Social Work Practice Placement
Workbook - 2014–2015
MA Full-time Social Work
BA (Hons) Full-time Social Work
BA (Hons) Part-time Social Work
Section 1:Workbook Front sheet1
Checklist/contents page for Completion of Workbook2
Section 2:Social Work Placement Student Agreement3
Section 3:Learning Agreement Meeting Guidance6
Section 4:Learning Agreement7
Section 5:Recording of Placement Attendance21
Section 6:Critical Reflection of Practice Guidance23
Section 7:Critical Reflection of Practice One24
Section 8:Critical Reflection of Practice Two 25
(only completed by those on an80, 100 and 120 day placement)
Section 9:Direct Observation of Student Practice Guidance26
Section 10:Direct Observation of Practice One27
Section 11:Direct Observation of Practice Two 31
(only completed by those on an80, 100 and 120 day placement)
Section 12:Midway Practice Educator Report35
Section 13:Critical Reflection of Practice Three41
Section 14:Critical Reflection of Practice Four42
Section 15:Critical Reflection of Practice Five43
Section 16:Direct Observation of Practice Three44
Section 17:Direct Observation of Practice Four48
Section 18:Record of Supervision52
Section 19:Overview of Student Social Worker Interventions/Experiences53
Section 20:Service User and Carer Feedback54
Section 21:Professional/Colleague Feedback55
and On-site Supervisor Report56
Section 22:Final Practice Educator Report57
Section 23:Quality Assurance in Practice Learning66
Social Work Practice Placement Workbook 2014-15
Section 1: Workbook Front-sheet
Practice Placement Front SheetStudent
Practice Educator
On-site Supervisor (if applicable)
Placement details
(delete as applicable) / First placement
Last placement / Adults
Children / Field
Team name/Agency
Start Date of Placement: / Placement end Date:
Number of days completed / Cohort: / BA/MA
Year 1/2/3/4
HEI tutor
Placement Tutor
Confidentiality Statement
Within my Workbook I have that all names are anonymised and other identifying information in relation to all service users, carers/families, and professionals (e.g. health, education, and police) and other individuals, except where permission has been granted to include documentary evidence of feedback on my practice. All references to organisations (except the placement agency) have been anonymised.
Student Signature:
Recommendation / Pass / Fail / Defer
Practice educator signature
On-site supervisor signature
Student signature
Completed workbooks need to be submitted to the i-centre (please see specific dates in practice placement guide).Students that are unable to submit on this date are required to apply to the student services team for an extension.
Checklist and contents page for the Completion of the Workbook
Please tick to confirm that you have included the following documents in the final submission:The student, PE and OSS must complete the on-line QAPL feedback survey (see Section 23).
Social Work Placement Student agreement
Learning Agreement
Records of attendance for entire placement
Critical Reflection of practice one, three, four and five
Critical Reflection of practice two (only completed by those on an 80, 100 and 120 day placement)
Direct observations one, three and four
Direct observations two (only completed by those on an 80, 100 and 120 day placement)
Practice Educators Midway Review
Record of Supervision
Overview of Student Social Work Interventions and Experiences
Service user and Carer Feedback
Professional/Colleague Feedback
On-site supervisor report (if applicable)
Final Practice Educator Report
Copy of Late Submission Request (if applicable)
Workbook is presented in an A4 Ring binder (not a lever-arch file) and no plastic wallets have been used.
All documents are anonymised
Student / Signature and Date
I have completed the QAPL Survey as directed in Section 23 of this workbook.
Practice Educator / Signature and Date
I have completed the QAPL Survey as directed in Section 23 of this workbook.
OSS / Signature and Date
I have completed the QAPL survey as directed in Section 23 of this workbook.
Section 2: Social Work Placement Student Agreement
This agreement is for students undertaking practice learning opportunities as part of the BA (Hons) Social Work or MA Social Work. Students must comply with the following conditions:
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
The University requires all students to complete an enhanced DBS disclosure at the start of the course. This is valid for 2 years.
Students must hold a certificate of their enhanced DBS disclosure which is valid for the entire period of the practice learning placement. If the certificate is not valid at the start date the student will not be permitted to commence. If the certificate expires before the practice learning opportunity is completed the student must apply for a new disclosure to be carried out. If this is not secured before the previous certificate expires the student will be removed from the practice learning opportunity. The University will remind students of their responsibility to renew their DBS and its admissions department will process applications. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the application for DBS disclosure is made accurately, that the correct documents are provided to the admissions department, and that the application is made in good time.
