Cazenovia College Open Horse Show

Saturday, April 11, 2009

9:00 a.m.

Hosted by:

The CazenoviaCollege Horse Show Management Class


The Cazenovia College Equine Education Center

Woodfield Road

Cazenovia, N.Y.

Hello and Welcome to Cazenovia College’s
Hop into Spring Horse Show!

The Cazenovia College Horse Show Management class would like to thank Amy Sherrick-von Schiller for helping us prepare, the college equine center for the use of their facility, and all of the exhibitors. Without all of you, this show would not be possible!

Happy Easter and Good Luck!

The 2009 Horse Show Management Class

Liz Cox Shawna Lambert

Liz Deluca Katie Hoffman

Jo Hennington JenaValletta

Brittany Warner

Directions to Cazenovia College Equine Center:

From Syracuse: Use exit 3E from Rt. 481 South. This will put you onto Rt. 92 toward Manlius and Cazenovia. Follow Rt. 92 through Manlius and continue toward Cazenovia. After you leave Manlius you will drive through Oran. You will pass a golf driving range on the right as you depart Oran. (Check your odometer-Woodfield Road is 3 miles from the driving range). The CazenoviaCollegeEquineCenter is at the end of Woodfield Rd. (Please note that we request all visitors to travel under 15 MPH on Woodfield Rd).
If you go too far, you will come to the end of Rt. 92. Turn around and make your first left turn onto Woodfield Rd.

From Rt. 20: Turn onto Rt. 92 (towards Syracuse) at the blinking light. Make the first left onto Woodfield Rd. It is just past the golf course as you begin to descend the hill. The farm is located at the end of this road. (Please note that we request all visitors to travel under 15 MPH on Woodfield Rd.)



Wendy Soucy

Hamilton, N.Y.

Show Management

Cazenovia College Horse Show Management Class

Course Designer, Ring Crew, Show Secretaries

Cazenovia College Horse Show Management Class

Student Volunteers


Nancy Cerio

Horse Show Management Class

Liz CoxShawna Lambert

Liz Deluca Jena Valetta

Jo Hennington Brittany Warner

Katy Hoffman

Professor: Amy Sherrick-von Schiller

Time Schedule

6:30-8:30 A.M. Schooling

9:00 A.M. Start time

  1. Open Schooling Hunters 2’6”-2’9”
  2. Open Hunter O/F 2’9”
  3. Open Hunter O/F 2’9”
  4. Open Hunter U/S
  5. Schooling Hunter O/F 2’6”
  6. Junior/Adult Equitation O/F 2’6”
  7. Junior/Adult Equitation O/F 2’6”
  8. Junior/Adult Equitation Flat
  9. Junior/Adult Hunter O/F 2’6”
  10. Junior/Adult Hunter O/F 2’6”
  11. Junior/Adult Hunter U/S

----Schooling Break----

  1. Low Schooling Hunters 2’ - 2’3”
  2. Low Modified Equitation 2’ - 2’3”
  3. Low Modified Equitation 2’ - 2’3”
  4. Low Modified Equitation Flat
  5. Low Modified Hunter O/F 2’ - 2’3”
  6. Low Modified Hunter O/F 2’ - 2’3”
  7. Low Modified Hunter U/S
  8. ----Schooling Break----
  9. Beginner Equitation W/T/C
  10. Beginner Equitation over Cross-rails
  11. Beginner Hunter over Cross-rails
  12. Beginner Hunter U/S
  13. Walk-Trot Equitation
  14. Walk –Trot Equitation Over Poles
  15. Easter Egg and Spoon Race

----Lunch/Schooling break----

  1. Open Halter Section A: Mares and Fillies
  2. Open Halter Section B: Geldings
  3. Open Halter Section C: 2 years and younger
  4. Beginner Showmanship
  5. 13 & under Showmanship
  6. 14 -18 Showmanship
  7. Open Showmanship
  8. Beginner Horsemanship (w/j)
  9. 13 & under Horsemanship (w/j/l)
  10. 14-18 Horsemanship (w/j/l)
  11. Open Horsemanship (w/j/l)
  12. Beginner Pleasure (w/j)
  13. 13 & under pleasure (w/j/l)
  14. 14-18 pleasure (w/j/l)
  15. Open Pleasure (w/j/l)
  16. Beginner Trail
  17. 13 & under Trail
  18. 14-18 trail
  19. Open Trail
  20. Open Reining

Hunter Seat Class Specifications


Open to riders who have not yet reached their 18th birthday as of December 1st of the current division year. Riders may not cross-enter into any canter classes.

Champion & Reserve Champion

Beginner Equitation

To be shown over cross-rails. Open to riders who have not yet reached their 18th birthday as of December 1st of the current competition year. Riders may not cross-enter into any classes with fences 2’3” or higher. Riders may choose to trot or canter over cross rails.

