Information Transferred to Other Justice Agencies

Municipal Law Enforcement Information Management Survey


Department Name:

Name & Title of Person Completing Survey:




General Automation

What types of police information systems does your agency maintain? Please indicate whether the system was custom developed for your agency or was purchased off-the-shelf.

CustomVendor Name

Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System 

Case Reporting/Records Management System 

Arrest Booking System 

Property Inventory System 

Other: 

What steps do you take to ensure that your information is accurate, complete, and current?

Municipal Law Enforcement Information to State’s Attorney’s Office

What information do you send? / Method of transmission/exchange:
Manual/Paper based / Electronic Batch / Electronic Real-Time / Other
State Identification No. (fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
FBI Identification No. (fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Social Security No. (non-fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Driver’s License No. (non-fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Incident / Case Number /  /  /  / ______
Arrest Number (case booking number) /  /  /  / ______
Document Control Number /  /  /  / ______
Subject Name /  /  /  / ______
Subject Date of Birth /  /  /  / ______
Other Subject Demographic Information /  /  /  / ______
Incident/case reporting information /  /  /  / ______
Follow-up investigation information /  /  /  / ______
Charge Data /  /  /  / ______
Ticket /  /  /  / ______
Arrest Report /  /  /  / ______
Felony 101 /  /  /  / ______
RAP Sheet Information /  /  /  / ______
Evidence / Property Inventory /  /  /  / ______
Criminal Complaint /  /  /  / ______
Complaint Transmittal /  /  /  / ______
Victim Information /  /  /  / ______
Arresting Officer Information /  /  /  / ______
Subject Status: Bail Bond /  /  /  / ______
Subject Status: Probation /  /  /  / ______
Subject Status: Parole /  /  /  / ______
Subject Status: Subject to Order of Protection /  /  /  / ______
Subject Status: Warrant information /  /  /  / ______

Which of the following electronic methods does your agency use to transfer information to the State’s Attorney’s Office? (select all that apply)

Diskette Magnetic Tape

CD-ROM E-mail

Electronic Connection to S.A.’s Office Web-Based interface with the S.A.’s Office

Which of the following manual methods does your agency use to transfer information to the

State’s Attorney’s Office? (select all that apply)

Phone Hand delivery

Facsimile Postal Service

Please identify any additional information your agency sends to the State’s Attorney’s Office:

Municipal Law Enforcement Information to Circuit Court Clerk’s Office

What information do you send? / Method of transmission/exchange:
Manual/Paper based / Electronic Batch / Electronic Real-Time / Other
State Identification No. (fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
FBI Identification No. (fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Social Security No. (non-fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Driver’s License No. (non-fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Incident / Case Number /  /  /  / ______
Arrest Number (case booking number) /  /  /  / ______
Document Control Number /  /  /  / ______
Subject Name /  /  /  / ______
Subject Date of Birth /  /  /  / ______
Other Subject Demographic Information /  /  /  / ______
Incident/case reporting information /  /  /  / ______
Follow-up investigation information /  /  /  / ______
Charge Data /  /  /  / ______
Ticket /  /  /  / ______
Non-Traffic Citation /  /  /  / ______
Arrest Report /  /  /  / ______
Complaint /  /  /  / ______
Complaint transmittal /  /  /  / ______
RAP Sheet (criminal history information) /  /  /  / ______
Evidence / Property Inventory /  /  /  / ______
Felony 101 /  /  /  / ______
Victim Information /  /  /  / ______
Arresting Officer Information /  /  /  / ______
Affidavit for Arrest Warrant /  /  /  / ______
Unsigned Arrest Warrant /  /  /  / ______
Subject Status: Bail Bond /  /  /  / ______
Subject Status: Probation /  /  /  / ______
Subject Status: Parole /  /  /  / ______
Subject Status: Subject to Order of Protection /  /  /  / ______
Subject Status: Warrant information /  /  /  / ______

Which of the following electronic methods does your agency use to transfer information to the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office? (select all that apply)

Diskette Magnetic Tape

CD-ROM E-mail

Electronic Connection to the Clerk’s Office Web-Based interface with the Clerk’s Office

Which of the following manual methods does your agency use to transfer information to the

Circuit Court Clerk’s Office? (select all that apply)

Phone Hand delivery

Facsimile Postal Service

Please identify any additional information your agency sends to the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office:

Municipal Law Enforcement Information to Jail / Sheriff’s Department

What information do you send? / Method of transmission/exchange:
Manual/Paper based / Electronic Batch / Electronic Real-Time / Other
State Identification No. (fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
FBI Identification No. (fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Social Security No. (non-fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Driver’s License No. (non-fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Incident / Case Number /  /  /  / ______
Arrest Number (case booking number) /  /  /  / ______
Document Control Number /  /  /  / ______
Subject Name /  /  /  / ______
Subject Date of Birth /  /  /  / ______
Other Subject Demographic Information /  /  /  / ______
Incident/case reporting information /  /  /  / ______
Follow-up investigation information /  /  /  / ______
Charge Data /  /  /  / ______
Ticket /  /  /  / ______
Arrest Report /  /  /  / ______
RAP Sheet Information /  /  /  / ______
Evidence / Property Inventory /  /  /  / ______
Complaint /  /  /  / ______

