for Branded OFFICE PC and peripherals manufactured by reputed company having high level of desktop sales penetration in banking segment by virtue of their quality, performance and after- sales support. The PCsmust be with original Intel chipset and with 1 Gbps Network card, Serial and Parallel ports and USB only for mouse and printer. Bank prefers to have PCs without CD drive and Audio interface.
The selected company must be capable of installing the desktops & peripherals, do system integration, configure Operating Systemin co-ordination with the bank’s software vendor. The tenderer must furnish list of their clientele along with their bid.
Bankmay select single or different bidder companies or models of any particular or different make with rates by this tender process. Bank can choose and take any of the approved models.After testing, verification and entries, the bills of the items will be paid by the Bank. As per the Terms andConditions the firm will provide the after sales services and the warrantyfacilities.
The Scope of work includes- Supply of desktops with OS, Operating System and peripherals mentioned in the BOQ, Installation of all the supplied items, Testing the integrated system and Commissioning of the systemsin coordination with the software vendor- (SITC) -. The company must commit towarranty obligation.
IV.Bill ofQuantity
Sl No / Item Description / Qty1 / Branded Desktop system with preloaded Windows 7 pro (OEM) / 26nos.
2 / 132 col printer / 2 Nos
3 / 80 col printer / 3 Nos
4 / Sheet-fed type Cheque Scanner / 5 nos
- The prime requirement of the tenderer(herein after may be mentioned in this document as ‘bidder or company’)is that the tenderermust be capable of supply of Computers/ 132 column printers/ 80 printers & cheque scanners(herein after may be mentioned in this document as ‘desktop systems and peripherals’) installation of the items, system integration andorganizing the items in coordination with the software vendor.
- All the items mentioned in the BoQ must be of best quality standards, manufactured and supplied by reputed multinational companies. The bidder company must be authorized Dealer/Channel partner/System integrator of the Manufacturer/Principal Company if Principal Company is not quoting directly.
- Original Authorization Certificate from the principal Company should be attached andsubmitted with the tender offer.
- The Bidder Company should preferably be ISO 9000 certified company forHardwareInstallation, System IntegrationSupport and havingcurrent validity.
- The Bidder Company should mention the turn over during the last year and estimated
turn over for the current year.
- The bidder company must have taken up and successfully completed similar work of a bank during the two financial years(2014-15, 2015-16), present and previous
- The Bidder Company should agree to support the IT Cell of the bank for a periodof
3years (Three years) for upkeep of installations, till completion of warranty, after implementation.
8. The Bidder Company should be in the IT industry (Computer Hardware & peripherals supply, maintenance etc and LAN installation)for at least 10 years.
9.Only companiesthose have purchased the tender document are eligible to submit the tender.The tender document is non-transferable.
10. The Bank reserves the right to reject in its discretion any or all tender(s) without assigning any reason.
11.Bidders should submit Earnest money deposit for Rs.25000/-
The EMD amount should be submitted along with the completed tender form as DD
favoring the General Manager, TheIdukkiDistrict Cooperative Bank, Idukki. Tender forms without EMD amount will be rejected.
12.Tenders would be opened in this office on the date mention laterand the bidders or their authorized representativesmay be present at the time of opening of the tenders. The number of authorized representativesthose may be present for any bidder islimited to a maximum of two. Tenders should be submitted in a sealed coveras indicated below:
a. Part I: Earnest Money Deposit
b. Part II: Techno-commercial bid
The sealed tender of the bidder company will be opened and verified for correctness of enclosures in the presence of the representative of the bidder company. The qualified tenders will be evaluated by the technical committee of the bank for its technical correctness and pursuance of other tender guidelines by participant bidders. The shortlisted companies after the first evaluation will be called for detailed discussions and negotiations. The quoting of the bidder companies will not be made openly availabletill completion of evaluation, discussions and negotiations with the shortlisted companies.
13.The tenders of the bidder companies, who are not represented at the opening of the tender, will be opened and verified by the Bank in-absentia. The companies can obtain the result of such tenders afterwards from the bank in person after fixing up an appointment with the bank.
14.Tenders received after last date and time would be ineligible to compete in theprocess.
15.The payment made for purchase of tender document is non-refundable.
16.Corrections/overwriting in the tender document should be avoided. In case of any discrepancy between the amount in figures and in words, theconcerned bid will be cancelled.
17.The techno-commercial bid must be in line with specifications andconditionsrequired for the tender. However, items with better specifications and competitive prices will be given due weightage and preference. The bid should be valid for 180 days from the date of openingof bids. Any deviation from these may result in rendering the tender ineligibletocompete for award of the tendered work.
18.Bidders should submit clearance certificate from tax authorities along withtheir bids.
19.The delivery of all equipments/Software/Services shall be accepted onlyafter inspection and approval of the equipments/Software/Services by this office. Inspection charges if any shall be borne by the company only and this officeshall make no extra payment for this.
20.The techno-commercial bid would be inclusive of all taxes, duties,surcharge(s) etc.
21.5% from total bill amount will be withheld as Security Deposit for Three year warranty period. The EMD of the successful bidder shall be adjusted against the security deposit for warranty period. The EMD shall be returned to all otherbidders within two weeks of finalization of the contract.
22.The quoted items must meet all the technical specificationsas mentioned in the technical specification section of this document. Any inadequacy in given minimum specifications will disqualify the bidder company to be shortlisted during the evaluation process.
23.The bidders would treat the details of the specifications and otherdocuments as confidential and would not reproduce or otherwise disclose thecontents to third parties without written authorization from this office.
24.All damaged or unapproved goods shall be returned at the riskof the tendererand costand the incidental expenditure thereupon shall be recovered fromtheconcerned party.
