Ms. Orton’s Biology Class
2017-2018Disclosure Document
Welcome to the Starship Explorer
In science, this year I invite you to go boldly where no student has gone before. To seek out new life and new experiments. Come learn the wonders of life and become a true Starfleet Officer. We will be flying through the year on the Starship Explorer. As your captain, I invited you to become familiar with these well know quotes.
Biological Scienceis for grades 9-12 and is a 1.0 credit course. Biology, study of living things, exposes students to a wide range of biological processes including molecular and cell biology, heredity and genetics, ecology, evolution and the diversity of life. The science processes of observation, hypothesizing, measurement and data gathering, analysis, interpretation and application are applied. Laboratory activities make up a significant part of the course. This course will follow state biology standards. Learning targets and assessment details will be provided with each unit. The textbook is Biology by Miller and Levine published by Pearson with a copyright of 2010.
The Prime Directive
The prime directive will allow for all students the freedom to learn in a safe environment. Star fleet expects all members to work as a team, have respect and learn in a safe environment.
Prime Directive (Rules)
- Respect the teacher, classmates, and the classroom
- Listen and follow directions
- Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat
- Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
- Electronics are to be kept put away
- Be on time- Timpview attendance policy will be followed
- No food or drink- water is ok
- The captain excuses you from class—the bell does not
You will be assimilated into class but……
You will need to fill out the tardy log. The tardy log is filled out by the student before sitting down. When needed, the teacher will inform the student to talk to her after class.
Beam me up Scotty
When you need to be rescued, remember how to call for help!
- I will be available during Monday consultation time and after school to help students.
- If absent it is your responsibility to look in the absent crate folders where the unit’s assignments are and turn in what was missed.
- The deadline for late work is the day of the unit test at the beginning of the period. No late work will be accepted after the unit test.
- There is no make up for quizzes due to being tardy or an unexcused absence.
- Missed labs must be made up on the following consultation time. After that time, the lab cannot be made up.
- A missed test must be made up within a week.
- Keeping up with the class requires less rescue.
Make It So
Grades will be assigned on the scale and weight below.
Exams 50% of final grade- (unit and final exam)
Assignments 50% of final grade- (assignments, lab work, quizzes, participation)
A=100-94%, A-=93-90% B+ = 89-87%, B=86-83% B- = 82-80%, C+ = 79-77%, C= 76-73%, C- = 72-70%, D+ = 69-67%, D 66-63%, D- = 62-60%, anything less than 60% is failing.
Assignments are due at the beginning of class.
Cheating is not allowed. Be true and honest with yourself.
Students will need to have a three-ring binder, loose leaf paper, pencils, and colored pencils.
Hailing on all frequencies
I can be reached at my email and by phone.
Name: Ms. Monica OrtonL20Phone: 801-221-9720x3601Email:
Live Long and Prosper
Since we all want to live long and prosper, follow all lab safety rules. See last page for lab rules and permission slip.
Resistance is Futile
Your signature is required
A parent and the student need to sign this form and the Lab Safety Form. Please return with signatures as soon as possible. Only students with a signed lab safety form will be able to participate in labs.
Parent/Guardian please fill out and return the following information:
Student Name:______
Parent/Guardian Name:______
Home Telephone Number:______
Parent Cell Phone Number:______
Parent Email Address:______
How do you prefer to be contacted? Email Phone
Does the student have allergiesyesno If yes please list
I have read this disclosure document.
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Lab Safety Rules and Permission Slip
- Report all accidents, injuries, and breakage of glass or equipment to instructor immediately.
- Keep pathways clear by placing extra items (books, bags, etc.) on the shelves or under the work tables. If under the tables, make sure that these items cannot be stepped on.
- Long hair (chin-length or longer) must be tied back to avoid catching fire.
- Work quietly — know what you are doing byreadingthe assigned experimentbeforeyou start to work. Pay close attention to anycautionsdescribed in the laboratory exercises
- Do not taste or smell chemicals.
- Wearsafety gogglesto protect your eyes.
- Do not attempt to change the position of glass tubing in a stopper.
- Neverpoint a test tube being heated at another student or yourself. Never look into a test tube while you are heating it.
- Unauthorized experiments or proceduresmust notbe attempted.
- Leave your work station clean and in good order before leaving the laboratory.
- Do not lean, hang over or sit on the laboratory tables. The tables will tip over.
- Do not leave your assigned laboratory station without permission of the teacher.
- Learn the location of the fire extinguisher, eye wash station, first aid kit and safety shower.
- Fooling around or "horse play" in the laboratory is absolutely forbidden. Students found in violation of this safety rule will be barred from participating in future labs and could result in suspension.
- Anyone wearing acrylic nails will not be allowed to work with matches, lighted splints, Bunsen burners, etc.
- Do not lift any solutions, glassware or other types of apparatus above eye level.
- Follow all instructions given by your teacher.
- Learn how to transport all materials and equipment safely.
- No eating or drinking in the lab at any time!
STUDENT SAFETY CONTRACT I, ______, a student at Timpview High, have thoroughly read the Laboratory Safety Rules and do hereby agree to follow all safety rules and procedures given therein. I understand that misbehavior in the lab or failure to follow safe lab procedures could cause a serious accident. I further understand that a violation of these rules could result in my not being allowed to participate in future lab exercises.
Parent signature
I have read the Lab safety rules and the student safety contract and will instruct my student to follow the student safety contract.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date ______
Student Signature: Date: