70th Birthday Thanksgiving Dinner Written Report
11th March, 2007
This report is to accompany the 70th Birthday Thanksgiving Pictorial Report.
The 70th Birthday Thanksgiving Dinner was sponsored by KC Ung’s children and their respective families, and guests were invited by them on consultation with their dad. His children are Christopher, his wife, Deborah and their two children (Tara and Isabelle) in the United States, Dorothy, her husband Robert Khaw and their two children (Daniel and Hannah), and Alvin and his wife, Leong Huey Fern in Kuala Lumpur.
The programmebegan at 7.00p.m. withAlvin leading the preliminary singing of two classic hymns - Great is Thy Faithfulness and All the Way My Saviour Leads Me. Daniel Khaw accompanied the singing on his guitar. By the time the singing was over theguests (with one absent) were already seated. On each of the seven tables were personalized coloured envelopes containing a pewter key-chain, a special edition of the Berita Bethel, a list of names who had sent in Birthday wishes and the Lord’s Day Rumination for the next day. The nyonya-food dinner at MAMA’s Nonya Food, Aboo Sittee Lane, commenced after Mr. Yong Hin Seng, elder of Sungei Ara Gospel Hall gave thanks for the food.
The ten dishes on the menu (Appendix 1) were not only substantial but also very delicious. Every one commented on the authenticity of the nyonya dishes and all enjoyed the food. After 40 minutes or so, dinner was over and the thanksgiving programme commenced.
Robert who took over officially started with his usual witty and humorous remarks to invite Mr. Tan Tiong Leng, KC's over 50-year comrade-in-armsto speak. He was given 5 minutes but he took almost 15 minutes to narrate the three heart-touching visits that KC and his wife paid him and his wife when they really needed it (Appendix 4). Both he and his wife were very touched by these loving acts even as the diners were also touched by his emotional voice as he narrated these anecdotes. Alvin who was supposed to stop him after 5 minutes was himself so touched that he allowed him the extra time.
Robert continued by quoting Aristotle for his theme on Friendship (Appendix 2) when inviting the next person to speak. He was Mr. Edward Low, an elder of Sungei Nibong Gospel Hall. He commenced by commenting on the fact thatKC’s children were inviting only 70 guests fortheir dad's 70th birthday.(He did not mention that the dinner was to start at 7.00 pm and there were only 7 tables!) He related his three-phase relationship with KC. (Appendix 4).
After that Alvin took over with his fun-filled personal trivia quiz (Part I) on his dad – exposing KC’s private life to the public. For those who succeeded to answer the five questions in this Part 1 of the quiz, they received special material and monetary prizes in keeping with the nature of the question asked. (Appendix 3)
The third speaker was Mr. Lim Seok Hoay, an elder from Cheras Gospel Centre. He regarded KC as a close brother in the Lord and always addressed him intimately as bro. Ung. (Appendix 4)
The fourth and last speaker was Mr. Ernest Poon, Secretary of the Malaysian Missionary Services (MMS) Trust. He commented that he only knew KC 11 years ago and therefore the shortest of his friends who just spoke. (Appendix4)
With that, Robert invited Alvin to continue Part II (Nos. 6-10) of his quiz. This part was harder and full of wit, humour and fun. It sent everyone into stitches at the expense of his dad. The recipients of the prizes which were in keeping with the nature of the questions sent the whole gathering into further laughter, as these prize-winners received good quality prizes which they might not be able to “cash”. (Appendix 3)
The next part saw the Khaws presenting in powerpoint their dad’s life-history and family relationships. (Unfortunately the clip consisted of photos not for universal viewing!) It was very well-prepared and covered what they intended to show of their dad’s personal life rather well.
Then came Alvin’s sharing of his dad. He shared on the 7 Paradoxical Attributes of dad(Appendix 5). Again, his dad’s personal life was exposed to public eye, but it was very well done with respect, discretion, honour and humour. Mr. Ernest Poon commented that he was glad he came all the way from KL because he had come to know more of KC’s past of which he had little idea before. Mr. Lim Seok Hoay commented that he was impressed with what Alvin said about the Ung Family Newsletter and shocked him that it went up to the 6th volume!
Then came the point every one was waiting for. All the members of KC’s family together with their spouses and children had been physically introduced, but where was Christopher and his family? Robert’s announcement came: Dorothy would now present her brother’s message of wishes and congratulations to his dad on powerpoint. (again not for universal viewing)Chris’ viewpoint of his dad threw another perspective to his dad’s life that in his elderly age he could still relate to his two granddaughters of ten and three years old when he visited them last year. It sort of enhanced KC’s paradoxical attributes as “expounded” by his youngest son earlier.
After this Robert announced the climax of the evening as the lights were dimmed and a three-kilo cake shaped in the form of the Bible was brought out with one lighted candle and the figure70 standing up on top of the cake and 70th Birthday of KC Ung and Psalm 31:3 written on it. The sponge cake had longan and lichee in it, covered with fresh-cream icing. Robert invited KC and his wife to the front and together they cut the cake. As a bonus, KC kissed his wife in front of all to show his appreciation of his darling wife for all these 40 years and more. Many in the crowd were caught by surprise and missed that loving act and asked for a repeat. KC obliged and gave an encore!