Champion & Reserve Champion

Beginner Hunter

To be shown over cross-rails. Open to riders who have not yet reached their 18th birthday as of December 1st of the current competition year. Riders may not cross-enter into any classes with fences 2’3” or higher. Riders may choose to trot or canter over cross rails.

Champion & Reserve Champion

Low Schooling Hunter

Fences 2’3” in height. Open to all horses and riders.

Low Modified Equitation

To be shown over fences 2’-2’3” in height spreads not to exceed 2’. Open to all horses and riders. Riders may not cross enter into any division with fences 2’6” or higher.

Champion & Reserve Champion

Low Modified Hunter

To be shown over fences 2’-2’3” in height spreads not to exceed 2’. Open to all horses and riders. Riders may not cross enter into any division with fences 2’6” or higher.

Champion & Reserve Champion

Schooling Hunter

To be shown over fences 2’6” in height. Open to all horses and riders.

Junior/Adult Equitation

To be shown over fences 2’6” in height with spreads not to exceed 2’6”. Open to all riders.

Champion & Reserve Champion

Junior/Adult Hunter

To be shown over fences 2’6” in height with spreads not to exceed 2’6”. Open to all riders.

Champion & Reserve Champion

Open Schooling Hunter

To be shown over fences 2’9” in height with spreads not to exceed 2’9”. Open to all horses and riders.

Easter Egg and Spoon Race

Riders complete a class carrying an Easter Egg on a spoon at walk, trot and canter. Open to all horses and riders English and Western. Last rider left with the egg is the winner!

Western Class Specifications


Open to all horses. Divisions available are mares/fillies, geldings/stallions, and 2yrs and younger. Handlers of stallions and horses ages 2 years and younger must be 18 or older. *No Exceptions!*


Open to all riders who have never shown in and are not ready to ride in a walk, jog, lope class. This is a walk/jog division.

Champion & Reserve Champion

13 & under

Open to riders ages 13 & under. This division is a walk/jog/lope division.

Champion & Reserve Champion

14 -18

Open to riders ages 14-18. This is a walk/jog/lope division.

Champion & Reserve Champion


Open to riders of all ages. This is a walk/jog/lope division.

Champion & Reserve Champion


Shall be judged strictly on the exhibitor’s ability to fit and show a horse at halter. Patterns will be posted the morning of the show. Divisions available are beginner, 13 &under, 14-18, and open. (AQHA Rules and Guidelines Section 472, page 230)


Shall be judged on the rider’s ability to execute a set of maneuvers prescribed by the judge with precision and smoothness while exhibiting poise and confidence. There will be a pattern and then rail work. The pattern will be posted the morning of the show. Divisions available are beginner, 13 & under, 14-18, and open. (AQHA Rules and Guidelines Section 473B, page 234)


Shall be judged on the movement and temperament of the horse at both directions and at available gaits horse may be asked to extend gait and back. Divisions available are beginner, 13 & under, 14-18, and open. (AQHA Rules and Guidelines section 464 pages 220-221)


Shall be judged on the ability of horse and rider to work through common obstacles. Divisions available are beginner, 13 & under, 14- 18, and open; all divisions are open to English and Western. Trail pattern will be posted the morning of the show.

Open Reining

Open to all western riders. Riders must guide horses through a series of maneuvers while the horses show willingness and little resistance to guide through each maneuver. Maneuvers include large fast/small slow circle (lope), spins, lead changes, and sliding stops. Pattern will be posted the morning of the show.

Easter Egg and Spoon Race

See class specifications under Hunter Seat.

**Rider’s in w/j classes may not cross to w/j/l and w/j/l rider’s may not enter a w/j class.**

Cazenovia College Equine Education Center

Rules and Regulations

  1. Smoking is not permitted at the CazenoviaCollegeEquineEducationCenter, with exception to inside personal vehicles with the windows closed.
  2. All exhibitors are encouraged to wear a hardhat with a permanently attached, securely fastened harness and flexible brim while mounted SEI/ASTM approved hats are required for all hunter seat exhibitors. All riders under the age of 14 are required to wear SEI/ASTM approved hats according to NYS law.
  3. The Horse Show Management Class or Farm Operations Manager reserve the right to cancel, change, combine or split classes in any way.
  4. All persons entering the barn are to be respectful of others and the staff at all times. All exhibitors are asked to practice good sportsmanship and good horsemanship.
  5. Horses are not permitted inside the farm’s stabling areas.
  6. No riding or grazing on the lawn without permission specifically given by management
  7. Lungeing will be restricted to specified “lungeing areas.”
  8. All barn phones are for business and emergency use only. No person is permitted to use the phone for personal calls.
  9. If an accident occurs the Farm Operations Manager or one of the Equine Care Managers must complete an Accident Report (which are kept in the managers office) Please notify a manager if any horse/rider/spectator is injured in any way while on the grounds.

10. Exhibitors are discouraged from bringing pets to the EEC.

Any pets on the grounds must be on a leash. No pets are

allowed to be in the arena, schooling area, or lungeing area.

11. Anyone violating any of the above rules will be asked to leave

the EEC.