Students should take the DBS certificate to the agency at interview or on the first day of the practice learning opportunity for inspection. Students are responsible for disclosing to the practice learning agency any issues that arise on the DBS certificate. It is advised that students discuss any disclosures with the practice learning co-ordinator at the earliest opportunity to ensure that this is managed effectively with the placement agency
Car insurance
If students use a car to travel to and from the agency, and/or within the practiceplacement, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they hold a valid driving licence that the car is taxed and roadworthy, and that appropriate comprehensive insurance is in place which includes business use. Students should not transport service users within their practice learning opportunity unless their insurers have confirmed that they are fully covered in the terms of their insurance to do so. A business use certificate of insurance at the relevantlevel of cover must be shown to the practice educatorand/or an appropriate manager.
Health/disability/learning difficulties including dyslexia
Students with a disability or specific learning need have access to support from Student Services, whichcan assess and make recommendations for learning support provision. Students are responsible for ensuring that the agency in which they are placed are aware of any issues relating to their health or any disability or learning difficulty that may affect their practice.
Students are required to complete a timesheet every month and ensure that they are signed on a weekly basis by their on-site supervisor/practice educator.Students are required to keep copies of the time sheets and to attach copies to the midway report and withinthe final workbook. The student is required to make copies of this form and ensure that the practice educator and on-site supervisorhave a copy of this form at the end of each month.
Students are required to attend the Practice Placement for the normal length of the working day at the agency, which is normally 7.5- 8 hours. A timesheet is provided within the workbook. In exceptional circumstances, for example long term health issues, students may be permitted to attend for fewer than 7 hours a day, however this will require endorsement by the practice learning co-ordinator and in consultation with the student, placement agency, practice educator and placement tutor.
Students must not attend the Practice Placement on a University day unless in exceptional circumstances and with the permission of the module operator of the session(s) that would be missed.
If you are unable to attend practice placement due to ill health then you are required to email the social work Practice Team Member on the first and last day of your sickness episode;
Cambridge and Peterborough:
If you are unable to attend placement for more than one week then you must forward a doctors certificate to the social work practice team.
Policies/procedures/practices within the practice learning opportunity
Students are expected to comply with all relevant policies, procedures and practices in the practice placement agency. This includes health and safety (including fire prevention, and moving and handling), lone working, confidentiality, handling of service users’ property, protection of children/young people/adults, whistle-blowing, smoking, dress code, conduct, equal opportunities and anti-oppressive practices.
- Induction
Students should receive an induction which includes
- Information on the agency structure and personnel
- Health and safety
- Procedures in the event of fire or other emergency
- Facilities available within the agency
- Opportunity to read all relevant policies and procedures including safeguarding of children/vulnerable adults
- Practical arrangements including reimbursement of travel costs within the practice placement (NB this does not include travel to and from placement).
- Health and Safety
It is the student’s legal obligation to take responsible care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work and co-operate by complying with safe working practices within the agency. It is also the student’s responsibility not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided by the agency in the interests of the health, safety and welfare of its employees and other persons on their premises. All students are required to comply with the moving and handling legislation and regulations.
Students must notify the agency and the University of any untoward incident or accident which occurs whilst on the practice placement and complete any reporting requirements within agency policies and procedures.
- Confidentiality
During the course of the practice placement any matters of a confidential nature, especially personal information relating to service users, staff members or others, and information of a commercially sensitive nature, must under no circumstances be divulged or passed on to any unauthorised person or persons. Breach of confidentiality is a serious matter and may result in the termination of the practice placement. Students must be aware of their responsibilities under data protection legislation and/or agency policies and procedures in relation to sharing and storing information.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times in line with the agency’s policy and procedure and the HCPC Standards of Conduct and Ethics for Students (
Any event of misconduct or poor performance may result in the termination of the practice placement, or in the event of any act of gross misconduct a requirement to leave the agency. The University may be required to refer the student to its internal ‘fitness to practice’procedures.
Students must ensure that they report any potential conflict of interest between their placement and their personal lives and/or professional roles. This includes any prior or current links with the placement agency in employed or voluntary roles. Students must not undertake placements in teams in which they have previously worked or been a volunteer, and must not work within the placement team/agency whilst they are on placement. Students must not receive remuneration or reward for placement activities.
I have read, understood and confirm my acceptance of the conditions of this agreement:Signature:
Print name:
Chelmsford / Cambridge and Peterborough / Peterborough
All other placement paperwork to be sent to: / Social Work – Practice Support Team
c/o Help Desk
William Harvey Building
Rivermead Campus / Social Work – Practice Support Team
c/o Help Desk Young St. Building / Social Work – Practice Support Team
c/o Help Desk
Guild House
Section 3: Learning Agreement Meeting Guidance
The Learning Agreement meetings are the opportunity for all parties involved with the Practice Learning Placement to meet and discuss the learning opportunities available and how these opportunities may be mapped to the evidence requirements.