After the cutting of the cake, Robert invited all the three BRGH elders, together with all the four guest speakers and family members to come to the front to pray for KC and his wife. One representative from the three categories of people – i.e. Mr Ong Eng Guan, Mr Ernest Poon and Alvin – prayed.
After that it was KC’s turn to respond to all that had been said. He had nothing much to say except just to say THANK YOU to his Good, Great and Glorious God for taking care of him for all these 70 years, for his wife of over 40 years, for his children and their spouses and for their children. He was also thankful to his prayer-partners and those who had practical fellowship with him in his ministry for the Lord. He was sad that all could not be invited because of the lack of space.
At the conclusion of the programme, the cut cake was distributed to all and the dessert of bubur cha-cha ended the whole programme and dinner. By that time it was nearly 10.30 pm and it was indeed overtime for the staff, yet they came to wish KC and smilingly even said that they enjoyed the whole service. They did not mind the overtime.
So ended a time of Thanksgiving to God, KC’s family, and all his prayer-partners and co-workers in the Lord’s Service. Thank you for coming and thank you for participating.
Appendix 1: The Menu for the evening:
1.Appetizer: Pickled Anchovies.
2.Purut Ikan (Fish stomach cooked with herbal leaves, spices, etc.)
3.Ju-hoo char (Yambean fried with shredded dry cuttle-fish.)
4.Otak-otak (Steamed fish paste)
5. Assam tumis prawns (creamy lemon grass sambal prawns)
6.Tau Yew Bak (Pork in soya sauce)
7. Ayam Ros (Chicken cooked in spices)
8.Kerabu Sayonumi (sweet-sour grounded dried prawns fried with sayurnumi)
9.Birthday Mee (Birthday noodles)
10. Bubur Chacha (- bananas, potatoes cooked in coconut milk as dessert)
Appendix 2– Quote from Aristotle
Here are the seminal insights about friendship in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics: friends are motivated because they are useful to one another … because they enjoy one another … and because they share a commitment to “the good”. “The good” in dad’s case would be, inter alia, the partnership in the gospel (Phil 1:5).
Appendix 3– TriviaQuiz on KC and the Prizes to be won (in block letters) by Alvin Ung
[Refer to the Pictorial Report for the prize-winners.]
Rule: One person can only answer once.
- What is his favourite fruit? (Answer: Bananas) A BUNCH OF BANANAS
- What is the name of the house he lives in? (Answer: Bethel) RM4.00 TO EAT AIS KACANG in SWATOW LANE FOR TWO.
- How else does he travel for ministry in KL apart from taking the bus? (Answer: Air travel) AIRASIA VOUCHER TO PURCHASE TICKET FOR TRAVEL FOR ONE. (Note: it was an Air Asia promotion ticket for 30 sen air fare.)
- What is something edible that he does not eat? (Answer: Nothing) CHEE CHEONG CHOK for 2 at KUALA KANGSAR ROAD, CHOWRASTA MARKET. RM4.00 CASH IS ATTACHED.
- What is his favorite ‘uniform’ when he preaches? Hint: inspired by Mahathir (Answer: Bush Jacket). PRIZE OF ANEW RED T-SHIRT
- What western name was he given at his baptism? (Cyril) A PACKET OF 3-IN-1 CEREAL (20 SACHETS)
- What is his website address? ( AN AUTOGRAPHED BOOK - TAMING THE TIGER
- Where is his favourite place for morning walk? (Gurney Drive) 4 PACKETS OF ORIGINAL KOREAN SEAWEED
- What is the forbidden time to visit him? (2-3 pm) A DISH OF FISH HEAD CURRY at PENANG STREET NASI KANDAR STALL. CASH VOUCHER OF RM10.00 IS ATTACHED.
- How old is his motorcycle? (37 years) FREE PILLION RIDE on PK9454 with KC UNG and thereafter for BREAKFAST @ JELUTONG MARKET
Appendix 4– Speakers’ Tit-bits by Dorothy Ung
- Mr Tan Tiong Leng
[Elder, Burmah Road Gospel Hall and KC Ung’s comrade-in-arms for over 50 years.]
I would like to share on 3 incidents which touched my life:
- It was in 1989 on the morning before my wife went to Saudi Arabia to work (to help relieve our financial difficulties arising from Stephen going abroad for further studies). We were very taken up with the prospect of long separation compounded by 4 family members in 4 different places. Mr & Mrs Ung somehow knew what we were going through. On that morning, 3 of them (together with Dorothy) visited us and bought breakfast for the family. Then Mr Ung prayed for our family. The prayer and time spent together with us was such a relief for us. We went to airport confident that God would take care of all of us.
- In 1996 we were very excited when our first grandchild arrived. However, after 2 months, he stopped growing. He was diagnosed as a blue baby and the doctor suggested immediate surgery. We were devastated and cried. Mr & Mrs Ung heard about it and came over to our house and prayed with us and for the child’s parents as well. We were much comforted. Here is a friend who somehow knows our needs.
