Just to keep you informed, as of April 25, 2014, here is a brief synopsis of things being worked on/or accomplished in your City.
City Manager’s Office
Ø Attended a Relay for Life meeting as we prepare for the Relay on Saturday, April 26th.
Ø Participated in the Book Give-Away and reading at the Charter School sponsored by the Rotary Club.
Ø Met and gave a presentation to the Naples Daily News Editorial Board on money saving/revenue producing initiatives in the City over the past two and one-half (2 ½) years.
Ø Facilitated the Strategic Planning Session for 2014 with input from City Council and members of the public putting together the city priorities. This information is being compiled and will be brought back to Council.
Ø Attended the REIS luncheon along with Arleen Hunter, Director of Development Services, and the topic was homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act with Chris Heidrick providing an overview of the Act's increases in coastal areas.
Ø Met with Representative Ray Rodrigues, Mayor Nelson, Carole Green and Ashley Stacell to talk about the Estero referendum, Bonita annexations and the map submitted to the legislative committee without the City of Bonita Springs’ input.
Ø Attended a “Solar Ready” Community meeting at Regional Planning Council offices to support the city’s efforts towards Sustainability. This effort will be integrated into the city-wide review being undertaken by Community Development staff.
Ø Began the annual review of Emergency Preparedness and Planning in order to prepare staff and elected officials for upcoming storm season roles and responsibilities.
Ø Attended the National Hurricane Conference in Orlando for two (2) days in order to gain insight into latest status and possible future actions relative to National Flood Insurance Program policy premiums, rates and limitations as a result of the Grimm-Waters amendment to the Biggert-Waters Bill.
Ø Finalized the recommendations of the Technology Advisory Board and presented same to Council for consideration and approval and now preparing steps for implementation.
Code Enforcement:
Ø Unpermitted donation drop off boxes recently placed, have been identified, the respondent contacted and the boxes removed.
Ø Continued monitoring of blasting activities in East Bonita, with no issues to date.
Ø A large amount of illegal dumping in East Bonita has been cleaned up by the property owners.
Ø Letters sent to all business that have previously registered for the weekend banner program, advising them of the recent changes.
Ø Currently monitoring political signs for compliance, ensuring that those eliminate from the running, remove their signs.
Ø Continued monitoring of beach club parking during spring break, checking for compliance with parking requirements.
City Clerk:
Ø The front desk/reception staff greeted 230 guests and directed 526 calls to various departments from March 14, 2014 through April 24, 2014.
Ø The City Clerk’s office responded to 27 public records requests through April 24, 2014.
Ø The proofs for the Land Development Code have been reviewed by the City Clerk and City Attorney and forwarded to Municipal Code Corporation for codification. The next step is review of proofs of the Code of Ordinances, which will be conducted on April 29.
Ø Fire alarm inspection conducted at City Hall.
Ø The new entryway at City Hall was completed on April 25.
Ø Letters have been sent to Lee County providing notification of annexations in progress. Notices of Hearings have been advertised providing notification of the upcoming annexation hearings.
Ø Meeting to discuss the trap/neuter/return program, as a joint project with Lee County Animal Services. Preparation of process and brochure is underway.
Ø Budget requests for the City Clerk/Administrative Services department have been submitted for the coming fiscal year.
Ø Met with our Xerox representative to discuss upgrades to our photocopiers. New agreements will be entered into at a cost savings of $206 per month.
Communications Department:
Ø Processing Special Event Permit for the Memorial Day Service.
Ø Processing Special Event Permit for FPL Union Picnic.
Ø Processing Special Event Permit for Bonita Springs Concert Band.
Ø Processing Special Event Permit for Living Waters Service.
Ø Attended a Walk-thru for Relay for Life Event.
Ø Attended Veterans Advisory Meeting.
Ø Held wrap up meeting for Celebrate Bonita.
Ø Started initial planning for 4th of July.
Ø Planning ribbon cutting for Bonita Nature Trail.
Ø Updates made to City Web & Social Media.
Ø Finalizing details for the transition of the Parks and Recreation Website to become a part of the City’s website.
Ø Updates added to slider section of homepage.
Ø Bulletin Board updating and BTV98 monitoring observed daily.
Ø Celebrate Bonita segment now airing.