Which of the following electronic methods does your agency use to transfer information to the Jail / Sheriff’s Department? (select all that apply)



Magnetic Tape


Electronic Connection to the Jail / Sheriff’s Department

Web-Based interface with the Jail / Sheriff’s Department

Which of the following manual methods does your agency use to transfer information to the

Jail / Sheriff’s Department? (select all that apply)



Hand delivery

Postal Service

Please identify any additional information your agency sends to the Jail/Sheriff’s Department:

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Information Received From Other Justice Agencies

Circuit Court Clerk Information to Municipal Law Enforcement

What information do you receive? / Method of transmission/exchange:
Manual/Paper based / Electronic Batch / Electronic Real-Time / Other
State Identification No. (fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
FBI Identification No. (fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Social Security No. (non-fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Driver’s License No. (non-fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Subject Name /  /  /  / ______
Subject Date of Birth /  /  /  / ______
Other Subject Demographic Information /  /  /  / ______
Circuit Court Case No. /  /  /  / ______
Case Court Calendar /  /  /  / ______
Bail Bond Data /  /  /  / ______
Charge Information /  /  /  / ______
Charge Statute Citation /  /  /  / ______
Complainant Information /  /  /  / ______
Case Disposition Information /  /  /  / ______
Arrest Warrant /  /  /  / ______
Arrest Warrant Transmittal /  /  /  / ______
Order to Recall Warrant /  /  /  / ______
Recall/Execute Transmittal /  /  /  / ______

Which of the following electronic methods does the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office use to transfer information to your agency? (select all that apply)



Magnetic Tape


Electronic Connection to your agency

Web-Based interface with your agency

Which of the following manual methods does the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office use to transfer information to your agency? (select all that apply)



Hand delivery

Postal Service

Please identify any additional information your agency receives from the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office:

State’s Attorney’s Information to Municipal Law Enforcement

What information do you receive? / Method of transmission/exchange:
Manual/Paper based / Electronic Batch / Electronic Real-Time / Other
State Identification No. (fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Subject Name /  /  /  / ______
Subject Date of Birth /  /  /  / ______
Circuit Court Case No. /  /  /  / ______
Charge Description /  /  /  / ______
Charge Approval /  /  /  / ______
Charge Statute Citation /  /  /  / ______
Approval of Probable Cause /  /  /  / ______
Indictment (charging document) /  /  /  / ______
Information (charging document) /  /  /  / ______
Witness Search Information /  /  /  / ______

Which of the following electronic methods does the State’s Attorney’s Office use to transfer information to your agency? (select all that apply)



Magnetic Tape


Electronic Connection to your agency

Web-Based interface with your agency

Which of the following manual methods does the State’s Attorney’s Office use to transfer information to your agency? (select all that apply)



Hand delivery

Postal Service

Please identify any additional information your agency receives from the State’s Attorney’s Office:

Sheriff’s Department Information to Municipal Law Enforcement

What information do you receive? / Method of transmission/exchange:
Manual/Paper based / Electronic Batch / Electronic Real-Time / Other
State Identification No. (fingerprint based) /  /  /  / ______
Subject Name /  /  /  / ______
Subject Date of Birth /  /  /  / ______
Other Subject Demographic Information /  /  /  / ______
Warrant Information /  /  /  / ______
Jail Admissions & Release Information /  /  /  / ______

Which of the following electronic methods does the Sheriff’s Department use to transfer information to your agency? (select all that apply)



Magnetic Tape


Electronic Connection to your agency

Web-Based interface with your agency

Which of the following manual methods does the Sheriff’s Department use to transfer information to your agency? (select all that apply)



Hand delivery

Postal Service

Please identify any additional information your agency receives from the Sheriff’s Department:

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Information Received From Other Justice Agencies

What is your agency’s most important integration need?

CAD – RMS Integration

CAD – LEADS Integration

CAD – Mobile Data System (ALERTS, IWIN, Other) Integration

RMS – Booking Integration

RMS – Property Inventory Integration

Police Department – Circuit Court Clerk Integration

Police Department – State’s Attorney’s Office Integration

Police Department – Jail / Sheriff’s Department

Police Department – State Bureau of Identification (CHRI)

Police Department – State Bureau of Identification (Live-Scan)


Describe any pending or planned changes in your information sharing practices.

Are there areas where data exchanges with other agencies could be improved?  Yes  No

If so, please indicate where technical, legislative, or procedural improvements are needed.




Identify any other interfaces or exchanges that should be created:

Describe any recent or current efforts to plan or build an integrated countywide justice information system.

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