Learning Agreement Flowchart
Section 4: Learning Agreement
MA/BA (hons) Social Work
Section A: Basic Information
Student name: / Cohort: Please delete as appropriate / BA/MAFT/PT
Year 1/2/3/4
Campus: / Student Identification Number (SID):
Email: / Telephone:
Practice Placement start date: / Date of meeting:
Practice placement Agency/Team name: / Practice placementAgency address:
Academic tutor: / Campus:
Email: / Telephone:
Placement tutor: / Campus
Email: / Telephone:
Practice educator: / Telephone:
On-site supervisor: / Telephone:
Please state if there are any prior relationships or conflicts of interest between any parties involved in this practice placement.
If YES, please state details. / Yes/No
Section B: Organisation of Practice Placement
Please tick the dates that you will be in placement in the grid below to ensure you all key personnel are aware of the required days to be completed as set by the university.
Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug1st
Placement days have been set by the university. If there are any changes/alterations to the set pattern please highlight on the grid above and explain the reasons here.
Section C: Agency Details and Induction
Brief Description/Profile of Practice Placement Agency (to be completed by student)E.g. key services provided, target service user profile(s), community profile, main funding sources, staffing profile.
Induction Checklist and Practical Arrangements
PE/OSS to ensure that the following checklists are completed before the learning agreement meeting takes place
Please confirm that the title to be used by the student is Student Social Worker
Please confirm that the student has shared their Assessed Readiness for Direct Practice (ARDP) feedback with their practice educator (stage 1 placements) or their final placement report with their practice educator (stage 2 placements)
A copy of the students Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check has been seen by the practice placement agency?
Agreement on the students reflective time (0.5 hours per day) and arrangements for incorporating thisis in the practice placement day.
Seating arrangements for student (hot desk/own space, IT, telephone, admin support, access.).
Dress code requirements
Procedure for notifying of absences/sickness:
Human Resources procedures e.g. agency ID card/email account /car usage /travel reimbursement
Please list any other organisational induction requirements:
Induction Tasks / Date completed and details if needed
The student hasreceived an induction timetable.
The role of the practice placement agency has been adequately explained to the student, and the student will have/has been shown where/how to access the relevant practice placement agency policies and procedures and has been given time to read these.
The role and position of the student within the practice placement agency has been sufficiently explained to the staff group.
The student understands the roles of the practice educator, on-site supervisor and placement tutor.
The learning needs of the student have been explored and agreed e.g. personal, health, dyslexia etc.
Opportunities for undertaking shadowing/ direct observations of relevant personnel and attending relevant meetings have been organised.
Practice placement agency Requirements, Please list all key policies and procedures to be followed (e.g. Health & Safety, Violence to Staff, Lone Working, Equal Opportunities, Confidentiality, Data security, Service User access to records).
Placement Hours
Please record normal working hours student is expected to attend:[N.B Students are expected to work a normal agency working day (i.e. 7.5 - 8 hr day including 1 hour lunch break) and are not expected to work at home unless authorised by the manager, practice educator and the practice learning co-ordinator)
Normal agency working hours start-time:
Normal agency working hours end-time:
Specify days of week on practice placement and complete attendance form (section B of this form):
Please also detail any additional arrangements for reflection, lunch breaks, flexibility arrangements, time off in lieu, reporting of sick leave or any other absences:
Section D: Supervision arrangements
It is expected that students will be provided with a minimum of one and a half hours supervision every five placement days. Where there are a number of students in a placement and group supervision is offered it is important that students are also provided with individual sessions as per the HEIs requirements. Supervision sessions are also used as evidence to demonstrate student’s capability in practice.The student, practice educator/on-site supervisor) will keep a physical record of the supervision sessions indicating the issues that arose, decisions reached, action to be taken and by whom. These documents must be signed at the end of each supervision session by student and practice educator/on-site supervisorr. Should any dispute arise tutors may require copies of these documents for clarity and assessment purposes.
Preparation for sessions (who is responsible)
Recording of sessions (who is responsible)
Supervision Arrangements with off-site practice educator and on-site supervisor
- Day of week:
- Time:
- Venue:
- Duration:
- Content:
What agreement has been reached for Practice Educator and on site supervisor to share information:
Section E: Disability and Equality Arrangements
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001) & Equality Act (2010) requirement
Please outline disability and equality arrangements below:Does the student consider that he or she has any disability or specific learning needs that need to be taken into consideration during this placement? / Yes/No
If yes, these should be outlined above
Section F: Safety
The Practice Educator/agency will ensure that the student’s safety is considered at all times. The student’s concerns about any issue of safety in their work will always be taken seriously and appropriately addressed.The agency will ensure that the student is made fully aware of the agency’s policy and practice in relation to conducting work safety (e.g. position of panic buttons, logging in and out on visits, circumstances in which joint visits should be undertaken etc).
Section G: Insurance & Practice Placement Related Travel