- In January 2007, it was my own 70th birthday. My children’s schedule was very tight, so we had planned to just spend time with Colin and his wife. Mr Ung (who calls me Tai-kor even though I’m only just a little bit older than him) didn’t allow to just let the day pass. At 1.45 pm, well past his sleeping time, he (and Mrs Ung) sacrificed his nap and came to my house and bought very nice dessert for us.
This is the Mr Ung who likes surprises. His children all know that he is that sort of person and we’ve had these surprises many times over. I say this not to glorify Mr Ung, but to glorify God and to show you that Christian friendships can be very deep, very real and very beautiful.
- Mr Edward Low
[Elder, Sungei Nibong Gospel Hall and a prayer-partner in KC Ung’s ministry.]
Our relationship with Mr & Mrs Ung can be divided into 3 phases:
- Long-range – it started way back in early 1970s. We were involved in youth work in Jalan Imbi. But we knew him only as Cyril Ung. We desired him to be our camp speaker, but he was always so overbooked.
- Mid-range - In the 1970s, we came to Penang, and worshiped in IGGC. Straight face, straight-jacketed and in his bush jacket, we were not supposed to get too close to him! But over time, we grew to be impressed by his teaching ministry.
- Close range – we moved from IGGC to Sg Nibong when the new work started. At this close range, we came to know Mr Ung in a personal way. He was seconded by BRGH to Sg Nibong to assist in expansion work. From Day 1 of Sg Nibong, together with Mr Daniel Jevaraj, he was a tower of strength to us. That was 25 years ago.
Mr Ung is one person without whom a lot of things would not have happened.
- Without him we would not have the Mission Night. It is a ministry which has borne much fruit.
- Without him, there would have been no Penang Assemblies Partnership.
- Without him, there would have been no Northern Regional Fellowship - this arose from his concern over our brothers and sisters in the Lord
- Without him, there would have been no Sg Nibong Adult Bible class.
As you can see, Mr Ung has pioneered many initiatives for the Lord, and today we look up to him as a role model.
3.Mr Lim Seok Hoay
[Elder, Cheras Gospel Centre, and prayer-partner of KC Ung in missions.]
In the 1960s, we were in the YP group together. Once, I attended the Malaysian Assembly Leaders’ Conference. We gravitated to each other perhaps because we spoke Hokkien and we use email and internet. From that time onwards, our relationship grew. We went to Myanmar together. I enjoyed hearing him speak. The people in Myanmar wanted him to speak longer. He had so much to say. Once he surprised me when he stopped speaking after 1 hour. Then, he looked at me and said “your turn”!
I thank God for 3 things as I think of Mr Ung:
- His passion to share God’s Word - He has always so much to share, even though we have already given him so much time. He challenges me to always go back to God’s Word.
- His vision for mission - Because of his vision, we all like to go again for mission. At this age, he is still talking about mission. He is a role model for us. We are encouraged and challenged to go the mission field and support those in the mission field.
- His love for the brethren - I’m in KL and far away, but the internet has brought me closer to him. Mr Ung is my prayer partner.
I also want to thank God for Mrs Ung. Mrs Ung is always there for him to help him remember things.
4.Ernest Poon
[Secretary of Malaysian Missionary Services Trust).
I love this brother. He is the second oldest full-time worker in Pan-Asia. But compared to the rest of you, I only know Mr Ung for 11 years.
I met Mr Ung in 1996 at the Genting Highlands Assembly Mission Conference. He was a serious guy. But later he gave me a lot of encouragement. Lately, we shared a lot of emails and telephone messages on missions. In missions, we need a lot of passion and patience. Mr Ung had both.
We went for a mission trip to Myanmar together. Mr Ung is so prepared with so many messages ready. This showed me that in mission, we must be well-prepared. This is a lesson I learned from him.
We also have differences – how we call ourselves. Mr Ung says we must call ourselves the small ‘b’, while I call myself the big “B” (brethren vs Brethren). But how to win him? I just let him win because he is more senior than me.
Appendix 5 – Dad’s Seven Paradoxical Attributes by Alvin Ung
Seven Paradoxical Attributes of Dad
Today, I’d like to reflect on seven paradoxical attributes found in my father.
Paradox is not contradiction. Paradox describes two seemingly opposite attributes residing in one person.
For example:
1. You are a gifted teacher yet you are teachable.
- Since your teens, you’ve been well-regarded as a teacher.
- Taught Mathematics to Sis, Alvin and Huey Fern. We all got A’s.
- SHOW: “Happy Ash, Happy Detrey.” The tuition t-shirt.
- Yet the more important attribute is to be teachable.
- You allow yourself to be taught by God – studying Scripture for three hours a day. 1000 hours a year. For more than 50 years = 50,000+ hours!
- You also allow yourself to be taught by your children. We don’t always agree with you. But you have come to respect our views and to value them.
2. You have a steadfast faith in God yet you continue to change and grow.