25.On acceptance of tender and issue of work order by the bank, the date of delivery should be strictly adhered to otherwise; the bank reserves the right not to accept the delivery in full orin part. In case the order is not executed within the stipulated period,bank will be at liberty to make purchases through other sources, and to forfeit the earnest money of the Tenderer.
- All the materials will be delivered free at the bank including all freight, forwarding, loading and unloading charges.The Bank will not bear any of these charges over and above the cost mentioned in the financial bid. The items are to be delivered free at the respective branches of the bank.
- It will be the responsibility of the supplier for safe supply in full and good conditions atuser's point (bank) and purchaser (bank) will not pay separately for transit insurance (if any required).
- The tenders submitted by the bidder companies should be for all the items mentioned in the BOQ and for the services mentioned in the tender form. Tenders submitted for part of items in the BOQ or services will be treated as incomplete tenders and so will be disqualified during evaluation.
- The bank reserves its rights to select single or multiple bidder companies to fulfillits requirements for which this tender has been published.
- The bank will have its rights, during discussions with the shortlisted companies,tochange the requirements/specifications of items mentioned in the BOQ in order to opt for cost-effective or technically more feasible solutions.
- The tenderer has to install all the equipments at designated braches (locations), successfully complete system integration, configure OS & other system software and commission the integrated system inco-ordination with the bank’s software vendor and to the satisfaction of the bank. Prices quoted in the commercial proposal must be inclusive of the above mentioned services.
- The bidder company is required to mention Annual support charges during warranty period with on-site person and without on-site person separately.
8.Warranty period and terms are 36 months for all desktops and peripherals through nearest local Service Center. On-site maintenance support has to be provided by the manufacturer through the tenderer during the warranty period. Any component required to be replaced within the warranty period will be totally new component and not reconditioned or repaired component. Also the Bank would like to obtain prices of the items with one year warranty with the same warranty support conditions that are mentioned above. This is for the purpose of cost analysis to finalize the warranty package offered by the manufacturer.
10.The tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation andsubmission of its Bid, including the cost of presentation for the purpose of clarification of the bid, if so desired by the bank and the bank will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Tendering Process.
11.The bank reserves all rights to:
a)Amend any of the above clauses for the purpose of arriving at a cost- effective total technical solution for the bank.
b)Reject any tender/tenders or cancel the tender process all together without assigning any reason to the tenderers
VIII.Payment terms are mentioned below:
(a)On successful installation, testing and
Commissioning of all the items::95 %
(b)Security deposit with held by the bank
to be paid back to the company after one
year from the date of last payment :: 5%
Total:: 100%
Sl No / Item DescriptionDetailed specs are given in the spec section / Qty / UNIT/ PRICE / TAX / Total cost with Tax—with 1 year warranty / Total cost with Tax – with 3 years Warranty
1 / Desktop system with preloaded Windows 7 Pro (OEM) including delivery at respective branches of the bank, installation at the sites testing and operationalistion
2 / 132 column printer
3 / 80 column printer
4 / Scanner with all accessories necessary to integrate to Finacle CBS environment and NACH solution in the Bank
5 / 3 years Warranty period service charges, if any
6 / Total
7 / Post-Warranty AMC support charges
Date:Signature of Authorised Signatory
Place, Date and Signature of AuthorisedSiganatory with seal.
The General Manager,
The Idukki District Cooperative Bank Ltd.,
Head Office, Idukki, Kerala State.
We have read all terms and conditions given in this tender form (Page 1 to Page 18 and specification attachment) and submit this completed bid alongwith our willness to the terms and conditions mentioned in this tender form.
Place: ------
Signature of authorized signatory of the bidder company: ------
Seal and date: ------
The Service provider has to incorporate the following details in his technical bid:
- Plan of implementation- procurement lead time, hardware Installation, system integration etc to implementation
- Special requirements of the Bank as gathered by the vendor
- Company information (Format given below):
S.no. / Particulars / Response
1 / Reg .Name of the Company
2 / Name of the individual responding to this request
3 / Designation of the individual responding to this request
4 / Contact Postal Address
b)E – mail address
5 / Parent Company (if any)
6 / Financial Details (attach audited balance sheets) / 20------/ 20-- - --
a)Turn over
7 / Quality Certifications (for example ISO 9000): Is it for a specific division or for the organization as a whole? Is it for the division that may be undertaking this project?
8 / Details of major projects handled in the last two years / Please attach separate sheets if required
9 / Specifically mention the nature of services provided to Bank client(s)
10 / Details of expertise in the related field
11 / Give details of your support services
12 / Special mention about the edge, if any, the Service Provider has over its competitors in the field
13 / Any other information, which may be relevant
14 / Bid earnest money details
*Experience as Service Provider: give details about the following with respect to the methodology followed by you in projects of similar nature and complexity (Minimum three projects, preferably related to the work)
Project #Title of the project
Client and reference person (Letter to be submitted from the client, specify the nature of project handled and its current statues)
Person – months effort and calendar time of completion
Role of the company; whether complete end to end or for a particular module
Quotation criteria checklist:
S.No / Criteria / Yes / No1 / Whether the bidder has at least 10 years experience in implementing the related works. Name of at least one bank be given as per requirement.
2 / Whether the turnover the service provider for the last two financial years exceeds Rs. 50lakhs for the last financial year i.e.2015-2016 has been recorded in the audited balance sheet thereof? (Documentary proof be provided) – Copy of Audited balance sheet should be provided.
3. / Whether Service Provider can provide service support at different locations. A list of contact persons with Address, Telephone nos., be provided from which calls without delay
4. / Provide company’s toll free number for fault registering