Breadalbane Academy Nursery News October 2016
Changes to procedure
We have introduced a new way of recording your child’s learning. Each child has a learning log which their key worker updates regularly with all their focussed learning activities. The learning logs are kept in their trays and you are welcome to look at these at any time.
On the reverse are the Perth and Kinross Developmental Milestones. This is the criteria we use when teaching, consolidating assessing and evaluating your child’s learning. A larger copy of The Developmental Milestones is displayed in the nursery cloakroom.
At the end of term we will be asking for your feedback on our nursery. You will be asked a few questions at drop off and pick up times. We welcome your thoughts, questions and ideas.
For the first week after the October holidays our theme will be Halloween. We will have various Halloween themed activities organised for the week and children are welcome to come wearing Halloween costumes at any point during this week. Please leave masks at home as some children find masks upsetting.
S is for safety
Throughout the year we will be looking at each area of the Shanarri or well-being wheel.
The ‘S’ in the Shanarri wheel stands for safety.
As part of our safety week (week beginning 3rd October) we will be looking at road safety. A road safety storybook about Ziggy will come home. We would appreciate if you could reinforce this message at home.
Attendance Reminder
If your child is unable to attend nursery (appointments/holidays/illness), please phone the school office and notify them of the reason.
Breadalbane Academy School Office: 822300
Drop in Session
We would like to invite you in on Wednesday the 5th of October from 12pm – 12.40pm. We will be serving pain au chocolat and hot chocolate.
In term 2 we will be planting bulbs. We will put the date on the notice board and hope you can join us for our ‘planting party’.
Should you have any queries that you would like to discuss, please come into the nursery office to arrange an appointment or call 822300.
Kind regards,
Lesley Morrison
Nursery Teacher