Press Releases/Media:
Ø Memorial Day Service
Ø Release announcing that Bonita Springs is listed in the top 25 Cities to Follow Your Bliss by Forbes Magazine.
Ø Release announcing that Bonita Springs is listed as #2 for Top Small Cities in Florida in Cities Journal.
Development Services:
Ø The City was featured by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity in their quarterly newsletter for the implementation of the “One Stop Shop” permitting process. The City was recognized as an example of best practices.
Link - http://sitefinity2.floridajobs.org/quarterly-newsletter-q2/quarter-2/city-of-bonita-springs?utm_source=DEO+Quarterly+Newsletter&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=Quarter+2+Strategic+Business+Development)
Ø Staff met with representative of Shy Wolf Sanctuary to explore potential locations.
Ø Staff meet with representative from the Hyatt and Pelican Landing to discuss food service at their private beach.
Ø Staff toured the new Global Tech facilities on Quality Quart with Christine Ross and discussed economic development incentives.
Ø Staff met with representatives of Shangri-La regarding site layout and parking requirements.
Ø Staff entered into a confidentiality agreement and held a pre-application meeting with a potential new company.
Ø FGCU SBDC with the assistance of staff conducted a “Doing Business in Bonita Springs” workshop at the Liles Hotel.
Ø Staff attended the WCIND grant hearing with Councilman Slachta and presented the City’s grant request.
Ø Staff attended the Leitner Park Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.
Ø RaceTrac Fuel – Contractor is working aggressively to complete and open this station in June. The westbound turn lane construction on Bonita Beach Road will be completed soon and permits are being processed for building and site signs. Family Dollar has delayed the start of construction on the adjacent site.
Ø Comedy Club - Permits for site development have been reviewed and additional information requested prior to approval. Building Plans for renovation of the existing structure are anticipated soon.
Ø Center of Bonita – Paving and drainage are substantially complete in Phase 1. The south entrance on Bonita Beach Road is scheduled for completion next month. Final landscaping and lighting will be added in June with a target opening of the New Publix in July. Plans are under review by staff for exterior changes to the façade north of new Publix and the developer plans to start Phase 2 (around old Publix) this summer.
Ø Bonita Bay Lake Renovation – Construction to repair lake banks adjacent to several homes in this community continue. To prevent future property damage seawalls and permanent slope protection has been used.
Ø Starbuck/Tides - Building construction is underway on this site on North 41. Underground utilities should be completed soon with a target opening date later this summer.
Ø American House – The site lake has been completed and Phase 1 and 2 building are under construction. Grading and drainage on Longfellow will begin soon with site paving scheduled in July. Final completion of Phased 1 and 2 structures is schedule early next year 2015.
Ø Baywood Phase 2 (Bonita Bay) – paving and drainage have been completed in this Bonita Bay Community. Inspections and certification should be completed soon.
Ø Ceilo in the Colony - Construction is near completion and site inspections underway. Several units are near completion with CO’s anticipated on models next month.
Ø WCI has accelerated construction of Phase 2 in the Terrazzo Community (The Colony). Several triplex units are under construction in this new Phase. Models are open to the public.
Ø Bonita National - Golf course construction continues with plans to seed the area in early June and open the course by the end of this year. Plans are under review by staff for Phase 1 homes and Lennar plans to open models in November.
Ø Reserves at Silverstone – This site on Bonita Beach Road and east of I-75 is being cleared and a Blasting Permit under review by staff. The site is being cleared and lake excavation should begin soon.
Ø Community Development staff changes – Trisha Goff (Permit Technician) has been moved to an Engineering EI position and will assist with the technical plan review and compliance inspections.
Ø IT has installed the new accounting software and the implementation consultant will be at City Hall for two weeks starting Monday April 28th. At this site visit, the software will be customized for the City’s financial functions and finance staff will be trained. Go live date has been scheduled for August 4th.
Ø Finance staff has completed on-line training sessions required before the initial consultant site visit.
Ø Staff has designed and submitted new account coding to improve and continue to comply with state reporting requirements.
Ø Staff has completed the consolidation of our vendor listing for conversion into the new accounting software.
Ø Finance staff has met with various departments to provide requested information for preparation of 2014-2015 budget expenditure requests.
