Mariam Addish

Profesor Moreno

English 126

Annotated Bibliography

Primary Source:

“Suleymaniye Mosque.”googleimages.Web. 22 Nov 2014 This image shown is of the Suleymaniye Mosque designed by Mimar Sinan. The mosque was established in the 16th century and only took 7 years to build. Sinan was ordered to create the mosque by the Sultan Suleyman the Magnificient as a signature piece to the Sultan. The architecture represents one of the finest buildings created by Sinan and the largest in Istanbul. The mosque was built as a complex and serves as a hospital, library, Islamic school, kitchen and hospice for the poor, and much more.

Peer-reviewed Secondary Sources:

Ozgules, Muzaffer. "Fundamental Development of 16th Century Ottoman Architecture: Innovations in the Art of Architecture Sinan." Working Paper, 2003.Web. 10 Nov 2014. This work describes in detail how Sinan produced his designs and his specific way of designing the structures. It also examines Sinan’s development in the field of work. The complexity of architect is found through the various structures created by Sinan. His work reflects both a religious and cultural aspect. Towards the end of the work, there are images of the work done by Sinan.

Necipoglu, Gulru. "Creation of a National Genius: Sinan and the Historiography of "Classical" Ottoman Architecture."Muqarnas24 (2007): 141-183. JSTOR.Web. 10 Nov. 2014.The authors work is an explanation of the importance of architecture, specifically the work done by Sinan. Sinan plays a significant role in the Turkish culture. His work and style is seen as genius among many historians. In many cases he is referred to as the “Turkish Michelangelo.”

Secondary Sources:

Bernier, Oliver."Mosques of Istanbul’s Great Builder."The New York Times, Late Edition (1992).Proquest.Web. 23 Nov 2014.This source describes the different buildings designed by Sinan. The database explains in detail the intricate detail found on the architecture. The beginning of Sinan’s career is also given. His intelligent background lead him to go into the field of architecture. Sinan’s work represents the change brought to Turkish culture and the beauty that is expressed within it.

Brusadin, Santiago. "Hidden Mimar Sinan."Time Out Istanbul in English. Time Out Istanbul in English, May 2014. Web. 23 Nov 2014. This article also emphasizes on the work done by Sinan. His experience in the architectural field grew with the extensive amount of projects he established. The website includes images of the different structures he built over time. He built many structures which were claimed by the Sultans at the time. To create such intricate buildings he used various types of technics to better the design and construction.

“The Greatest Architect of All Time”.Lost Islamic History.Lost Islamic History.N.d.Web. 10 Nov 2014. This source refers to the importance of architecture in Islamic History. The website shows information on the early life and the work of the architect. Sinan, arguably being one of the most influential architects, has made a historical change. Towards the end of the page, there are images of his creations. Majority of the images are from the Suleymaniye Mosque and shows the interior and exterior designs of the mosque. It is obvious that Sinan put effort into designing the small details of the complex.

Necipoglu-Kafadar, Gulru. “The Suleymaniye Complex in Istanbul: An Interpretation.” Muqarnas3 (1985): 92-117. JSTOR.Web. 23 Nov 2014.This source serves as a guide to interpret the details of the Suleymaniye mosque. It explains how many historians have researched and established an appreciation for the architects work. This source helps to understand the complexity of architecture as a whole.

Web Source:

"Architect Great Sinan."Istanbul Design Center, 2008.Web. 22 Nov 2014.This website gives a biography of Mimar Sinan as well as the work that was designed by the architect. The source overall gives a chronological order of when the structures where built and the significance they have.

“Art & The Culture: Suleymaniye Mosque.”, 2002.Web. 22 Nov 2014. This source is an explanation of when and how the Suleymaniye mosque was established. The website helps to understand the history behind the architectural structure, as well as the detail of how it was created.

Sansal, Burak. "Suleymaniye Mosque."Istanbul, 2006-2014. Web. 22 Nov 2014. This source gives information about the Suleymaniye mosque and the history behind it. This source is written by a professional tour guide in Turkey. The website explains the significance of the mosque.

Kaefescioglu, Cigdem. "KodjaMimar Sinan." Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. Ed. Jonathan Dewald. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004. Biography in Context.Web. 10 Nov. 2014.The biography of Sinan explains the life of the well-known architect and how he came about in his career path. Sinan’s work developed the urban context of Turkey as well as the religious background of his creations.

Multimedia Source:

Halachev, Dimitar. “Selimiye Mosque Edirne Turkey aerial views.”Youtube.Youtube. 2014. Web. 22 Nov 2014. This video is of the Suleymaniye mosque in Istanbul. The video captures the large mosque and the surrounding. The mosque serves as a complex with a library, place of worship, burial tomb, an Islamic school, and etc. This source helps to see the outer appearance of the mosque, as well as the intricate detail created by Sinan.

Lukkien, Remmelt. “Sinan-A Divine Architect”Vimeo.Vimeo 2008.Web. 10 Nov 2014. This video emphasizes the history of Sinan and his architectural background. It explores the work of architecture in both Islamic and Turkish culture. Sinan’s work has left a significant history in Turkish culture.

Photographic Images:

“The Greatest Architect of All Time”.Lost Islamic History.Lost Islamic History.N.d.Web. 10 Nov 2014. This source has many images of the work done by Mimar Sinan. His creations served as a change in architectural history.

“Mimar Sinan.” googleimages.Web. 22 Nov 2014 < This is an image of Turkish architect Mimar Sinan. Sinan became a well-known architect in the 16th century. He was a highly qualified architect and established a historical change in Istanbul. The image shows Sinan at an older age which was when he began his architectural career.

“Interior of Suleymaniye Mosque.” googleimages.Web. 22 Nov 2014. < yazi.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=8yV8nFHHDYDS_M%253A%252CiJ01WvAyLUxhuM%252C_&usg=__OCZXbTHyIRvyjx_Mt0A2l7cdLE%3D&ved=0CJABEMo3&ei=5mBxVPS3GO3uiQK62oHQDQ#tbm=isch&q=interior+of+suleymaniye+mosque&facrc=_&imgdii=_&>. This image is of the interior of the Suleymaniye mosque. The mosque was said to be Sinan’s greatest designs in Istanbul. It was primarily created for the Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent and was completed within seven years.