# 14

To: Karen Johnson, President Florida APWA

Treasure Coast Branch submits the February 2010 Quarterly report:

APWA Executive Meeting Minutes

December 10, 2009

In Attendance: Milton Leggett, City of Stuart Dan Giesey, City of PSL

Barbara Miller, SLC Debi Spivey, SLC

Mike Davis, City of PSL Dean Schuett, PSL

Richard Perkins, City of PSL Bill Griffin, City of Stuart

Meeting was called to order at 9:05. A motion to approve the minutes from the November 12th meeting was made by Richard, seconded by Mike and approved as submitted by all attending members.

Dan gave the Treasurer’s report and informed the group we have $8,869.09 in our account. He also mentioned that branch dues are once again due and that we have two members who paid at the last meeting; Steve Marquart and Robert Rawley. Debi will send out the membership renewal forms with the January meeting flyer.

The January meeting speaker is being arranged by Debi and she is working on securing a room at the Fenn Center in Fort Pierce. We are in need of suggestions for the sandwiches for this venue and it will be discussed at the January meeting.

As far as Fort Pierce and Sebastian participating in our monthly meetings, Milton has heard nothing from either of them. We need to try to spark some interest in both of these entities.

Mike asked about the possibility of doing another cruise drawing for Valentine’s Day as well as at the Golf Tournament. Both of these were well received and the profit from the Valentine’s Day drawing could go to our food drive project. Everyone thought that it was a good idea and we will discuss it again at the January meeting.

SLC will try to have their Paradise Park project featured in February as the roads and drainage will be making major strides at that time.

2010’s golf tournament will be held on May 1st at the Fairwinds Golf Course and the food for the tournament will be through their food vendor. We will have the contract to go over at the January executive meeting. It was suggested that we could ask participants to bring a can of food as part of their registration. If they brought 2 cans of food we could give them a free raffle ticket. With the economy the way it is, more of the gifts, trinkets, etc. will fall on our group to provide. Since we have a descent amount in the bank as well as an excellent price per golfer, we should be able to “upgrade” the items we put in the goody bag.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:40.

APWA Executive Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2010

In Attendance: Milton Leggett, City of Stuart Dan Giesey, City of PSL

Barbara Miller, SLC Debi Spivey, SLC

Mike Davis, City of PSL Joe Velardo, PSL

Richard Perkins, City of PSL Bill Griffin, City of Stuart

John Dunton, City of PSL

Meeting was called to order at 9:10. A motion to approve the minutes from the December 10, 2009 meeting was made by JD, seconded by Dan and approved as submitted by all attending members.

Dan gave the Treasurer’s report and informed the group we have $7,836.46 in our account. This balance was after paying $1,116 to Carnival Cruise Line for the cruise we are raffling off on March 27th with the proceeds to go to the Treasure Coast Food Bank.

The guest speaker for January 21st meeting will be Blair Milliken of Milliken Environmental and will be held at the Havert Fenn Center in Fort Pierce. Sandwiches for the meeting will be from Dominick’s Corner Grill in Fort Pierce.

The February meeting will be at the new Public Safety Complex on Kirby Loop Road with Victoria Stalls as our speaker. The lunch will be a boxed lunch from the IRSC’s cafeteria. More on this meeting will follow.

We will be doing a drawing for a cruise on March 17th. The tickets will be available on Thursday at the regular meeting and a flyer will be distributed. This year, the proceeds from the drawing will go to the Treasure Coast Food Bank.

We are asking each entity to set up a place where donated food items can be collected and Debi will see about having a centralized collection point at the Road & Bridge compound. We are requesting that each person bring a food item to our regular meetings and for the golfers to bring one at the tournament sign in.

PSL will provide the project to be featured in February with SLC providing the project to be featured in March.

Rich and Dan will meet with the food vendor for The Fairwinds on a number of issues. They will be charging us $35 per golfer to include the contests, range balls, gratuity, lunch and administrative fees. It was discussed and we will be leaving the cost at $60 per golfer. The golf committee will be meeting in the near future and we are always in need of volunteers, especially in the morning for the all important sign in and ticket sales.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:45.

APWA Regular Meeting Minutes

January 21, 2010

In Attendance:

Milton Leggett, COS Kirk McCosh, PSL Ann Amandro, SLC Muthu Peter, SLC

Debi Spivey, SLC Dean Schuett, PSL Paul Bertram, FTP Donald Freedland, PSL

Richard Parks, PSL Don Pauley, SCL Jim Kawa, PSL

Dan McPadden, PSL Bill Griffin, COS Don West, SLC

Joe Velardo, PSL Richie Marino, SLC Brad Macek, PSL

Dan Giesey, PSL Richard Parks, PSL Marc Rogolino, COS

Larry Nadeau, PSL Burt Saleeby, SLC Bill Reinert, COS

Barbara Miller, SLC Mike Davis, PSL Eric Heilfurth, SLC

The meeting was called to order at 11:45 by Milton Leggett.

Presentation: Blair Milliken of Milliken Environmental gave the presentation on what his company could do for public and private entities. Its mission is to clean large diameter storm or sewer pipes that are too large for the normal Vac-Con truck to handle. It also can be used to clean various types of tanks and remove up to 75 cubic yards per day of grit/sediment/debris under normal conditions. His presentation was very informative and well received as there were numerous members waiting to talk to him after the meeting. If you would like to learn more you can go to their website http://www.bigpipecleaning.com.

September Minutes: Milton asked if everyone had a chance to read the minutes from the November 19, 2009 meeting and if so, was there a motion to accept them as written. The motion was made by Dan Giesey and seconded by Paul Bertram. Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Dan Giesey gave the treasurer’s report which shows our balance as $7,836.46 before paying for today’s lunch.

Membership Drive: Milton asked that we continue to recruit possible members and the attendance of this meeting was the best we have had in a long time. We need to keep this momentum going.

February Meeting: The February 18th meeting will be held at the new IRSC Public Safety Complex on Kirby Loop Road in Fort Pierce. Victoria Stalls will be the presenter and provide us with a tour of the new facility.

FYI: We sent our quarterly news update to Dale Crosby. This was submitted by the City of Stuart.

Miscellaneous information:

·  The Treasure coast APWA are currently working on a food drive for the Treasure Coast food bank. The collection will be taken up and stored by the various municipalities within the branch. The collection will be completed on March 17th (St...Patricks Day) and delivered to the bank.

·  Additionally we have a drawing for a 4 day Caribbean Cruise for two. All proceeds to go to the Treasure Coast food bank, (attachment.)

·  The City of Port Saint Lucie will be going for their re-accreditation starting on Sunday February 21, 2010 wish us luck.

That concludes my report.

John Dunton District VII Representative