Ø Staff is working on revenue estimates for the 2014-2015 budget cycle.
Ø Staff has submitted the departmental budget packets which enables the departments to gather data for their 2014-2015 budget expenditure requests.
Ø We will be reviewing and summarizing for presentation to the City Manager who will complete a line-by-line review of budget requests.
Ø Finance staff has completed and remitted the Finance department budget for 2014-2015 budget.
Ø Staff is completing the Beginning of Cycle performance evaluations.
Ø Staff is building a Design-Build template for Public Works.
Ø ATV Beach patrol ref. illegal parking.
Ø Crosswalk Operation on Hickory Boulevard.
Ø Conducted Traffic Operation in San Remo.
Ø Attended City Council Meeting.
Ø Crime Suppression Operation (Bike Thefts).
Ø Conducted Traffic Op US 41 and Old US 41 Road.
Ø Provided security and road closure for Movies in the Park.
Ø Attended pre-meeting for Celebrate Bonita at City Hall.
Ø Provided security and road closures for Celebrate Bonita.
Ø Town Hall Meeting at Worthington Country Club ref burglaries.
Ø Attended Spring Creek Elementary breakfast (Volunteer Appreciation).
Ø Conducted Traffic Operation on Imperial Parkway.
Parks & Rec:
Ø Pre-bid meeting was held today for the Depot Park Restroom renovation project.
Ø Working with Community Development on inspections and requirements for the Café of Life to receive their Certificate of occupancy for the new Leitner Neighborhood Park, the Ribbon cutting for this park will be on Friday April 25th at 11am.
Ø The Old Recreation Center restroom renovations are now complete. The installation of the new floor for the main room has begun today with projected completion of May 6th.
Ø The Mayhood Dog Park has an approved Land Development Order and the bid documents are in the City finance department for review.
Ø The Bicycle Pedestrian Safety Committee has requested the city add bicycle safety PSA’s to Bonita TV so we are working on getting releases for the videos to use.
Ø The Parks and Recreation Maintenance staff assisted the Bonita Y with the annual Mud Run event by constructing the Mud Pit.
Ø Attended the Strategic Planning Workshop.
Ø The Parks and Recreation Maintenance staff assisted with the Earth Day event at Riverside Park.
Ø Working on Pool locker room drain and floor issues by meeting with Community Development, plumbers and contractors to look into different options for repair.
Ø Staff worked with BSU in repairing a Water main break in Community Park shutting off water to parts of the Park including the Community Pool and Library for a few hours.
Ø Recreation Center Summer Camp registration is now open. Summer Camp begins on Thursday May 29th.
Ø Met with Matt Feeney regarding changing the scope of work on Phase 3 of River Park, we are looking at building boardwalks, shell paths and the last fishing pier instead of just additional boardwalks, shell paths and no fishing pier due to our Army Corp of Engineering permit will expire in 2015 for the fishing pier project.
Ø Met with Public Works regarding Pool landscaping and the scope of work needed for this to happen for the upcoming budget requests.
Ø Met with John Robinson with the Adrenaline Pro Soccer team as they will be taking over the Bonita Youth Soccer League for the fall season.
Ø Meeting with Parks and Recreation Staff for beginning of new cycle performance appraisals.
Ø Met with Carl, John G and Lisa regarding looking into the ownership of beaches by the City.
Public Works:
Ø Shangri-La Road: Construction continues: FP&L completed power line relocations.
Ø Downtown Improvements: Retained Landscape Architect Christian Busk to develop design criteria package documents in preparation for design build solicitation.
Ø Garrett Street: Completed drainage improvement project, installing two driveway crossing pipes.
Ø Palm St. Drainage Project: Solicited bids for a pipe repair project, Tomkins contracting was the low bid and has been awarded the project.
Ø Stop Sign Reflectivity: Inspected the reflectivity of City Stop Signs, replaced approximately 50 signs.
Ø Hampton Street: Completed asphalt overlay and drainage project.
Ø Work Order Software: Developed inspection templates for new work order management system.
Ø Unpaved Roads PH II: Developed bid documents for Phase II Unpaved Roads Project.
As always, should you have questions regarding this, please let us know!
u:\admin assistant 2\senior staff\whats going on\what's going on 2014\administration - what's going on - 4-25-14.doc